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In some ways packing up would be a relief. It would also hurt, a lot.

3 towns and 3 jobs in 3 years, looking forward to a longer innings but there is never any surety in the market right now. Even the ones I left behind seem to be doing worse or no better than before, no regrets, no consolation either. Fair whack of progress though. Training anywhere is a joke, I cringe when someone blames their training or lack of. It is a confidence and perceptiveness problem.
DJ_L3ThAL said:
What's that!? I'm 4 years out engineer and apart from useless "free" internal corporate training the only course ive done was given to me for free from a technology provider... companies are a joke / lost cause in the consulting industry.
Welcome to real life, where the only training you get is what you make yourself.

Sent from my wooden rabbit with an unladen African swallow.
Dave70 said:
I dunno.
Whatever happened to the good old days when artists would chop an ear off or poision themselves with absinthe when they felt slighted..
Whatever happened to laudanum?
Now there is an idea for a special release beer: Sierra Nevada Inspiration Ale.
(it has a Whiteley baboon on the label)
Bizier said:
Whatever happened to laudanum?
Now there is an idea for a special release beer: Sierra Nevada Inspiration Ale.
(it has a Whiteley baboon on the label)
I think Pfizer bought the rights and re badged it as Oxycontin.
Greedy big pharma robbing the neighborhood druggist of a line of income and skill set to boot.

Speaking of druggists and toothache, I have one.
Anybody got a link to the Lloyd Manufacturing Company?

manticle said:
Got pulled aside by HR rep today who acknowledged the discrepancy, accepted reponsibility and suggested we will all move up to the higher rate and be backpaid for each hour worked since the first new employees started (1st September). Strange coincidence that I confronted my boss about it on Friday who said he'd been fighting it for 3 months (but neglected to tell any of us about it, hoping it would go away). He must have been fighting hard for us.

Think i've worked for that bloke before.

Did he use the expression 'Tooth and Nail' ?

When you went to see the Director about it did he tell you it's the first he's heard of it?

:D -_-
We had one boss we called the Boomerang, he was always gunna 'get back to you'.

The two Managers above him we called 'The Mirror' as he was always looking into it, and the other one was 'The Man of The People' as no matter what side of an argument or discussion he was listening to, he was on your side.
punkin said:
Think i've worked for that bloke before.

Did he use the expression 'Tooth and Nail' ?

When you went to see the Director about it did he tell you it's the first he's heard of it?

:D -_-

My guess is he piped up gently once and was told not to say anything. I always had his full support though (which I've had before and is not worth the breath it's offered with).
Or he piped up once and got a pay increase and a nudge nudge wink wink.
Under the proposed restructure he does get a pay increase so it is in his best interests not to rock the boat with HR and upper management/directorate.

I never really expected him to change it but would have appreciated being told. Things get found when you sweep them under the rug.
Dave70 said:
I think Pfizer bought the rights and re badged it as Oxycontin.
Greedy big pharma robbing the neighborhood druggist of a line of income and skill set to boot.

Speaking of druggists and toothache, I have one.
Anybody got a link to the Lloyd Manufacturing Company?

A rose by any other name...

There is a bit of a toothache going 'round, I think I'm coming down with one too.
I'm in toothache drops land now. Everyone around me is on the nod, except the nurses hopefully.
bum said:
****. It's the time of year where people start banging on about "clean and crisp" beers ad nauseum.

Your Coopers tin and single pack of s23 probably isn't gonna get you there, sunshine.

Came out from the fridge incredibly clean tasting, dry, all round thirst quenching drop.

I once read someone use some of these words about beer. I don't know what it is that I like about beer (I just drink it because my Dad did so I presume that's how you be a man) so I'll just throw all of these words I know about it in to one sentence that doesn't really convey anything.

To be honest, "drop" is probably the most galling bit.
I'll go out on a limb and say amateur wine reviews must really get your goat (s).
Only if they go out of their way to not actually say anything.
I'm getting pepper on the nose with hints of spice after the swirl followed by complex cigar box on the middle palate leading to a chewy silky tannin finish.