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Bizier said:
You do know that those statistics were just published by the government to make you think that you are safer. I tend to rely on actual information, like from ACA. I'll bet you are actually a secret communist government informant trying to sell my land to boat people.
Wow! Seaside property Bizier! Clearly you're one of the fat cats.
Bizier said:
. I'll bet you are actually a secret communist government informant trying to sell my land to boat people.
Damn! Caught!

Do svidaniya, tovrasich.
Airgead said:
You guys do realise that the incidence of violent crime has been steadily dropping for the last 30 odd years don't you? OK.. I'll grant you there is a slight rise in assaults but if you look closely its closely correlated with being in the wrong kind of nightclub at 4am smashed off your face.

All figures publicly available -

At the same time reporting of violent crime has risen and the perceived incidence of violent crime has also risen.

So you are safer than ever but feel less safe than ever.

Stop watching the news. Put the guns away and just have a homebrew.
2 degrees in criminal justice diasagree with you and those stats. And whilst incidents hmay have been decreasing severity has been increasing. Besides I was making comment on a hobby. Like comparing robinox to cheap chinese imports.

Besides I like hunting, sport shooting and im ex army.

But im taking your advice and having homebrew.
Airgead said:
You guys do realise that the incidence of violent crime has been steadily dropping for the last 30 odd years don't you? OK.. I'll grant you there is a slight rise in assaults but if you look closely its closely correlated with being in the wrong kind of nightclub at 4am smashed off your face.

All figures publicly available -

At the same time reporting of violent crime has risen and the perceived incidence of violent crime has also risen.

So you are safer than ever but feel less safe than ever.

Stop watching the news. Put the guns away and just have a homebrew.

I'm sure those stats will reassure the parents of that four year old.

Like I stated in my post, I consider keeping my firearms at home a liability hence the reason why they are stored with bolts removed, trigger locks fitted and all ammunition stored separately under lock and key.

But I will join you and have a homebrew... while ah clean mah shootin irons. ;)
Yeah.. I know. Its no consolation to know that what happened to you has a vanishingly small chance of happening to anyone else. Just like its hard to tell the family of an air crash victim that air travel is the safest form of travel ever. Or the shocked survivors of an earthquake that the chances of being caught in an earthquake are millions to one.

Even if the statistics happen to be true. Eppur si muove.

I've taken my own advice and had a homebrew. Actually I've had several. Including half a bottle of rather good mead. I'm in a happy place. I won't harsh my mellow dwelling on crime statistics. I shall have another homebrew. Or two.

I think from general mood that people are less happier today than 9.5 years ago when I moved to oz. My particular observation.

It's a lot more nanny state than it was, there is a lot less confidence in the future. People are a bit more frustrated with things in general. Govt stats and media are like.... A housemate of mine were commenting that India is a ****** up place wrt women's rights and the caste system etc etc. bit of a 'I've never left my hometown' comment from him. It's just that that **** gets reported these days and people make more noise about it when it happens. Overall, things are way better than they used to be. But that's not what the news percolating says. We must believe Al Jazeera and their opinionated news.
On the other hand, I met up a motorcyclist in Barcelona a few years ago and he mentioned that riding from Sydney to Asia through India, Pakistan, Iran and turkey on to Europe, he felt really at ease in both India and Iran. I suppose that's just first person observations which fly in the face of govt and news network inspired drivel.
Wow. I made a chilli sauce with not much more than chilli, spices like fresh ginger and vinegar and it is truly merciless. At least that is the case if you try to use it like a dip. I CAN see through time.
I mulled some cider last night. Very nice indeed.
practicalfool said:
I think from general mood that people are less happier today than 9.5 years ago when I moved to oz. My particular observation.

It's a lot more nanny state than it was, there is a lot less confidence in the future. People are a bit more frustrated with things in general. Govt stats and media are like.... A housemate of mine were commenting that India is a ****** up place wrt women's rights and the caste system etc etc. bit of a 'I've never left my hometown' comment from him. It's just that that **** gets reported these days and people make more noise about it when it happens. Overall, things are way better than they used to be. But that's not what the news percolating says. We must believe Al Jazeera and their opinionated news.
On the other hand, I met up a motorcyclist in Barcelona a few years ago and he mentioned that riding from Sydney to Asia through India, Pakistan, Iran and turkey on to Europe, he felt really at ease in both India and Iran. I suppose that's just first person observations which fly in the face of govt and news network inspired drivel.
I lived for a year in a Muslim Country (Turkey) - children and young people were very respectful and polite. No graffiti. 100% literacy. Waiting for a bus, people would see that I was a foreigner and would come out of their houses offering nuts and hard boiled eggs so I could have a snack while waiting (You decline politely by saying in Turkish "May [Allah] give you abundance") - I could walk around the most decrepit and slummy areas of Istanbul at midnight and be perfectly safe. The elderly are worshipped for their wisdom. The current riots are because a nice park was about to be taken away from people who like to go there with their wives and toddlers.
I actually thought of settling somewhere in Turkey and meeting a nice girl, but didn't fancy getting circumcised :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
Bribie G said:
I lived for a year in a Muslim Country (Turkey) - children and young people were very respectful and polite. No graffiti. 100% literacy. Waiting for a bus, people would see that I was a foreigner and would come out of their houses offering nuts and hard boiled eggs so I could have a snack while waiting (You decline politely by saying in Turkish "May [Allah] give you abundance") - I could walk around the most decrepit and slummy areas of Istanbul at midnight and be perfectly safe. The elderly are worshipped for their wisdom. The current riots are because a nice park was about to be taken away from people who like to go there with their wives and toddlers.
I actually thought of settling somewhere in Turkey and meeting a nice girl, but didn't fancy getting circumcised :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
After reading this I had to scroll up to double-check which thread I was in.
Went to get a beer, but the smallest thing in the fridge was a pint bottle. Currently sipping some crappy butterscotch schnapps from the Hunter.
The things we do.
Thrice a night and you're doing alright?
Bribie G said:
The current riots are because a nice park was about to be taken away from people who like to go there with their wives and toddlers.
I'm a little surprised Bribie that a bloke who's been around a bit such as yourself would offer up such blazay commentary on the situation in Turkey.
When a government claims secularism then attempts to imprison citizens for thought crime, blasphemy, pass laws banning adultery and starts pushing (shoving) an increasingly conservative (religious) agenda down everyone's throats, there's a little more to it than folks lamenting the loss of a nice little park.

Do pardon the on topic-nes of my post.