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practicalfool said:
Ah, hey F. Got to go through it again on Tuesday.

The anaesthetist screwed it up last Thursday, put me under and then injected local anaesthetic into the general eye socket area instead of the muscle the surgeon wanted controlled. Dilated eye, couldn't operate. Been stuck with a bloody eye all weekend. Hoping they get it right this time :S it actually looks fairly scary walking into anywhere without sunnies atm. Might give children sleepless nights...

Hope you are keeping a photographic record of all this. May come in handy down the track.
Sympathies mate. I got anterior uveitis a couple of years ago, it's an autoimmune thing where your eye decides to destroy itself, starting with the iris ("iritis") - had to put in corticosteroids and atropine dilator drops for two months but sorted itself out. Before modern medicine it was and still is the leading cause of blindness, nowadays in third world countries.


That's not me, but could have been.
Never Forget

Actually I got a bit sad seeing this, made me realise how fecking old I'm getting, can still remember loading Wolfenstein from three floppies and playing it till four in the morning

"Hoofboffle" (blue guy just popped up, you're ******) :lol:

never forget.jpg

Edit: - Gold. :D
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Wolfenstein rocked. Esp with the level editor and you just creat epic battle levels.

My first computer was a commedore64 which I learned some programing on and bloody computer games were still $80 all those years ago. Then when we got the 386 with 2mb of ram which was the **** and the ram itsself cost almost $300.

Ah those were the days.
Mouse $30

10 X 3 1/2 floppies $25

14" VGA monitor $500

And they flocked, they flocked.

386 ad.jpg
Started out with a Commodore Plus 4 which was even more basic than the 64.
I still remember when we picked it up at Aldi (!) back then, around 1984, including datasette player and an overly huge floppy disc player.
My first 386 had a 60mb hard disk. Holy f*cking **** who needs that much space! And a turbo button that would boost that little sucker to 33Mhz.
Apple IIc - I could beat it in chess, and I was def not good at chess.
But lots of time went to Space Quarks
"Why is that frozen? ... Oh, it used to take that long."
And that player sucks.
How else is he supposed to find out?!?!?
I can understand why people get annoyed about bad brewing advice on here, but **** me sideways there is some ****-awful ******** on here at the moment that has nothing to do with brewing.
This is the funniest **** I've seen in a long time. Tears and all.
Wish they had have donw something with the chick. That really would have been funny.
Why are there no cider threads and only one STC 1000 thread in the current topics?