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Good find bum. I am trying to sail the web in a relatively legitimate vessel rather than the old 50 cal-equipped pirate speedboat of old, so I have been trying to do whatever graphics using freeware. It takes me seriously about fifty times as long as using the real gear and puts my laptop at serious risk of being thrown at a faraway surface.

ED: I guess it is like reformed drug users, yes, you can get by on a coffee and a hug, but it just aint the same.
Just measured out recipes 99 & 100.
A milestone.
Hope it doesn't **** up, but I do have a LOT better luck in winter,
Nicely done, Pete. Congrats.
petesbrew said:
Just measured out recipes 99 & 100.
A milestone.
Hope it doesn't **** up, but I do have a LOT better luck in winter,

Grats Pete.. I will try and have 100 beers in your honour tomorrow...

Good **** pete

Nfi mm y count of beers. Or how to spell. True story also.

Edit centurian at cocks tomorrow. Im in for that. Considering ducking taxi drivers will get lostv between warrendyte andv ringwood and it wulll cost me $40 to get home.

How will u get me to pay for ur homebrew lol?
Now crime .

Always thought I lived in an safer suburb .
Triple mmm said that sum chick nearly got raped just the corner from mine .
Maybe her boy freind maybe a fukt up ****
Don't know
But everyone round here is talking bout it

We all put **** on Yankee boys bout their guns and that
But *** me

I can't play golf and I am not a rascal

Seems like the days are getting closer that I might have to activate my bush knife skills and finish with an easy chip onto the green with the trusty ol wedge !
I am city slicked up but would be easier to just have a little 44 .

Don't want gaol time but if it saves my family from crime so be it :(
Way things are mate, it's going to get a bit worse before it gets any better. Keep safe.
PS: enjoying ol melb for a bit of rnr before I head back to the work mill next week. It really poured last night! I drove through 2-2.5 feet of water on toorak rd, friggin hilarious but the jeep looks cleaner than it has in months :p
Cheers Lads.
99. Nth German Altbier
100. Centurion Stout (foreign extra).

For 100. you gotta do something awesome, and Stouts are awesome.
northside novice said:
Now crime .

Always thought I lived in an safer suburb .
Triple mmm said that sum chick nearly got raped just the corner from mine .
Maybe her boy freind maybe a fukt up ****
Don't know
But everyone round here is talking bout it

We all put **** on Yankee boys bout their guns and that
But *** me

I can't play golf and I am not a rascal

Seems like the days are getting closer that I might have to activate my bush knife skills and finish with an easy chip onto the green with the trusty ol wedge !
I am city slicked up but would be easier to just have a little 44 .

Don't want gaol time but if it saves my family from crime so be it :(
I know how you fell NN.

A 4 yr old was raped recently at a local shopping centre near me. The sick **** that they caught was from my suburb too. Me and the missus have now wrapped our girls in even more cotton wool. I never thought I'd mollycoddle my kids but it seems you have to in this day and age.

I have a couple of hard calibres in the safe for hunting but reckon they're more of a liability when it comes to home defense. A cricket bat's a little more forgiving. One thing about the states is they seem to have there self defense laws figured out. ie they favour the defender.

Caption competition.
Punkin, that thread should be deleted. This place wouldn't be the same if they got rid of Cocko.
Camo6 said:
I know how you fell NN.

A 4 yr old was raped recently at a local shopping centre near me. The sick **** that they caught was from my suburb too. Me and the missus have now wrapped our girls in even more cotton wool. I never thought I'd mollycoddle my kids but it seems you have to in this day and age.

I have a couple of hard calibres in the safe for hunting but reckon they're more of a liability when it comes to home defense. A cricket bat's a little more forgiving. One thing about the states is they seem to have there self defense laws figured out. ie they favour the defender.
sawn off 12 guage mossenberg 590 or remington870 with pistol grips. Best in home defence. A lot of other great hunting shottys are unreliable with reduced loads and unless ur using full shot and trying to kill people youd want reduced shot. Not that australia allows such things. Rifles are too cumbersome etc. Now if your talking about hunting down these bastards them rifles are the go (im not advocating vigilante actions or breaking the law). Or as dirty harry would advocate a magnum. Although in reality a HK USP or colt 45APC is a much better option. Mangums look cool blow anything away but are unreliable and poor accuracy.

There always has been and always will be scum. Just hope that when the bastard goes to jail he gets a brush with gen pop. They dont take kindly to child molesters....

Anyways all a bit heavy for a sunday morning.... how about a breakfast beer. Hmmm breakfast beer stout. I have a choc wheat stout atm that tastes like a choc milkshake with hints of coffee. I could easily have that for breakky. Nom nom nom.
You guys do realise that the incidence of violent crime has been steadily dropping for the last 30 odd years don't you? OK.. I'll grant you there is a slight rise in assaults but if you look closely its closely correlated with being in the wrong kind of nightclub at 4am smashed off your face.

All figures publicly available -

At the same time reporting of violent crime has risen and the perceived incidence of violent crime has also risen.

So you are safer than ever but feel less safe than ever.

Stop watching the news. Put the guns away and just have a homebrew.
Airgead, you're no fun.

You and your "logic".

You do know that those statistics were just published by the government to make you think that you are safer. I tend to rely on actual information, like from ACA. I'll bet you are actually a secret communist government informant trying to sell my land to boat people.