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bum said:
You're showing your bias here, CM2. You've just implied that the Coalition's NBN plan is better than Labor's.

That's ricockulous.
nah coalitions proposal is crap also. I thought I implied that. Using copper is just silly. Reliable but old tech. Silly. Nfi why turnbull put his name anywhere near it. Hes more sensible tham that
WarmBeer said:
They'd probably berate you for your bad spelling skills and fat fingers.
lol. I almoat made a ref to that but knew someone would do it for me.
Originally his brief from tony was to "destroy the NBN" - so he's probably done as much arm twisting as he can to the man who took his job to get it to this point. I'm sure he cringes every time he defends it.
Yeah, big sorry to Lecter and jlm.

It's been over a year since I put down my old boy and I still see him out of the corner of my eye when I'm outside playing with the kids or whatever.

I still find myself scraping scraps after dinner onto a separate plate for the old bugger, then remember!

Tough times, fellas.
Went into LHBS today to get my gas bottle I dropped off on Thursday, guy behind the counter says it's not here. I ask well where is it? Dunno, the boss isn't in yet and I wasn't here yesterday. I was pretty pissed off at this stage and say well what happened to the next day refill policy I was promised when I bought the bloody thing off you. He repeats I dunno I wasn't here yesterday, its not my fault the boss is late. He says if you can wait I will give her a call, I reply, no I have to go I am in a hurry to go somewhere. With that I walked out.
Get a phone call about 45 minutes later from the owner telling me my bottle is in the shop ready to be picked up and proceeds to give me a spray for being rude to her staff. I am at this stage absolutely fuming. She then tells me she is sick of "*********" constantly coming in her store and having a go at staff "because they want it now and can't get it". This is followed by me laughing and told her that's what shop fronts are for. If I didn't want it now I would order online.
The conversation carried on for a bit, I mentioned how the hops should not be stored on the shelves. She then tells me that they aren't refrigerated when they are being transported in the van to her shop, so why do they need to go in there now. I also mentioned that the hop shelfs are near the window in packages that let light hit them, no problem with that either.

So there we have it don't go to this LHBS if you want to get it now, that's just plain rudeness. Also don't bother with keeping your hops stored in the fridge/freezer.
Thanks for the condolences everyone.
jyo said:
Yeah, big sorry to Lecter and jlm.

It's been over a year since I put down my old boy and I still see him out of the corner of my eye when I'm outside playing with the kids or whatever.

I still find myself scraping scraps after dinner onto a separate plate for the old bugger, then remember!

Tough times, fellas.
I know exactly what you mean. My old bull terrier Chopper (the unfortunate name SHE came with) was deaf from birth which is why I took her long ago. She had few prospects if I didn't. She really was a true prick of a dog.......given the opportunity she'd try to kill anything she could get a hold of, which always confounded people when they gave me the "Don't worry about my dog" thing when letting theirs free range on the streets and I'd reply "Well worry about mine", who was always harnessed and leashed.
Anyway, after 12 years of constantly remembering to keep doors shut......religiously exercise dog morning and evening.......upon hearing a neighbor's dog yelp and quickly going to find mine and make sure she wasn't the cause......I've realised how much effort I put into that dog now she's gone.
I can just wake up and go to work. I can just come home and do.......well nothing. My routine is ******. That dog was the only constant from when I was a drunk, druggy **** up when I got her, up until where I've got myself today.
Point being....Old dog habits do indeed die hard.
Ad Watch

So McDonalds scoured the continent for people with the surname "Chicken"

And they are all in New Zealand

since when was New Zealand part of or attached to a continent?


Like it's unreliable and falling apart and guzzling petrol as the ad suggests.

Good home goal, in other words go to Carsales and buy a gas guzzing wreck.

Are these people fucktards or what.
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(Chuckle) ^

I ordered the earth's children series books yesterday. Looking forward to it.
I put a comment in the Craft beer tv thread, but what's peoples opinion of two blokes drinking out of the same glasses.

Sorta turned my stomach this morning, just doesn't look right. :icon_vomit:
punkin said:
I put a comment in the Craft beer tv thread, but what's peoples opinion of two blokes drinking out of the same glasses.

Sorta turned my stomach this morning, just doesn't look right. :icon_vomit:
Yet, it's quite alright when you see video of two guys "sharing" a woman like a pig on a spit?
jlm said:
Thanks for the condolences everyone.
I know exactly what you mean. My old bull terrier Chopper (the unfortunate name SHE came with) was deaf from birth which is why I took her long ago. She had few prospects if I didn't. She really was a true prick of a dog.......given the opportunity she'd try to kill anything she could get a hold of, which always confounded people when they gave me the "Don't worry about my dog" thing when letting theirs free range on the streets and I'd reply "Well worry about mine", who was always harnessed and leashed.
Anyway, after 12 years of constantly remembering to keep doors shut......religiously exercise dog morning and evening.......upon hearing a neighbor's dog yelp and quickly going to find mine and make sure she wasn't the cause......I've realised how much effort I put into that dog now she's gone.
I can just wake up and go to work. I can just come home and do.......well nothing. My routine is ******. That dog was the only constant from when I was a drunk, druggy **** up when I got her, up until where I've got myself today.
Point being....Old dog habits do indeed die hard.
My old girl went @3 years ago, still miss her ( bullterrier too). Would have another in a flash except we plan on alot of travel soon.
Couple from down the road turned up one day and demanded I pay Vet bill (over a grand) as my dog had apparently attacked their little fluffy thing. I asked how that was possible as my Dogs never got out ( 6 foot paling fence @ whole property ) They suggested that their dog could probably wiggle under my fence. Politely pointed out to them that keeping their dog in their yard was infact a council requirement, and if followed fluffy would be fine. They threatened legal action but never heard about it again.
I've had several bullies and only that one was a fighter. The others had a certain superior aloofness, other dogs would growl at them and they'd just look at them with a **** you look and completely ignore them ( unless bitten of course).
punkin said:
I put a comment in the Craft beer tv thread, but what's peoples opinion of two blokes drinking out of the same glasses.

Sorta turned my stomach this morning, just doesn't look right. :icon_vomit:
Doesn't bother me in the slightest.
punkin said:
I put a comment in the Craft beer tv thread, but what's peoples opinion of two blokes drinking out of the same glasses.

Sorta turned my stomach this morning, just doesn't look right. :icon_vomit:
What's your view on multiple football players drinking from the same water bottle?
WarmBeer said:
Yet, it's quite alright when you see video of two guys "sharing" a woman like a pig on a spit?

Not my cup of tea mate, i think it's gross. Not some thing i'd ever watch.

Sharing any drink receptacle whether it's footy players or beer drinkers is not some thing i'd do. I think it's repulsive.
I have to agree with Punkin could not share a glass with anyone apart from my wife. I absolutely crack the ***** if anyone touch's my food, cant eat it if anyone touch's it after its been made, even a sandwich.
bradsbrew said:
I have to agree with Punkin could not share a glass with anyone apart from my wife. I absolutely crack the ***** if anyone touch's my food, cant eat it if anyone touch's it after its been made, even a sandwich.
While I am not that bad, I have had random blokes offer me a taste of their beer when I see them drinking something I haven't and I politely decline.

I am unbothered with glass sharing provided it is someone who's personal hygiene does not irk me. AND not a smoker, the only thing I can smell on a smoker's glass is greasy cigg butt yellowing.

I know anyone could potentially have meningococcal, but I would generally share a glass with a mate or agreeable workmate.

I also generally try to rotate the glass when taking or presenting if I am sharing.