Thanks for the condolences everyone.
I know exactly what you mean. My old bull terrier Chopper (the unfortunate name SHE came with) was deaf from birth which is why I took her long ago. She had few prospects if I didn't. She really was a true prick of a dog.......given the opportunity she'd try to kill anything she could get a hold of, which always confounded people when they gave me the "Don't worry about my dog" thing when letting theirs free range on the streets and I'd reply "Well worry about mine", who was always harnessed and leashed.
Anyway, after 12 years of constantly remembering to keep doors shut......religiously exercise dog morning and evening.......upon hearing a neighbor's dog yelp and quickly going to find mine and make sure she wasn't the cause......I've realised how much effort I put into that dog now she's gone.
I can just wake up and go to work. I can just come home and do.......well nothing. My routine is ******. That dog was the only constant from when I was a drunk, druggy **** up when I got her, up until where I've got myself today.
Point being....Old dog habits do indeed die hard.