Well-Known Member
This would have to be the 2nd time ive scratched my nuts this morning, and im at work untill 7pm. True story
I fail to see how this is post worthy?brentice said:This would have to be the 2nd time ive scratched my nuts this morning, and im at work untill 7pm. True story
There goes the plans I had for the kids this week-end. Maybe they can try some fire swallowing instead.Bribie G said:The British Medical Journal did a huge survey into sword swallowing and have determined that it can be dangerous.
Edit: I just scratched my own nuts in a gesture of solidarity with the previous poster.
Not true,on occasions there have been some wild women that have been known to give hummers :lol: :lol: . Nuts are also essential for creating sperm which is essential for giving these same wild women pearl necklacesWarmBeer said:They're nuts, that's what they're there for.
Maybe he did it against a post.WarmBeer said:I fail to see how this is post worthy?
Some poisonous mushrooms are excellent.Tropical_Brews said:Really need a guide book on mushrooms so you can identify the non edible and poisonous toadstools.
for the amount of time youd spwnd picking them then taking them to the restaurant I hardly think it would be worth it. Oh and the risk of poisoning people.Bribie G said:There was a thing on Radio National last year about Mushroom Hunters in Victoria. If you know of some secret patches and form a connection with a couple of Italian restaurants you can make a few hundred dollars a week out of it.