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The British Medical Journal did a huge survey into sword swallowing and have determined that it can be dangerous.

Edit: I just scratched my own nuts in a gesture of solidarity with the previous poster.
brentice said:
This would have to be the 2nd time ive scratched my nuts this morning, and im at work untill 7pm. True story
I fail to see how this is post worthy?

The only analogue I can fathom is "This would have to be the 236th time I've breathed with my lungs this morning"

They're nuts, that's what they're there for.
Bribie G said:
The British Medical Journal did a huge survey into sword swallowing and have determined that it can be dangerous.

Edit: I just scratched my own nuts in a gesture of solidarity with the previous poster.
There goes the plans I had for the kids this week-end. Maybe they can try some fire swallowing instead.
They should probably be scratching their own nuts anyway. You know how sensitive people are these days.

Bloody nanny state gone mad!
WarmBeer said:
They're nuts, that's what they're there for.
Not true,on occasions there have been some wild women that have been known to give hummers :lol: :lol: . Nuts are also essential for creating sperm which is essential for giving these same wild women pearl necklaces :D :ph34r: :ph34r: :D
For your entirely xenophobic amusement:

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got a firestone corny keg for $8 today :)

I love garage sales and caring mates. :)
Went to the pine forests picking mushrooms yesterday. Got a bucket full of Saffron Milky Caps for lunch today.
There was a thing on Radio National last year about Mushroom Hunters in Victoria. If you know of some secret patches and form a connection with a couple of Italian restaurants you can make a few hundred dollars a week out of it.
Really need a guide book on mushrooms so you can identify the non edible and poisonous toadstools.
Tropical_Brews said:
Really need a guide book on mushrooms so you can identify the non edible and poisonous toadstools.
Some poisonous mushrooms are excellent.
Bribie G said:
There was a thing on Radio National last year about Mushroom Hunters in Victoria. If you know of some secret patches and form a connection with a couple of Italian restaurants you can make a few hundred dollars a week out of it.
for the amount of time youd spwnd picking them then taking them to the restaurant I hardly think it would be worth it. Oh and the risk of poisoning people.
The Milky caps are really easy to identify once you know which ones they are. There are no real lookalikes here.
Yeah, you would have to be a complete knob to pick OR buy the wrong species when you want saffron milk caps.

Amanita muscaria spaghetti anyone?