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Pretty much any definition for intelligence that has ever been taken seriously by the scientific community involves the concept learning from experience. Experience is something that can only come with time.

Stating that an adult is less intelligent than a child does not negate a child's capacity for intelligence and reading it as such is entirely false.
bum said:
Pretty much any definition for intelligence that has ever been taken seriously by the scientific community involves the concept learning from experience. Experience is something that can only come with time.

Stating that an adult is less intelligent than a child does not negate a child's capacity for intelligence and reading it as such is entirely false.

The ability to construct incomprehensible sentences is not an indicator of intelligence.

I know lots of kids that are clever, eloquent and witty. Old souls.
punkin said:
The ability to construct incomprehensible sentences is not an indicator of intelligence.
An inability to comprehend sentences formed in "normal" language where jargon is completely absent might be considered a useful indicator of intelligence, however.

It all depends on the context, really.
So your contention is that bright kids often turn into dullard adults, and two year olds that can barley talk often turn into world leaders? (baring environmental factors like drugs ect)?
Not saying they always reach their potential, but it takes a huge environmental factor to take that intelligence away.

My experience is that bright kids turn into bright people, and vice versa. And i've had lots of experience with bright kids.

The fact that you turn people inside out with rhetoric says more about you than others. It's just that you feel big about making others feel small.
English is my second language, but I'm working in a very dedicated fashion to improve it on a primary, secondary, and tertiary level.

How am I doing so far?
punkin said:
So your contention is that bright kids often turn into dullard adults, and two year olds that can barley talk often turn into world leaders? (baring environmental factors like drugs ect)?
Not saying they always reach their potential, but it takes a huge environmental factor to take that intelligence away.
What the ungodly **** are you talking about?
My son won several silver medals in QLD mathematics, then in year 12 the Australian Stock Exchange ran a comp in schools where students could download a program and receive an initial sum of fantasy dollars to invest in shares over a one year period. Boy won and was featured on Channel 9.

Went to the most prestigious uni in QLD to study Minerals Engineering. Didn't like it. Dropped out.

For the last 5 years he delivers pizza and loves the job, bought a new car recently. Fecked if I know.
Bribie G said:
My son won several silver medals in QLD mathematics, then in year 12 the Australian Stock Exchange ran a comp in schools where students could download a program and receive an initial sum of fantasy dollars to invest in shares over a one year period. Boy won and was featured on Channel 9.

Went to the most prestigious uni in QLD to study Minerals Engineering. Didn't like it. Dropped out.

For the last 5 years he delivers pizza and loves the job, bought a new car recently. Fecked if I know.

But has he got stupid?

Or did you know when he was 1 that he was a smart guy?

Anus, i am saying that because you can construct a sentence to make other people look small, does not make you look big.

Do you find that you are having the same argument with the same stupid people all the time?

I see that you are.

Perhaps it's not everyone else?
punkin said:
But has he got stupid?

Or did you know when he was 1 that he was a smart guy?

Anus, i am saying that because you can construct a sentence to make other people look small, does not make you look big.

Do you find that you are having the same argument with the same stupid people all the time?

I see that you are.

Perhaps it's not everyone else?
But it isn't everyone else. It is, as you say, the same people. You can ascribe whatever intelligence to them that you wish - that is up to you.

The posts you've taken issue with here do not set out to make anyone feel small. If someone does happen to feel small because of some completely imagined ******** then there isn't a great deal I can do about that. I feel like we've had this discussion before?

Can someone else please explain to me how it might be possible that punkin has understood my posts as he has (when it seems pretty clear to me that my posts are entirely removed from the meaning he wishes to give them)?
punkin said:
So your contention is that bright kids often turn into dullard adults, and two year olds that can barley talk often turn into world leaders? (baring environmental factors like drugs ect)?
Not saying they always reach their potential, but it takes a huge environmental factor to take that intelligence away.

My experience is that bright kids turn into bright people, and vice versa. And i've had lots of experience with bright kids.

The fact that you turn people inside out with rhetoric says more about you than others. It's just that you feel big about making others feel small.
Punkin was this an intentional pun - barley (on a brewing site) rather than barely?
i just know my IQ has dropped from the 139 is used to be to a lot lower after reading the above. spose it could be the 3 pints of Bribie's midnight train liquor. or listen to the crap dribble that passes for tv these days in the background whilst im surfing ahb, responding to ebay and looking for 'good' downloadable 'content'.

edit. added in '' '' '' marks. just for fun. barley makes a difference i know punkin,

and to all the nay sayers. see how much my speeeeeling has been tonight when im on a proper sized keyboard. i can touch type on this fkn thing, albeit a 17inch latop keyboard. i struggle a little more with a 13inch one. not as much as the samsung. i know i know first world problem.
Due to many wet weekends recently, my 4yo son has been enjoying the car games on the PS3. Mainly "Motorstorm-Pacific Rift" as it has vehicles from motor bikes, dune buggies & monster trucks. Pain in the arse as we keep hearing his little voice call out "I wanna different race and a different car" every 5-10 minutes.

I've got a ****** DSE steering wheel, but he thinks it's awesome fun, I watched him have a race on saturday and he came 4th (out of 15). I was mightily impressed as he was handling the oversteer quiet well.
I'm going to have to move him up from free race to career mode. Oh yeah, Daddy's little cheat code.

Getting him off it is a different story.
bum said:
But it isn't everyone else. It is, as you say, the same people. You can ascribe whatever intelligence to them that you wish - that is up to you.

The posts you've taken issue with here do not set out to make anyone feel small. If someone does happen to feel small because of some completely imagined ******** then there isn't a great deal I can do about that. I feel like we've had this discussion before?

Can someone else please explain to me how it might be possible that punkin has understood my posts as he has (when it seems pretty clear to me that my posts are entirely removed from the meaning he wishes to give them)?
I see your point Bum. Punkins original point stated that intelligence isn't related to age. However i think as bum said experience does give intelligence. For instance this smart 1 year wouldn't be smarter then 99% of the 30 year old s in this world. If this same child didn't have any outside help from education. would he be as smart when he grows up?

But Punkin does have a point that intelligence can be in your genes, but without adult education they will be forever trying to keep up.