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Question that isn't OT but doesn't affect me so I'll ask it here instead of making a thread (or dasffs):

Why is it that it seems that almost every BIABer seems to do a mashout but batch spargers are told there isn't really any point to do so? I accept that, depending on grist, there may be very good reasons this advice to batch spargers is not universal.

Surely, BIAB and batch sparging aren't all that different outside of clarity of wort (generalisation) and time? Extending the context, no sparge 3V brewers don't generally mashout, right?
If you are talking a mashout to kill enzyme activity, then in the homebrew sense, I believe it's pointless. But in the sense that you are raising the temperature of the mash and adding viscosity and better sugar leaching potential then I say yes it should be done for better efficiency. Can't say I've read people advocating a mashout is not neccessary for batch sparging though. More like channeling does not matter when batch sparging.
I should have qualified the statement. Many times, I've read people saying that if you're running off into a kettle that has heat applied from the beginning then a mashout is unnecessary (barring a couple points of efficiency if that is important to the brewer).
I guess they are saying that the hot kettle is going to stop the enzyme activity.
Yeah, I get that.

Where's the difference between that and "Pull the bag out, turn the dial up to full"?
Not all BIAB is done in an urn.. I assume, BD is referring to a hot kettle being gas heated.

Burner heats the pot which heats the liquid, element heats the liquid directly....

That one difference.

Anyway, back to topic - these massive ******* moths keep bombing me on the balcony... **** this heat.

I am getting naked.
I've been naked for DAYS. Sick of this ********. Where's my house with AC?

Back to my question though, does the urn make a difference? I'm sure ramp time is slower with an urn but you'd get to mashout temps before a batch sparger does two sparges, yeah?
does it make a difference if it's an urn or a heated pot? Isn't the mashout (apart from stop enzymes... hot pot 'tick') meant to alter the nature of the last rinse so you get more sugars out... Maybe the dilution ratio in batch sparge and BIAB is good enough to drop that difference in rinse potentioal to insignificance.
Maybe but the situation seems to be that it is more commonly done than not by full-volume BIABers (my own observations, not based anything so trivial as evidence, naturally).
brentice said:
I walked into a round room once. Someone told me to sit in the corner. I was very confused that evening

So you knew something was happening, but you didn't know what it was. Did you, Mr Jones?

edit, no one would believe i ever forgot a comma
bum said:
Maybe but the situation seems to be that it is more commonly done than not by full-volume BIABers (my own observations, not based anything so trivial as evidence, naturally).
I do it because because Thirsty Boy has posted a number of times about it and that dude knows stuff.
practicalfool said:
[...]Isn't the mashout (apart from stop enzymes... hot pot 'tick') meant to alter the nature of the last rinse so you get more sugars out... [...]
here's TB's response to a near identical statement you made in a previous thread:
Awesome. Thanks, Liam. TBFTW.
Sweet. Thanks, I'd forgotten it, remember now that it came as a bit of a eye opener that it's got bugger all to do with runniness.
Pissed off tonight ladies and gents.
Pitched 2 different yeasts last night on my smoked porter.
Stick them in the converted garage/rumpus room.
Get home this arvo open the door, and greeted with that ******* vegetabley-creamed corn smell.

Pissed off cos:
1. at least one beer very possibly infected.
2. SWMBO will get home and get the ***** cos of the smell.
3. I was too impatient to wait just 1 more month for this late summer to finally go away.
4. It's the last of my base malt.

On the plus side, at least I had an american imperial amber ale ready in the fridge. Dunno if it had aged well, it was probably 18mths old, but it was ****-hot fantastic.
petesbrew said:
Pissed off tonight ladies and gents.
Pitched 2 different yeasts last night on my smoked porter.
Stick them in the converted garage/rumpus room.
Get home this arvo open the door, and greeted with that ******* vegetabley-creamed corn smell.

Pissed off cos:
1. at least one beer very possibly infected.
2. SWMBO will get home and get the ***** cos of the smell.
3. I was too impatient to wait just 1 more month for this late summer to finally go away.
4. It's the last of my base malt.

On the plus side, at least I had an american imperial amber ale ready in the fridge. Dunno if it had aged well, it was probably 18mths old, but it was ****-hot fantastic.
cant say my infections ever smelt like that. I recon its just the yeast. Whats yeasts u using? Ive had rank smelling ferments and they are fine.
Here he is folks, Pope Frank. As stated elsewhere, I also got my wish of an ultra conservative, seeing as our man is on the record as denouncing gay marriage and adoption as confusing gods children'.
Some may argue 'confusion' a better option than what many of the clergy had in store for gods children.
Our man is also, a little surprisingly a Jesuit. A particularly evangelical branch of Catholicism with a history of spreading the good word amongst remote tribes, warning them of the peril of worshiping imaginary gods (cough..) and making them feel shameful about exposing their genitalia. Virtually ruined an income stream for National Geographic over night.

There's an old Jesuit saying, show me the boy at 10, and I'll show you the man. Creepy.

So thats your lot. An dodgy synopsis of the jesuit order and two cheap sexual innuendos.
Now I must go lest I begin sounding like the new_dave.
