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Pope Francis. Good job he wasn't Pope Frances or, by traditional British diminutive name convention he would be known as Pope Fanny.
I bet something happens to your taste buds as you moult... I'm gonna be fasting after looking at the out of their minds crowd discuss fermenting garbage.
^^^I've had a few beers, but no matter how many times I read that I can't figure it out. It starts out fairly reasonable for the OT thread....but then just goes bonkers.
Member offers to sell 1kg lots of hops (i.e. secondhand) in The Marketplace.

Same member later notes he has sold some to a retailer.

Caveat emptor.
If I wanted to make a coopers pale ale type beer and it ended up tasting like hoegaarden type beer I would be ******* horrified. I know that's not the case with that thread, and I am not making a judgement or value about that thread. That is just me saying.
Just found this on Gumtree, love it!

Hi. I might be driving from Perth WA to Mackay QLD in a few weeks. I'm
just waiting to hear about a job. If I get it I will be packing the car
and doing a road trip. Thought I would chuck an ad up and see if anyone
wanted a lift. Might be better than driving by myself the whole way. I
will probably do the trip in 4 x 10 hour days and a 5 hour day. No need
to pay me, maybe just buy me a few chicko rolls and cans of redbull
along the way. Prefer someone who is not a murderer or thief and can
drive a car without smashing it. Cheers
Gen Y work experience journalism (Sydney Daily Telegraph). Almost makes me want to actually subscribe to online newspapers to stop the rot.

Edit: the report also reports Richard Torbay as being Independent. For ***** sake he's a National.

Such are the depths to which Australian rags have sunk.

gen Y journalism.jpg
Seems like the author doesn't care too much about our Prime Minister. Who could blame him/her...
Put off bottling three batches of beer for weeks. Went and bought 7 kegs. Done. **** yes.

Q: Anything to do with bottling.

A: Kegs.

Bribie I have to differ with you - the journo does say that Torbay is National and Windsor as Independent. However the third para does not make any sense. Badly written and no proofing.

The confusion arises because Torbay sits as an independent in the NSW parliament.
He was down to stand for the Nationals in the Fedral seat of Tamworth.

However, they seem to be backing away from him, because his name has cropped up too often in connection with Obeid and MacDonald.

Still, the item shows no evidence of editing whatsoever.
Bribie G said:
Gen Y work experience journalism (Sydney Daily Telegraph). Almost makes me want to actually subscribe to online newspapers to stop the rot.

Edit: the report also reports Richard Torbay as being Independent. For ***** sake he's a National.

Such are the depths to which Australian rags have sunk.

Very nice piece of predicitive journalism i'd say.
Daily Telegraph is like a cross between Rugby league week and OK! magazine. What do you expect.
Newspapers are the Panda bear's of media anyway.
I never understood why SWMBO was referred to as the Minister for War and Finance. Mines the Minister for Asset Acquisition
Cocko said:
Mines the minister of sandwiches.

Each to their own.
I would very much like to suggest that your missus might be the minister of something else but since I have met her and she seemed very nice, I would feel bad if I called her the minister of something dodgey. Carry on, as you were Hom.
Malted said:
I would very much like to suggest that your missus might be the minister of something else but since I have met her and she seemed very nice, I would feel bad if I called her the minister of something dodgey. Carry on, as you were Hom.
Yes, how can I forget you met her.... thats pretty much all she talks about now "Oh, isn't he smart" "Oh isn't he handsome" "OH DEAR GOD!!, MALTED YES YES.." etc..


Yes, how can I forget you met her.... thats pretty much all she talks about now "Oh, isn't he smart" "Oh isn't he handsome" "OH DEAR GOD!!, MALTED YES YES.." etc..
Point proven, she certainly is a good sort then. Sorry if I have set the standards too high for you mate.