The hardest thing about reducing 2L of first runnings down to a delicious, intensely flavoured solidish goo is making sure that I don't actually eat it all out of the pan before adding it to the boil.
As for everyone's wight loss HUZZAH! I commend you all (unless of course the weight loss is unwanted and caused by something horrid).
I've lost all the easy weight and am now in the holding pattern of being perpetually 4kgs away from my ideal...
But back to the first runnings...mmmmm. Doing the exact same recipe as last weekend but with MO instead of GP so I can start to learn about these types of malts from my own beers rather than others'. :icon_cheers:
+1 on the gooey goodness. So tasty.... Let us know about the difference between MO, which I am yet to try.
I wonder what it would be like on icecream.....
Haha - between the reduced goo and the creamy 1469 mousse I don't know whether to brew it or just eat it all on the spot.
The brews I have tasted with MO (that I sampled from a fellow AHB member) were super malty...I've read that it is a really malty malt and that hops have a hard time getting past it will be a nice comparison to the GP. There is only 7 days between the two of them so tasting in June/July will be interesting.
But yes, I will certainly let you know my perception/opinion of the difference... How is your last effort going down? Have you done the side-by-side?
Hit the lowest point last night. Felt like one last drink, didn't want to waste anything good in the fridge and thought "ah stuff it." - Filled my glass from the fermenter.
Knk Cerveza, actually not half bad.
Should this mob change their name, after 60 years in the business?
I'd eat that...No.
But there's a burger place near me that should probably think about it.
Their name is AKUNTA BURGER .