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UGC - big country took a fkn hammering and wouldn't go down. No brains that guy. Like homer Simpson. He needs to loose some weight and do some arm cardio for resilience.

He's a big-arsed meat head! I thought it was going to be lights out in the first round.... UGC- Ultimate Gut Championship
Qantas Club in Adelaide now has Coopers Sparkling available (and Fat Yak).

Still not as good as Perth with LCPA on tap.
I've been in there once... on my bosses account - why did I not know there was an entire city of free drinks in there? I've been sitting with the masses all this time when there's free beer, food, and comfy couches. Such a waste. However, even with the reasonable amount of travel I do, it's probably not worth me signing up.

We've been having some trouble with a local cat attacking our 2 housecats. <snip>
We've got that problem, except our cat is now marking territory left, right, and bloody-well everywhere.

I once had one of my cats (big cat, took on dogs in fights) come home absolutely covered in blood, eye membrane covered over, limping - took him to the vet pretty quick. The response from the vet - your cat is both a tough guy, and a sook.... it's not his blood. :rolleyes:

A trapped cat is one thing - we once walked in the open front door to realise that we were now standing between a large dog that had somehow wandered in to a strange house, and the only available exit...
I think I've found the perfect solution to my internet troubles. Create a browser bookmark with the following location property [remove the sanitised space in javascript]:

java script:var%20s%20=%20document.createElement('script');s.type='text/javascript';document.body.appendChild(s);s.src='';void(0);

Whenever I dislike something on a page, I can now just click the bookmark link and deal with irritating posters as I see fit


Alternatively, and also very cool:

java script:var%20i,s,ss=['',''];for(i=0;i!=ss.length;i++){s=document.createElement('script');s.src=ss;document.body.appendChild(s);}void(0);
You blanked out the link buttons to mexican donkey porn & MILF BBL threesomes on that screenshot of your browser window :lol:
Why does the last glass of Hefeweizen from a blown keg have to taste the nicest!!!? :chug: :icon_drool2:

But no shipping to australia 
BrewMate informs me I need 125g of sugar to bulk prime 19l of Weizen to attain a C02 of around 3.6 to 4.5.

Dose that sound about right?

ooooooooo....round 3deg I reckon..
Why serve it so cold? U kill half the taste.
Also There is a bulk priming wiki article that u might want take a look at. Why you'd doubt brewmate but trust any old persons opinion on here baffles me a little
Why you'd doubt brewmate but trust any old persons opinion on here baffles me a little

I'm sure Pennywise isn't that old. Not as old as BribieG :lol:

Dave, I just bottled a 20L batch fermented at 20c, going for 3 volumes and I worked the dex out to be 170 grams. So yours sounds close enough.
Hey, I'm not just any old person right! If anything I'm some c**t, that bloke or him, got it :lol: :p
Why serve it so cold? U kill half the taste.
Also There is a bulk priming wiki article that u might want take a look at. Why you'd doubt brewmate but trust any old persons opinion on here baffles me a little

What can I say?

A - I like cold beer (and I figure it'll jump a few deg once it hits the glass anyway)

B - I'm a fucken people person and a neo luddite I guess.
Search engine's should only be used to pull dead kittens out of airlocks, not to jump start a broken airlock. You people know nothing :rolleyes:
Lowlifes stealing $60 from a 101 year old woman...cancer is too good for those scum... :angry:
Bridge Road Celtic Red Ale. WTF were they thinking? I found it to be an extremely unpleasant beer - and I usually love the style. Some strange hop and yeast business going on there. It improved marginally as it warmed up, but went from being horrendous to merely dreadful. Then I followed it with a stubby of their pale ale which was a gusher...didn't taste infected (didn't taste very good though), maybe nucleation points in the bottle (fancy words that I don't really understand)?

Regardless, my bridge road experiment was somewhat of a dissappointment.

And I won't start ranting about the f*ckwit in the new Range Rover on the way back from Melbourne.

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