Well made ? I felt that everything they did was staged. Including the very production of the program. And did anyone else find Neil Morissey to be a bit of a **** ? Also, something I found out on Wiki, it's not so much 'Risky Business' at all, Morrissey would have been well aware of the implications of entering into the business of a pub, being that he bought THREE of them a couple of years ago, in 2004, and spent around 700,000 POUNDS. Personally I reckon Channel Four paid them enough money for doing the showm, which covered their costs
Anyway, my cynicism of television shows aside, I will also put my hand up and will burn two copies of the series (in .avi format, watchable on your computer, not on your DVD player) and I will also burn "The Beer Hunter" (not very good quality video reproduction, but a very interesting series on beer). No funds required - I have a few prepaid envelopes floating around, but I do ask that members with 100+ posts only, and those who otherwise do not have access to high speed internet contact me for a copy.