Neil Morrissey's Risky Business

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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everyones seeding so well I've actually had to throttle my download so I can browse, my bandwidth is choked. Never had a torrent come that fast before. :eek:
will unthrottle it shortly when done browsing, and will then seed also.
Cheers to all the seeders.
Peter Dowdeswell - Eating
Eating: 17 peeled Bananas in 1 min 47 sec :eek:

he must just push them down his throat.

is this the new Japanese SPEED diet where you only eat bananas in <2mins ??!

- 14 seeds, 6 peers :)
I'm seeding at about 21k... the download i was getting up to 300k at the end.
I'll leave it open all night and maybe shut it down lunchtime tomorrow....
ive seen the first episode :super:

cant help with the torrent, sorry...

not a bad episode, everyone they speak to tells them they are mad (which i think they are). wish i had 6 months and a load of money to persue my dream...
You can get there Blonde Ale in supermarkets here in the UK and its pretty crap. its just tasteless and bland. Morrissey also has a book out to follow up the TV show which includes a recipe for the Blonde Ale. I have copied it out below.


Makes 40 pints


4 kg Golden Promise malt 260g light crystal malt 39g Styrian Golding hops 32g Fuggles hops 10g Irish moss 15g Cascade hops 1 packet fast-acting yeast


Add 23 litres of water heated to 77 degrees centigradeto a mash tun (an insulated brewing container).

Allow temperature to drop to 72 degrees centigrade and add both malts. Stir to form aporridge. Keep temperature between 62 degrees centigrade and 69 degrees centigrade for 90 minutes (by placing the mash tun in a larger vessel topped up with boiling water).

Strain the liquid (called the wort) into a large pan slowly. If it's not clear, return to mash tun and repeat till clear liquid is produced.

Heat to a rolling boil. Add Styrian Golding hops, Fuggles hops and Irish moss. Boil for one hour.

Add Cascade hops and boil for 15 minutes. Cool quickly and transfer liquid only to the fermenting vessel.

Add the yeast, cover and place in a cool room for two days. Siphon off the clear liquid into another fermenting vessel, leaving any flotsam and jetsam.

Ferment for three or four days with an airtight lid. Siphon off clear beer and enjoy.
You can get there Blonde Ale in supermarkets here in the UK and its pretty crap. its just tasteless and bland.

You'd want a couple more kilos of malt for my taste. I take it that as with most cooking shows they didn't produce just the one batch. When they were tasting the beer straight out of the fermenter (after 3 weeks :huh: ) suddenly they were quaffing out of glasses with magnificent foaming heads - clearly a case of "and now here's one I prepared earlier"

However good on them to attempt an AG brew first up and poor buggers for getting a set mash first time :p

I see I'm still uploading so obviously still some interest out there.
Any torrent virgins out there who would like a disc just PM me for my address and then if you send me a stamped addressed envelope suitable for disc postage and I'll burn you one off and also include VLC media player that is more robust than the crap Window Media Player, none of that "can't find codec" nonsense.
Hey guys,

Why not wait 2 years for an Australian cable network to pick this up?
Subscribe to a $74.95/mo. package which presumably would include the channel running the show eg. Lifestyle Food.
Then schedule in the time to watch the program eg. Take the day off work if it airs at 3PM on a Monday, or fork over another $10er/mo. for IQ.
Sit back and enjoy the program in all of its glory at a two hour running time with commercials, tho the featured material is just 47mins.

Think inside the square!

Hey guys,

Why not wait 2 years for an Australian cable network to pick this up?
Subscribe to a $74.95/mo. package which presumably would include the channel running the show eg. Lifestyle Food.
Then schedule in the time to watch the program eg. Take the day off work if it airs at 3PM on a Monday, or fork over another $10er/mo. for IQ.
Sit back and enjoy the program in all of its glory at a two hour running time with commercials, tho the featured material is just 47mins.

Think inside the square!


You're not actually a member of DTV (Digital TV) Forum as well by any chance? :lol: Sounds like the sort of thread I used to start just to troll the Foxtel Threads B)
Any torrent virgins out there who would like a disc just PM me for my address and then if you send me a stamped addressed envelope suitable for disc postage and I'll burn you one off and also include VLC media player that is more robust than the crap Window Media Player, none of that "can't find codec" nonsense.
Might want to wait until all three episodes are released, then you can stick em all onto one disc !

When I get the complete series, I am also happy to send a couple of slow-speed internet users a copy as well.
You're not actually a member of DTV (Digital TV) Forum as well by any chance? :lol: Sounds like the sort of thread I used to start just to troll the Foxtel Threads B)

Hehe. Austech ;) ... couldn't resist the troll here. In all seriousness, a big thanks is in order to NigeP62 for sorting us out, and Warren for thread start. Cheers, mates.

I noticed the same jump cut where the boys were sampling their first batch calling it, "old stinker" and "head f*cker", where it was flat as a tack out of primary to next shot of the beer fully carbed with a sharp white head :lol: . Good on 'em for going straight to all-grain (although, they didn't have the luxury of choice given the 5 month time constraint). E01 provides a good point of mention for our AHB forums and new brewers - all grain ain't that difficult, there isn't a good deal more equipment required, and the couple of extra hours of easy work in mashing and sparging will provide all the world of difference in producing good fresh beer (over LME). If these two goofballs could pull off a half decent AG batch first go, you can too.

Hehe. Austech ;) ... couldn't resist the troll here. In all seriousness, a big thanks is in order to NigeP62 for sorting us out, and Warren for thread start. Cheers, mates.


Was a pleasure reVox, and to see how everyone seeded amazed me. Not a member here for long but it is fantastic to see how everyone is so friendly and helpful.

When my kids get home just after 3, the first thing they do is stop Azureus so they can play games online. I'll fire it back up late tonight for those with off-peak quota to enjoy.
Im using ABC, and it sitting there saying WOrking at 0.0kb both up an down
I've been collecting IP's so when the court case happens, I can turn snitch and rat you all out to save my own skin :lol:

I've just opened mine back up to continue to seed (but I have a sucky upload rate, sorry), and it seems somewhat quiet at the moment, only 1 peer.

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