Peter Dowdeswell - Eating
Eating: 17 peeled Bananas in 1 min 47 sec![]()
he must just push them down his throat.
You can get there Blonde Ale in supermarkets here in the UK and its pretty crap. its just tasteless and bland.
Hey guys,
Why not wait 2 years for an Australian cable network to pick this up?
Subscribe to a $74.95/mo. package which presumably would include the channel running the show eg. Lifestyle Food.
Then schedule in the time to watch the program eg. Take the day off work if it airs at 3PM on a Monday, or fork over another $10er/mo. for IQ.
Sit back and enjoy the program in all of its glory at a two hour running time with commercials, tho the featured material is just 47mins.
Think inside the square!
Might want to wait until all three episodes are released, then you can stick em all onto one disc !Any torrent virgins out there who would like a disc just PM me for my address and then if you send me a stamped addressed envelope suitable for disc postage and I'll burn you one off and also include VLC media player that is more robust than the crap Window Media Player, none of that "can't find codec" nonsense.
You're not actually a member of DTV (Digital TV) Forum as well by any chance? :lol: Sounds like the sort of thread I used to start just to troll the Foxtel Threads B)
Hehe. Austech... couldn't resist the troll here. In all seriousness, a big thanks is in order to NigeP62 for sorting us out, and Warren for thread start. Cheers, mates.
torrent keeps stopping here