My Email To Willow

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Bribie G

Adjunct Professor
Reaction score
I emailed Willow and got a reply. They would be interested in any photos of how their cubes stand up to repeated use especially for No chilling. If anyone has comments or pix.

Name: Michael Gardner

Email: [email protected]

Phone: na

Customer/Supplier: Customer


Your Willow containers are immensely popular with home brewers - particularly the 20L model which actually holds 23L which by happy coincidence is the \'standard\' home brew batch size.

They are used for collecting the boiling \"wort\" out of the brew kettle and cooling down overnight, and are also widely used for cold-storage of the finished beer to let it mature in the fridge for several weeks (\"lagering\") I own six of your 20L containers myself, some with taps and some without depending on their role.

Question is, I still have my original which I bought about two and a half years ago and it is white - not the current blue. I know that many brewers are a bit suss on the blue, and whilst I\'m sure that it\'s food grade quality, I wonder if you would consider also supplying the plain white containers again?

Best Regards



Hi Michael,

Thank you for your email.

Unfortunately at the moment we are not in the position to supply them in White.

The blue tint is exclusive to Willow and provides the added feature of deflecting sunlight to minimize mould growth (probably not as relevant to those of you using them within your homes).

We will most definitely keep your feedback in mind when looking into our next product refresh.

In regards to your usage, I would love to know how the cans have performed with the boiling wort?

The product design was not developed around storing boiling liquids and more so for camping, therefore was not tested for usage in such conditions..

From your feedback it sounds as though the product has stayed intact and has not warped from the heat.

If you could provide a little more information as to the condition of your heavily used cans that would be much appreciated as we like to hear of other successful usage types.

Thanks again,

Kind Regards,

Nicole Butkiewicz | Assistant Product Manager | Telephone: (03) 8346 0480 | Email: [email protected] |
Willow Ware Australia Pty Ltd | 60 Annandale Rd, Melbourne Airport, Victoria, Australia. 3045 | Reception: (03) 8346 0400 | Fax: (03) 9338 6741 |
Well done, Bribie.

It's good to hear that she is interested in their use and performance in homebrewing rather than a common type response along the lines of "our product was not designed for this and is not warranted, we don't recommend this use etc"
Good thing she didn't say, "The cadmium-based blue pigment we use in the 20L cubes is inert at room temperatures but will leech out into liquids over 80C, shrivel your nuts and make you repeat innane sentences over and over."

over and overover and overover and overover and overover and overover and overover and overover and over
send in pics of extra limbs you've sprouted since starting nochill
After 3-4 batches my blue willow cube contributed burnt plastic flavours to the beer. Never no-chilled again after that. I suspect a lot of people without great tastebuds are consuming leeched plastic on a regular basis :ph34r:
Good thing she didn't say, "The cadmium-based blue pigment we use in the 20L cubes is inert at room temperatures but will leech out into liquids over 80C, shrivel your nuts and make you repeat innane sentences over and over."

over and overover and overover and overover and overover and overover and overover and overover and over

or maybe...

Good thing she didn't say, "The cadmium-based blue pigment we use in the 20L cubes is inert at room temperatures but will leech out into liquids over 80C and cause Botulism :eek:

or maybe...

Good thing she didn't say, "The cadmium-based blue pigment we use in the 20L cubes is inert at room temperatures but will leech out into liquids over 80C and cause Botulism :eek:


'ken gold :lol:
I emailed Willow and got a reply.


Nicole Butkiewicz | Assistant Product Manager | Telephone: (03) 8346 0480 | Email: [email protected] |
Willow Ware Australia Pty Ltd | 60 Annandale Rd, Melbourne Airport, Victoria, Australia. 3045 | Reception: (03) 8346 0400 | Fax: (03) 9338 6741 |
You've taken the care to redact your e-mail address, perhaps do the same for Nicole? Plain-text e-mail addresses on the web are just begging for spam harvesters.

easy as

spammer@canospam:~$ grep -o '[[:alnum:]+\.\_\-]*@[[:alnum:]+\.\_\-]*' sourcefile.html >> spam_these_people

spammer@canospam:~$ ./makespam.c spam_these_people

and done.

Good thing she didn't say, "The cadmium-based blue pigment we use in the 20L cubes is inert at room temperatures and testing has found it to prevent Botulism :eek:
I emailed Willow a few months ago asking if they would like to do a run of 60L plastic conical fermenters... They never got back to me :(
I've thrown away 3 of my white cubes so far after having them since that big brew day in 09. 1 got chucked as the top had cracked - but thankfully it was after I'd poured the chilled wort into the fermenter (must have put a full one on top and it cracked), 1 I used and had a bad infection in where the cube expanded quite a bit it was no longer a cube, 1 I squashed a bit too much getting the air out instead of just topping up with the hot water so it ended up being permanently deformed.
I might need a blue one wrt inhibiting mould... a cube I thought i had cleaned thoroughly is now fully coated on the inside with horrible black stringy mould that smells quite musty.

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