Did this recipe today.
Made a couple of n00b mistakes though.
Decided to chill my wort and get things started. Chilled OK, but when I poured it into my FV a lot of the solid crap (trub?) went with it. Rather than waiting overnight for it to settle and try repouring I plunged ahead. I figure this crap will settle out during fermentation, otherwise I will add finings.
Next time, I'll wait longer for the solids to settle, or maybe filter. If my understanding is correct, whirlpooling would help if my stock pot had a tap, but not really any use when I'm just pouring from the pot.
My other n00b **** was with the yeast.
I thought to myself. 1/2 size batch, just use 1/2 the yeast and save the other 1/2 for the next (1/2 sized) batch. Fair enough, but how will I measure 1/2 of this foil packet I think to myself. I grab my 500ml pyrex jug and sterilise with boiling water and tip it upside down to drain / dry. It obviously didn't dry enough by ther time I measured 1/2 the yeast (using some scales) into it, as a fair bit of the yeast stuck to it when I went to tip it into the FV. As the jug was sanitised, I poured some wort in via the tap on the FV, swirled it around, and poured this back into the FV. Didn't seem to move the yeast, it was still stuck in the jug.
Hope I didn't contaminate my beer. If I did, live and learn.
Hope I didn't "underpitch". Still have 1/2 a sachet though if it isn't doing anything tomorrow.
Given all that, the wort tasted good, the hops especially had some nice flavours, and although it was all a bit sweet I guess fermentation will remove most of the sugary tastes. It's now fermenting @ 17.5 - 18.5c. I had some fun. I learned a bit. I may have even made a drinkable beer!