Well, that's an excellent question mate and this is what I want to get a feel of from you guys.
My view is that a few people can make a lot of commotion (saga) and while I'm inclined to believe some sort of problem may be occurring, I think it is limited to less than a handful of people and they should contact Mark and order their replacements. I expect they have done so already or will by early next week.
SO...Is there an intrinsic product flaw? That's what I'm looking into based on the community input and conversation with an industry expert - and then a materials analyst.
Did the previous regulators suck..... YES, but that seems to have been solved already for this bulk buy.
This conversation has moved well beyond rice juice and if there is an intrinsic fault then I expect it will replicate itself. When that happens, let me know and we can get it sampled.
I'm also predicting that should anyone have lingering concerns that there is a corrosion problem with their keg, and they don't want a new replacement, then the community might come up with a home acid wash solution (safety level dependent)
It is up to every one of you what you'd like to do. My feel is that we have embarked on a purchase of a decent bit of kit, emerging into Australia with some teething problems and a supplier who has always provided support.