Insurance? Would that mean paperwork?

There's nothing worse than paperwork, especially when you have so little time to get everything you need to have done, done.
But no, mostly always happy to help customers out. Only times I ever get frustrated is the customers that wont help themselves which frankly, gets old... fast.
Lots of customers will use excuses to have you hold their hand as they manually wire up the controller while you're stuck waiting for them to do it in real time on the phone. It kills you because you don't have the margins built into the product to offer any kind of extended support except apart from the almighty "Have you actually READ the instructions? They specifically cover the questions you are asking!"
95% of the calls for controllers are 20 minutes and beyond and its almost ALWAYS the fault of something else. Incorrect wiring, poor power supply, Incorrect settings etc...rarely is there ever a fault with the controller because they are thoroughly burn tested before we ship them out. We certainly don't want customers to have issues!
Look at these scenarios...they really do happen
"Haha yes, I'm sure I wired it the correct way, but I'm 86"
"I thought I would just ring you and get you to run through it with me because I thought it would be faster than reading the instructions"
"I can't order it online because I'm 86"
"I don't know how to wire the potentiometer in, I thought this was a ready to go controller, so I'll send it back so you can fix it for me, I'm 86 so I can't do it myself"
"If i come around, can you set it up in this {insert random application here} I bought? I'm also 86"
"Your controller is rubbish and doesn't work! I've followed all the instructions and I'm really disappointed by your Australian Made rubbish, you should be ashamed telling people this is Australian made. Back in my day we sold quality and not rubbish like this cheap Chinese controller, I followed the instructions to the letter and there's no light for the power and its hooked to the battery!" <-- customer forgot to turn the controller power switch on (I added this one because it literally happened just now)
You have no idea how frustrating some customers can be and the ones that throw the age card are the worst, most annoying of all because they wont even try to help themselves no matter how much encouragement you throw their way!
Ahh, what can you do...apart from a nice long cold beer