MartinOC - LCA03 x 100, LS22-30 x 50, L34-306 (4x30mm Stir-bars)
Mardoo - LCA03 x 100, STAP-10-102 x 1, L38-5016 x 1,
Yum beer - LCA01 x 50
pintofhops - LCA01 x 50
Idzy - LCA03 x 100
Midnight Brew - LCA04-15PET x50
Ro55co LCA03 x 50
Scooby the Newbie - LCA03 x 50
Troopa - LCA03 x 50
Grainer - LCA04-15PET - 50pk
Yob - LCA03 x 25/Camo6 - LCA03 x 25 (1 box split)
Scooby Tha Newbie - LCA04/PET x 25 (25 avail)
NealK - LCA03 x 25 (25 avail)
NealK - At the prices we're getting these, you're shooting yourself in the foot to only go for 25. A full 50-pack is going to end-up less than $18 & once you get into it, you'll want more...
BTW, folks, I'm going to leave this open until Sunday night (I've got family/personal **** to deal with atm) & then call stumps, work everything out & then place the order once I've got the $'s (to be sorted via PM).
BTW2 - Be nice to me, this is the first time I've organized a BB, so if I screw-up or breach protocols, please pull me up on it. :unsure: