Awesome work! Such a collaboration.
I got my PCB assembled and running off the bat, so thanks for such great detail and clear instructions. I'm building mine to go on a Grainfather too encoh, so may want to pick your brains later

I did find the pid setup confusing but noticed the english screen output was missing the P,I,D after prompting for the constant. Possibly due to the double spacing after the Constant. I removed the extra space and it now displays clearly as in kP,kI and kD.
Also displaying Whirlpool after IodineTime there was a stray e from ...Time so added an extra space after Whirlpool to blank out the stray e.
I fixed the code below if that makes it easy for you just paste in, talk about gilding the lily, it just displays easier.
char *PIDName[] ={"Use ", "Constant kP", "Constant kI", "Constant kD", "SampleTime ", "WindowSet ms", "Heat in Boil", "Calibration " , "Hysteresi "};
char *stageName[] ={"Mash In ", "Phytase ", "Glucanase ", "Protease ", "\xE2""Amylase ", "\xE0""Amylase1 ", "\xE0""Amylase2 ", "Mash Out ", "Boil ", "Cooling ", "Whirlpool "};
char *unitName[] ={"Set Degrees", "Sensor ", "Temp Boil ", "Temp Boil ", "Pump Cycle ", "Pump Rest ", "Pmp PreMash", "Pmp on Mash", "Pmp MashOut", "Pmp on Boil", "Pump Stop ", "Pump Stop ", "PID Pipe ", "Skip Add ", "Skip Remove", "Skip Iodine", "IodineTime " , "Whirlpool "};
The good thing I noticed was I didn't loose my setting programming the Uno again.