Matho's controller

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Guru72 said:
Been using this on the grainfather for a few weeks now, just using the 2000w element but I am thinking of running both for quicker ramp ups.
Just built a second one for my mate who just bought a grainfather.
ImageUploadedByAussie Home Brewer1424335801.482064.jpg
Hi Guru72
Very nice integration! clean and effective , first time we see such an upgrade of a commercial product !

It seems you have used Open AdBir software and HW (and we are very proud of this.. :beerbang: ) can you please share what SW version are you using and if you did any modification/adaptation either on SW or HW ?

Any detail is appreciated

Davide – Ardbir team
hi. ive been looking at this thread for a while. its quite amazing. :)

ive boult a mockup on my breadboard for testing purposes. the screen is booting up and reading the temperature.

but the buttons are not reacting. i have redone the wiring probably over 10 times and even tried to touch the wire directly to the resistor but no reaction.

im using the ArdBir_2_6_63b10 firmware version and tried both the Pcb_ArdBir_DanielXan pcb and the Pcb_11s but no luck so far. any ideas to what may be the problem ?

grateful for any help

EDIT: tried changing the atmega chip in my uno for a newone but still nothing
In the development of the code and in the test phase using the PCB ArdBir by DanielXan and the PCB 11s, both with ArduinoUno and ArduinoMega 2560. The only plausible error in this behavior is the correct configuration of the right PCB for compilation and transfer of Arduino .
i used this drawing for the hookup on the breadboard, together with the settings mentioned in my past post .

if there is any relevance im using a 20x4 display

ehm sometimes i belive i suffer from very advanced retardation......
i forgot the cables from ground..... my bad..

admin feel fre to delete my posts......
arzaman said:
Hi Guru72
Very nice integration! clean and effective , first time we see such an upgrade of a commercial product !

It seems you have used Open AdBir software and HW (and we are very proud of this.. :beerbang: ) can you please share what SW version are you using and if you did any modification/adaptation either on SW or HW ?

Any detail is appreciated

Davide – Ardbir team
Hi Davide,
Im using SW version ArdBir_2_6_70b10. My HW is Brauduino Original PCB, 20x4 screen and a second SSR for the Pump.
I have done a few little mods.
I added a WhirlFloc tablet reminder at 14.5 min not to interfere with a 15min hop addition and
Switched the heating element on (override PID) until its reached boil temp because I found the PID would not reach boil temp without high settings compared to setting for mash temps. Also gets to boil quicker. Once it reaches boil temp it switches to the PWM mode.

In stage loop I added

if ((x-1)==7 && IodineTest==false)Iodine_Test();

if((x-1)==8 && TimeLeft == 870){ //Time is minutes X 60 eg 15min is 15x60=900, set at 14.5 not to interfere with 15min hop additions

if ((x-1)==8 && Temp_Now <= boilStageTemp) { //if temp isnt reached during boil



if ((x-1)==8 && tempBoilReached && Temp_Now >= boilStageTemp) { //if temp reached during boil

Output = boil_output;

And in LCD20x4_ENG.h I added

void NoBoil(){

void WhirlFloc(){

void HopAdd(byte HopAdd){

I haven't fully tested the Heat on, it works if you run it through the cycle but haven't tested if it works after being paused or on resume. Will do some more testing this weekend.

On the one I built for a mate ( the one in the photo) I change the name on the main screen to (he's name ) Hodgo"s Brewery with a beer mug symbol at the end.

The SW is great and am very happy with it.
One thing I did notice when using it is when its in PWM mode in the boil stage, If you pause it and then un-pause it the bottom line with the button labels is blank.

Thanks Greg.
MaxN68 said:
I have closed 5 days ago the new version (2.8.2) whit some news.
I have modified also heating for boil (100% to boil temp).
Thanks, I will check it out.
MaxN68 said:
I have closed 5 days ago the new version (2.8.2) whit some news.
I have modified also heating for boil (100% to boil temp).
Hi, Do you have a link to this version
Thanks Greg
Hi Greg
Thank you for clarifications, as Max said the PID behavior from mash out to boil has been already corrected (disabled) in order to speed up the process in rel 2.8 under test now
There are also some nice new features ..stay tuned!

The suggestion for a reminder for the Irish moss addition is nice we keep in mind for next release

Just a request if you modify the code remember that everything is under GNU license..and a part from this keeping the original ArdBir logo is appreciated from all the team putting lot of effort supporting the project

The new all in one board prototypes are ready for testing
They looks very well, compact end well engineered, just a couple of minor modifications are needed for the final version

Test will proceed with new ArdBir sw version 2.8 with lot of news!
The new all in one board prototypes are ready for testing
They looks very well, compact end well engineered, just a couple of minor modifications are needed for the final version

Test will proceed with new ArdBir sw version 2.8 with lot of news!

I have built my own controller from scratch and almost everything is working. The temp sensor was reading ~55c. I've looked at everything including buying a replacement ds18b20. I shortened the lead on the replacement and now i'm getting ~50. Closer but still about 20c higher than what it should be. Anybody seen this before?
As in c or f? Yes it is set to c. I did set it to f to see what happened and it gave me 103f which is 39c.

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