Marks Home Brew confirmed to stay open then sold

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Thanks Warra,
The mods have not set me as a retailer yet, but at least this thread is in the right spot.

That's right Warra, the site is up and running. I will be open for pick ups tomorrow from 9 till 1.

manticle said:
Be time for a new thread on this I reckon.
Mark was judging at the NSW comp over the weekend, every cm his old self and looking the happiest and most relaxed I've seen him for yonks.

Probably a good opportunity to close the thread and for anyone interested in the new store and continuing use of Brewbuilder, Brewman_ can start a new thread when he's been promoted to Retailer status.

Edit: Mark said he'd supervised Brewman_ take delivery of a couple of tonnes of grain and n kilos of hops where n is a large number, so it's now full steam ahead. :beerbang:
I drove to and from the Castle Hill comp with Mark, both days, and was privy to a phone call from the new Brewman.

Fairly sure I overheard that orders have been prepped (and perhaps posted), and pickups have commenced at the new location, so business is full steam ahead.

IIRC, it was about 100kg of hops to kick off.
[SIZE=medium]Well, I have closed down, after 10 years in my own shop, it’s all over. You can’t run a homebrew shop with a stuffed back, especially when it reaches the stage where, well, the painkillers are so strong that you can’t work if you take them and can’t work without them, so its thank you and goodbye.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]I have really enjoyed most of the last decade, have met some wonderful people and made some great friends. With people as with the beer, there have been some that will remain memorable for both good and bad reasons.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]First up I would like to thank those that have been customers, I know only too well that the last while has been difficult for both of us, to those that have persevered a heartfelt thank you.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]A special thanks to those who offered help, some free labour, some cash money to help me keep going, there are some very special people among the Hunters brewing community and I won’t be forgetting who they are -to you guys- I owe you one (or more) just ask if you ever need anything.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Part of being an adult is having to face reality, in this case that I couldn’t keep going, so I have sold the business.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Steve, who has taken it over, will be running it his way, from his premises. Steve is a more than competent home brewer and should be able to help you with anything you need; I hope you all give him the support he deserves. Just remember he is new at retail and there is a bit of a learning curve; just don’t give him too much ****, please.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]I am looking forward to loosening the red hazard warning attached to my name (Retailer) and going back to being just a regular member of AHB. As an ex-retailer I would like to say, retailers are not your enemy.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Sadly the one thing that really drives me batty about AHB is the hatred and contempt often expressed toward retailers. The truth is that most work really hard for very little money, you wouldn’t be a homebrew retailer unless you had a real passion for brewing.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]When I first started all grain brewing we could get 5 malts 1 hop and sometimes 2 yeasts (but mostly only 1) retailers are the people who have brought us all the range of ingredients available today. They risked their own money to buy stock in from all over the world, true the craft brewing scene kicking off has helped. But think how many of Australia’s leading craft brewers are or were home brewers first.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]I haven’t been here (on AHB) much for most of the last 6 months, skimming through this thread has been interesting, thanks to those who expressed support and regret at my predicament – there are a few of you who should ban yourselves from posting after drinking, otherwise you could be mistaken for complete prats, but to most, thanks again, it’s been (mostly) fun.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Cheers and may all your beers be very good beers[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]There is one person I would like to address, for all the wrong reasons – yes, I mean you Tony.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]For the last 6-7 years I have bitten my lip and put up with your little snipes, damning with faint praise and regular little needles about being banned from the shop; even when you said you weren’t brewing or even drinking; during one of the roughest times in my life; you had to come back for another go. Well I’m not a retailer any more, so I don’t have to watch my mouth, and you have lost your protected status.[/SIZE]

Tony said:
As one of the only people to have ever been banned from Marks shop, I hope he keeps going!

I remember last time this happened, I was a very active brewer and forum member, and dedicated MHB costomer, and recieved many phone calls and emails from many MHB "fan boys" of the day saying "what are we going to do??? Where will we get malt???"

We waited for months, I believe Mark was ill at the time, and when we all ran out of malt the phone calls and emalis from the fan boys increased. I organised a bulk buy of malt at zero personal profit to supply myslef and MHB's fan boys that needed it and I wont go into details on what happened after that.

I cant say i missed the messy, dirty shop, long waits, 2nd hand smoke and stale hops in the well sniffed containers in the fridge etc, but I did miss Marks enthusasiam and knowledge in the brewing craft.

Even after i was made not welcome I sent people to shop with MHB, and i hope he keeps things ticking over.

Tony said:
I ordered a pallet of malt from another supplier when Mark was unable to supply malt

Mark hates bulk buys
Tony – you were never banned from the shop, just from any events I organised for my customers.
What the hell did you expect when a small just starting out retailer organises a brew day at a brewery, pays for 2 brewers, a 650L brew, prepays for 40 lunches, cleans and delivers enough cubes to no-chill the batch and even pays for a bus and driver so his customers can drink free beer to excess and still get home – all to start building a local community of brewers? From memory, the day cost over $2800, so not for profit is putting it mildly
You were standing there with a beer I paid for, having eaten lunch at my expense, organising a bulk buy - through your mate Ross.
If you were invited to a BBQ and spent the day hitting on a mate's missus, you wouldn’t be expecting any more invites any time soon now, would you, I don’t see how this is a whole lot different!
I don’t hate bulk buys, had you or anyone else asked I would have been more than happy to put one together, what really pissed me off was that you wanted to take the local customers to your mate Ross. What really surprises me is that at the time you went home in one piece, I must have been feeling very mellow that day.
Maybe while I was spending a month in hospital, some people were contacting you, but Tony I still have copies of the emails you were spraying around, (“all that glitters is not gold” –hum) trying to drum up business; at the time my lawyer advised that although they were quite defamatory and certainly libelous; it probably wasn’t worth the time and effort to sue you, it was a close run thing tho.
Before you get you knickers in a twist and start saying things you will regret, just remember; there are plenty of people around who were there while this was going on. If you hadn’t jumped into this thread for just one more parting shot, I would have been happy to leave it alone too.
Tony, having been forwarded copies of your emails, I know you are a liar; having seen your ill-advised post showing off the great stainless steel filter you stole from your employer, I know you to be a thief too.
I have no interest in anything you have to say, now or at any time in the future, if you wish to communicate with me do so through a lawyer, or better yet a second.
And then......... There was nothing but stunned silence.
All the best Mark

...But...what will happen to those that paid for orders and received nothing...

One would hope that this has been sorted....
Well that is a good thing...but prob should never have got to that point....regardless...
Or be totally deleted from cyber space as it's worthless and will just clog up more of useful AHB.

.............But alas, people like to keep these threads, and get angry when they are removed for reasons unknown.


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