Marks Home Brew confirmed to stay open then sold

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Do you think AHB will run faster if this thread is deleted Shaun? People need to take responsibility for what they write, not just expect the Mod team to do it for them.
This thread will stay for a while longer, people can have their say for a bit, then if it turns nasty and people seem unable to moderate themselves, it might get locked.
If it was up to you, I reckon there'd be no threads left on the internet because they all take up too much space somewhere and one day someone might read them.
What's the benefit of keeping the thread? Gimmy one decent reason.
I'll give u one, Marks final reply and apology, that should be kept for some time for all to see, but the rest of it is dribble.

What's its benefit to a Homebrew forum????

People can have their say for a bit. On what, Marks given his final reply, the new guy has a new thread, ????

So, why keep **** like this that's time has past?

Also, the people did have a 'delete their own post function', but that has since been removed, and u can only edit a post for a small window.
You guys are the ones that seem to be giving yourselves more work.
shaunous said:
What's the benefit of keeping the thread? Gimmy one decent reason.
I'll give u one, Marks final reply and apology, that should be kept for some time for all to see, but the rest of it is dribble.

What's its benefit to a Homebrew forum????

People can have their say for a bit. On what, Marks given his final reply, the new guy has a new thread, ????

So, why keep **** like this that's time has past?

Also, the people did have a 'delete their own post function', but that has since been removed, and u can only edit a post for a small window.
You guys are the ones that seem to be giving yourselves more work.
Cmon Shaun. The mod team have discussed this in length behind the scenes, we have taken on board all the reports, comments and opinions. We are trying to let things be as transparent as possible. Yes it would have been easy to close and lock the thread months ago but easy isn't always the best solution. Your criticism of the mod team does nothing to help.

This thread is almost as epic, and long, as my yeast threads......I'm impressed :)
Totally off topic.

I'm particularly liking the new htfu attitude from the mods. There is an element of humour, they aren't all peeved off about something or the other - locking threads, deleting posts, issuing reprimands over PM, clamming up about decisions, refusing to engage. That used to be very annoying and only provoke the trolls further. I say, good on ya. There is a better vibe.

So, stfu Shaunous and get a big dog up ya. You have to let people be adults, sure some/most would be parts now and then or most times, no need to get holy about it. Quit attacking the mods about it, for once I agree with their methods.
shaunous said:
You guys are the ones that seem to be giving yourselves more work.
By letting threads run their course rather than wiping them away with our superpowers?

The only threads I believe in deleting (most are hidden rather than deleted by the way) are accidental duplicates and spam threads. I believe in locking threads to stop shitfights and hiding the ocassional comment that goes against forum guidelibes but I'm not an advocate of censorship and wholesale deletion of threads is very close to a kind of censorship.

As for the ability to delete your own posts - I'm in favour and have expressed that but the majority think differently (and their reasons are well thought out and sound) so that's something you'll have to live with for now. Think about what you type, exercise self awareness, take responsibility for your words.
I believe this to be an open forum with minimal moderation from my time here, I like that concept and the non nazi approach it enables.

Things have been said here by MHB that May have otherwise have gone unspoken as a retailer. Credibility of the opposition was attacked but what is a forum without two opposing opinions. There has been no rebuttal has there from the accaused and I assume there will never be. Sometimes people need to be put in their place and I think MHB, without knowing the ins and outs of the situation has done this gracefully and with respect. I have followed this thread and given my opinion several times, needed or not I gave it and I believe it is only fair Mark can have a say now he is less stressed and in a forum state of mind winding down from what I can only think of as a lot of work as a self employed bloke, in an industry of possibly drunk customers and alcohol sometimes fuelling their issues.

Have a great retirement and enjoy yourself now you're not in the retail game..
I agree with "freedom of speach" but I wish we could delete posts.
[SIZE=medium]I am a huge supporter of freedom of speech and strongly support everyone’s right to post, but you can’t un-say or un-do anything in any other aspect of your life.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]The old “what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” idea might be great marketing but it doesn’t apply to your credit card.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]I remember in the old days of delete-able posts; responded to a comment, only to find the post gone; which can make the whole thread stop making sense. If you post something stupid – correct your mistake if necessary apologise and move on, but man up and be responsible for what you say and do; both here on AHB and in the rest of your life.[/SIZE]
So your cool with people trashing you Mark? which is basically the large lump of this thread.
Maybe I have OCD, but I like to de-clutter. If there are topics containing countless posts of drunken dribble, be they funny or derogatory it doesn't matter. I don't see their value. Sure keep them around for some time, but for the length of AHB eternity?

Bit like half the recipes in the RecipeDB, half finished or would clearly taste like ****, but there there.

It makes searching a right pain.

But it's how it's staying and that's that.

Thanks mods for putting in the hard time and effort, carry on regardless.
shaunous said:
So your cool with people trashing you Mark? which is basically the large lump of this thread.
Ranks right up there with being flogged with barbed wire, not my point.
Free speech doesn't depend on whether or not I like what is being said, my point is you can say what you like but you and I are responsible for what we say and do.
In this case (AHB) if you post stupid, objectionable, offensive... material, it is there for all to see, no one should be able to rewrite history, that's very 1984.
If you give people the impression that you're a complete ******, racist or retard based on what you post, then they might be right in garnering that impression, it's your and my responsibility to think about what we say and think before we post.
Abusive posts towards other members is against forum rules and will not be tolerated, I have hidden the post and others referencing it, please keep this thread civil.
Also duplicate accounts will not be allowed.
manticle said:
Do you think AHB will run faster if this thread is deleted Shaun?
To be a pedantic database admin/developer, technically yes as it will remove records from the database and table access will be (almost unnoticeably) faster...
Now, I'm not usually one to stir things up....... :ph34r:

But I do find it interesting that for months when people were screaming out "Mark are you there?...." some out of concern, some with a "genuine" gripe or issue with an order etc. All AHB got was the sound of crickets and tumbleweeds blowing through town.

Now that no one is, more or less, asking anything anymore ....he has lots to say.

On a serious note ladies...untangle your panties, Keep your personal issues personal. And get back to what you where valued for most - giving good brewing advice.

Not sure why I felt the need to rant, all this has almost nothing to do with me....rant over.....
Carry on, while I climb off my moral soapbox. :D

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