Marks Home Brew confirmed to stay open then sold

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Been looking at that retailer myself. For people outside of Newcastle, East Maitland is just a quick hop off from the Pacific Hwy from Hexham as opposed to negotiating a mob of traffic lights and a racetrack heading the other way.

However out of courtesy to the retailer being discussed in this thread, better to start a new thread once E Maitland get their act together and the system is running well.
SnakeDoctor said:
Order online? I order stuff online all the time and won't be stopping any time soon.

And no - i'll order my spec malts / hops from Craftbrewer.

I expect that eventually i'll recover the product and or funds - either that or us lowly peasant mail order punters have subsidised the upper royal class local pick up guild :)
Nice to see that you have no respect for the shop or the "gifted locals", based on presumably one incident.
Probably a good idea to keep the retail stuff in the retails thread.

Maybe you could pm me with the name of your recipe and the name on your order and I'll try to sort this for you. This applies to anyone who has paid and not been supplied.

No affiliation, just have a lot of respect for Mark and the services provided.No disrespect meant toward other thread contributors. I am offering to mediate any disputes.
Les the Weizguy said:
Nice to see that you have no respect for the shop or the "gifted locals", based on presumably one incident.
Probably a good idea to keep the retail stuff in the retails thread.
To be honest, I think if anyone else was out as much money as I am, for as long as i've been - they'd be making a hell of a lot more noise than I am.

I think not only am I being respectful i'm being outright generous. Being attacked by those who have received far better service than I have is however, wearing quite thin and pretty much eroding this generosity.
Les the Weizguy said:
Maybe you could pm me with the name of your recipe and the name on your order and I'll try to sort this for you. This applies to anyone who has paid and not been supplied.

Cheers for your offer of mediation, but i'm quite capable of calling each week and getting told "i'll do it this week" myself, well, until the next time the phone number changes with no notification.
SnakeDoctor said:
Cheers for your offer of mediation, but i'm quite capable of calling each week and getting told "i'll do it this week" myself, well, until the next time the phone number changes with no notification.
That's how I feel aswell. If I can't sort it out no one can. I tried again actually and said I've been waiting a few weeks now and he said he'd sort it out soon (like he has said 4 times in 4 weeks now) he also said there's a lot of others like me. Whatever that means.
I was prepared to get 2 sacks of grain if he sorted it out as I'm over being promised by him then more time passing and another brew day missed. I sound like a broken record so I'm gunna refrain from this thread from now on unless my orders go through.
I also checked my orders and the last 4 orders haven't been processed. 2 double batches and 2 singles.
My kegs ran dry this weekend also. :(
Poor bastard, feel free to come round for a drink mate, if my kegs ran dry i'd be a lot less understanding! haha
SnakeDoctor said:
Poor bastard, feel free to come round for a drink mate, if my kegs ran dry i'd be a lot less understanding! haha
Yea I don't blame mark tho, (maybe a little lol) but I shoulda ordered grain elsewhere earlier tho so I wasn't in this predicament. Good time to replace all the lines.
I've got some bottled wheat beer but it's to cold for that lol.
This problem is not happening over the the last two months, it has been ongoing for the last 18 months that I am aware of.

I tried to order brew packs from Marks Brew builder with the normal on line purchase followed by the phone calls. Even though he said that these orders would be processed he did not follow up or supply me personally with anything that I ordered.
Then, when I decided to purchase a Braumeister brew system he accepted my order on line then after phone calls he said he would send me the BM and confirm the delivery date.

Well that was as good as it got because he could not notify me as to the delivery details nor could he even reply to my emails and P M's regarding the order even after many phone calls to him.

I need to add here that Mark did not and would not return any phone calls or emails to me regarding these purchases

What this guy needs to understand is that people ( read customers) like me are lining up to spend $2500 in his shop for a purchase.

I went with the original enquiry because a couple of other brewers recommend this guy to me..

After two weeks of non replies and numerous phone calls I got a "FUNNY FEELING" and with this I cancelled my order for the BM.

There is something amiss with this retailer and I wish he would come clean with his customers be them past and future customers and tell them EXACTLY what is happening to their orders.

As it turned out in my situation, he probably missed out on at least the purchase of another two BM's from guys that watched me brew on the BM.

I am by no means suggesting that these guys would have purchased from MHB but he missed the opportunity due to his total slack attitude toward me.

I have said this before and I will say it again

, Mark you need to communicate with your clients, both old customers and new spenders if you want your business to survive.

Reply to this topic with honesty if only to stop the uncertainty,

My suggestion is to people wishing to buy HB products is to consider buying on line and have it delivered unless you can walk through his door and pick it up yourself.

Apologies Mark but this thread is really starting to piss me off, and if you are reading this then POST THE TRUTH AS TO WHY YOU CHOSE NOT TO SERVE ANYONE BUT THOSE WHO CAN WALK THROUGH THE SHOP DOOR

A very strange way to run a business when you have a web site....... My thoughts only..of course.

When a potential customer makes an enquiry the "dribble crap" response wears a bit thin after a couple of genuine phone calls to find the true status of their order.
What confuses me about the homebrew scene is the fanboy attitude certain people get and then vehemently defend their chosen supplier when people complain even after they receive substandard service themselves.

If more people had been honest about the service they received I wouldn't have been ****** over with two dodgy kegerators and more than a month of ********.

And then people get abused for accurately reporting the poor service they receive?
SnakeDoctor said:
Cheers for your offer of mediation, but i'm quite capable of calling each week and getting told "i'll do it this week" myself, well, until the next time the phone number changes with no notification.
Ok, I thought that I could compile any outstanding paid orders and front up to the shop with a list, and get them sorted for you guys.

Still willing to go to bat for ya. Let me know.
The sad thing is, is that when Mark was in trouble brewers wanted to help him out by buying stock from him to keep him afloat..

To now hear that orders & goods are not being delivered and he wont even communicate is going to put right back at the start of this thread with him likely to shut shop because he is rapidly gaining a reputation of not delivering.

Would you blame brewers goung elsewhere.

I think the charity has well and truly run out.
I think that Mark does not give a fat rats tail to what people are saying on this thread. He has been posting so I'm sure he is sitting back laughing at everyone getting their panties in a twist in this viral thread. Mark has always been more than helpful when I have dropped into the shop. I know that Mark would walk over broken glass to make an order up for someone who has paid for it. Just call him or drop in and he will make it up on the spot.
All well and good...

But if your waiting on postal orders because you cant just walk in......what then....
SJW said:
I think that Mark does not give a fat rats tail to what people are saying on this thread.
Good way to maintain a customer base....especially if you want to expand your business...
His last post was on the 11th of May so I'm not sure where people are getting the idea he's been active on AHB. The problems people are posting started to really start after that date.
Ducatiboy stu said:
All well and good...

But if your waiting on postal orders because you cant just walk in......what then....
You obviously did not read my posts above, or deliberately choose to ignore them.

Again, I will state that I'm available to drop into the shop and troubleshoot people's missing orders. I have time off work and the shop is only about 30 min from my house.

Surely a resolution is the desired outcome, or do people just prefer to bring all their general grievances here and just have a good old belly-ache, at the expense of a retailer who supports the brew community.
Les the Weizguy said:
You obviously did not read my posts above, or deliberately choose to ignore them.
I was not refering to anything you said or posted. Period.

I was refering to what SJW was saying.

If you want to go and be the guy who tries to sort it out then good luck to you.

And....if I needed to go thru a third party to get an order fullfilled then I would much rather deal with a retailer who I can deal with directly.
Many weeks later I still have no response to an enquiry for a 50lt Braumeister.
Google search shows , so I send 3 emails, no response.

No prizes for guessing who owns that domain !

Quick phone call to a forum sponsor , not a problem , deliver direct from factory to my door in NZ, no freight charges

Contrasting service ?

Best wishes Mark, hope its not R.I.P. Marks Homebrew
SJW said:
I think that Mark does not give a fat rats tail to what people are saying on this thread.
Ducatiboy stu said:
Good way to maintain a customer base....especially if you want to expand your business...
I'm sure that he does care that it may be affecting his business. On the other hand, if some people (customers) are happier to p!ss and moan rather than get their orders, what would your care factor be?

Ducatiboy stu said:
I was not refering to anything you said or posted. Period.

I was refering to what SJW was saying.
Maybe you should be looking at the thread in total and not ignoring my offers of help, but only if it's relevant to you and not just about saying something because you can.

I admit that I am a primary stakeholder in this, as Mark's shop has been my lhbs for some time.

Ducatiboy stu said:
If you want to go and be the guy who tries to sort it out then good luck to you.

And....if I needed to go thru a third party to get an order fullfilled then I would much rather deal with a retailer who I can deal with directly.
So, I'm wondering why you need to advocate for the dissenters, as a third-party? Do you want to be the guy who sorts it out for them, or just stir the pot a bit more?

Stu, you appear to have a lot of general anger. Is this personal for you, or just about being part of the discsussion?

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