Mango Juice With Apple Juice?

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I just did the fornightly trip to the supermarket, planning to do another cider. Just to mix it up a bit I bought some apple/mango juice. I am wondering if anyone has experience with this, should I attempt it, or am I better off going with the straight apple juice?

Beers Mick
I gave it a shot. I went for broke and did 20l of that combo and won't do it again.... It's OK but I found the Mango to have some citrus element to it which doesn't really work. I tried a blackcurrant cider that a mate brewed the other week and liked it so will head in that direction for my less fermentable sugars :)
Let us know how it goes bloke :)
I just did the fornightly trip to the supermarket, planning to do another cider. Just to mix it up a bit I bought some apple/mango juice. I am wondering if anyone has experience with this, should I attempt it, or am I better off going with the straight apple juice?

Beers Mick

I am about to bottle the same mix, it's a bit sour so I'm going to drink it with Apple juice to see if that helps..
Yeh i have done one as well. Its really had to get the sweetness right, tends to come out a bit acidic if you ferment to much of the sugars out. ( like any cider )

Could possibly do it if you crash chilled it at your desired sweetness.
Ok its just in the fermenter as of, well, a few hours ago. I used a ratio of 3 bottles of apple/mango to 7 bottles of straight apple. On an interesting note, the Brix is down two points for the brew, the last straight apple came in at 12, this one comes in at ten (1048 compare to 1040)

Beers Mick
Ok its just in the fermenter as of, well, a few hours ago. I used a ratio of 3 bottles of apple/mango to 7 bottles of straight apple. On an interesting note, the Brix is down two points for the brew, the last straight apple came in at 12, this one comes in at ten (1048 compare to 1040)

Beers Mick

Hey Mick
I tried the same style cider and it turned out absolutely terrific! I used a can of brigalow apple cider, 1kg coopers brewing sugar, 5 granny smiths juiced (only used the juice), 2x 2.4L apple juice and 2x 1L Mango Nectar. It's great stuff I made 20L with this mix.
Yes I used to be a fan of the brigalow ciders, I dare say ive brewed many a strong brew using their cans. I must brew another one day, so I can compare it to the aldi apple juice.

I think they are both made from concentrates, but I have heard the brigalow kits have artifical sweeteners added.

Beers Mick
i've done an oz-tops thing with mango juice before. turned out fine, the only issue is you have to strain it after the ferment is done, as all the fibre in the juice clumps together and floats. tasted good though.