Little Creatures Next Single Batch

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Odd that we're getting some stock before the side of the country it's actually made on.
Odd that we're getting some stock before the side of the country it's actually made on.

Typically West Australian...we're always a bit behind everyone else.

I may just have to head to Creatures itself and grab one off the tap...the missus did express some need to go to Freo over the long weekend, perhaps I shall tag along ;)
Well, it would only be polite to escort her :D
just had a marzen for lunch

beautiful fresh bready grain taste and aroma

no hop aroma for my nose,

i get the same subtle nuances i got when i used wy2487

a beer a beer snob can share with his megaswill mate and both be happy
Tried a pint of Marzen at Harts Pub and found it disappointing <_<

Wasn't sure what to expect but I thought it was rather bland. Bit of sweet malt flavour with a slight bitterness.
Despite being around 30 IBU it seems quite sweet and it's hard to detect any hop flavours.
Trotted on down to Creatures today with the missus and ordered two pints of Marzen and they had sold out... apparently it only lasted 9 days at the brewery. The young bloke serving was a bit bewildered to see my disappointment :icon_cheers:
Found a couple of pint bottles on the way home and it is drinking nicely.

Cheers, John.
Tried some, liked it, well balanced beer.

Did get a slight yeast bite in both bottles I tried which was my only criticism.

How much hoppiness are people expecting from a Marzen? Malt sweetness + a hit of bitterness sounds spot on to me. Maybe aggressive hopping has ruined too many palates. There is such a thing as delicacy and balance in a beer.
Hey Guys,

Once again, interesting view points. I've heard everything from "the best single batch yet" to "boring". So I guess this does it's job - gets people thinking and debating about beer.

I only tasted it out of the maturation tank at the brewery, but am looking foward to trying the finished product upon my return - currently on 4 weeks holiday in Europe, had some great beers here of course.... cry me a river.... :icon_cheers:

But what we were after with this one was definitely maltiness without too much sweetness, and a touch of bitterness (which is basically a marzen according to style guidelines of course). Sounds like we got somewhere close. We don't do test batches (we just jump in and do 20,000L), so these are always a wee bit stressful.... but a good test.

Next Single Batch is going to come from an internal homebrew comp which is being judged in a few weeks. We only specified "dark and strong" as the style, so not sure what we are going to end up with, but for sure is going to test our brewhouse out. I am hoping for a range of entries from imperial stouts to black IPAs.

Anyway, cheers for now,

A really good Marzen and I enjoyed every drop. Great malt profile balanced by a noticeable but not overpowering hop aroma and some bitterness. 2 thumbs up.

If you thought that this Marzen is boring, you may have been expecting another style of beer altogether. But this is Marzen to me. It's great that LC are doing single batches of relatively subtle beers - brown ale, the EKG to name but two. They should be encouraged.


It's great that LC are doing single batches of relatively subtle beers - brown ale, the EKG to name but two. They should be encouraged.

+1. Too many brewers out there already doing belgian-double-imperial-bourbon-barrel-aged-india-black-dopple-pumpkin-whatevers. Not to play them down, but subtlety is hard to do...And LC are doing it well.
I had a pint of this at Harts the other week, I found it a little sweet, but what bitterness there was did linger just enough to balance things.

I would agree with the comments that it is a subtle beer done well, there was just something about it that did not do it for me though, i think it may have been the combo of the hops used?

The next potential single batches sound good, would love a black IPA.
I bought a couple of these pint bottles on the weekend, it is a really nice beer. I agree about the balance being spot on and the Saaz / Willamette work well together.
Next Single Batch is going to come from an internal homebrew comp which is being judged in a few weeks. We only specified "dark and strong" as the style, so not sure what we are going to end up with, but for sure is going to test our brewhouse out. I am hoping for a range of entries from imperial stouts to black IPAs.

:beerbang: Oh Yeah!
Next Single Batch is going to come from an internal homebrew comp which is being judged in a few weeks. We only specified "dark and strong" as the style, so not sure what we are going to end up with, but for sure is going to test our brewhouse out. I am hoping for a range of entries from imperial stouts to black IPAs.

I wish I could drop in a batch of my Mild Dark Ale in (and you'd keep the alcohol excise down, given how low the abv is). I was going to enter it into QABC last year (that's how good I thought it was), and some idiots drank the lot on me before I managed to keep a bottle hidden.

Lots of flavour, little alcohol.

Hey Guys,

Once again, interesting view points. I've heard everything from "the best single batch yet" to "boring". So I guess this does it's job - gets people thinking and debating about beer.

I only tasted it out of the maturation tank at the brewery, but am looking foward to trying the finished product upon my return - currently on 4 weeks holiday in Europe, had some great beers here of course.... cry me a river.... :icon_cheers:

But what we were after with this one was definitely maltiness without too much sweetness, and a touch of bitterness (which is basically a marzen according to style guidelines of course). Sounds like we got somewhere close. We don't do test batches (we just jump in and do 20,000L), so these are always a wee bit stressful.... but a good test.

Next Single Batch is going to come from an internal homebrew comp which is being judged in a few weeks. We only specified "dark and strong" as the style, so not sure what we are going to end up with, but for sure is going to test our brewhouse out. I am hoping for a range of entries from imperial stouts to black IPAs.

Anyway, cheers for now,


Yet to try it but will be hopefully picking some up today...

Dark and strong sounds like a great idea. As much as i like a Black IPA i'd still like you guys to go for something a bit more traditional like a Robust Porter or a Schwarzbier...oooh or maybe a Belgian Dark strong... yes that :icon_drunk:
Had a pint bottle of this last night and really enjoyed it - as many are saying; a nice balance between the malt and bitterness. I hadn't tried this style of beer before and I've never had a black IPA so if that's the next batch then I'll grab some of that too! (I suppose I'll grab whatever it is anyway)

I really like how LC are doing these single batches, something for me to look forward to (apart from my own brews!).
All this talk got me thinking.

Up here no-one stocks the single batches. I called chalk and cheese in Auchenflower and they will supply it and throw in free delivery of the carton to my sons. Woohoo, how is that for service.

Now just to find an excuse to go to Brisbane.


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