Kevin Rudds Home Brewing Bonus

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Have been having a laugh at some of the talk back calls on the radio.

Elderly Caller..... " All these young people are just going to go out and get pregnant then blow the money on plasma TVs , wasting my taxes"

Young Caller....." All these old people are going to head straight down to the local RSL and blow the money on the pokies, wasting my taxes"

Only one solution Sterilise the young and section the old

Nothing for the Zoom household. Apparently we're loaded with a low six fig salary, 3 kids and a Sydney mortgage.
Even if parents go out and buy a flat tv they have always wanted... It's probably due to the fact they put there children first. I really need a fridge to put my fermenters in but it has to wait due to the fact I pay child care, dancing lessons, swimming lessons, school fees, clothes, food etc which I provide for my daughter way before I satisfy myself with brew gear or televisions.

Aint that the truth Katie, we have 2 kids, one is 7 and the other is nearly 2 and most of our money goes on making sure they have what they need and the bills etc.. **** ive gotta save $25 a week just to get my keg set-up, I think my foray into AG be in the New Year...
kiwi, without making an issue of this and getting you angry, could you just explain how you were told it would be "nearly $2 K per family member" to be granted Aus. citizenship?
Something needs to be done about these claims, there could be many New Australians such as yourself that haven`t applied for citizenship because of these outlandish rumours.
{Somewhere in this thread is a PDF re. citizenship costs, hope that helps}


Application fee
The application fee for conferral of Australian Citizenship - General eligibility is $AUD240. Child under 16 years applying on the same form as parent is NIL fee.
See: Form 1298i Citizenship Fees (58KB PDF file)

however, I work with a Lebanese girl who got her 'husband' to just move here from Lebanon and they had to pay 10,000 dollars for something? assurance perhaps? I'll ask when I return to work.
But one thing I will say is most Australians are quick to bag out John Howard and the Liberal party, but if this country gets through this without too much economic hardship it will be down to the platform that the Liberal government handed over to the Labour government. Kevin Rudd must be thanking his lucky stars that he has $10bn to play with at the moment to be able to try to ward off a recession.

I don't think little Johnny had much to do with the global economic boom that we had over most of his 13 years, the same as I doubt Kevvy's $10b will ward off a recession if the global economy doesn't eventually stabilise.

You don't often see the investors on Wall St panic too much if the ASX loses 9% over night...
Looks too good to be true. Don't you have to be on welfare already? Sorry - but I can't be bothered reading this stuff anymore, I know the answer.

I've got three kids under 10 and we have never qualified for zip so I've gotta presume same again.

Sorry but this all sux; Baby Bonus, First Home Buyers, etc etc. Thats my bloody money :angry:

Better keep your kids out of my schools and hospitals, cos thats my bloody money. Piss off to Dubai, you can keep all your bloody money there.

Nothing for the Zoom household. Apparently we're loaded with a low six fig salary, 3 kids and a Sydney mortgage.

Thats one more figure than most. Did someone force your hand at the auction, or in the bedroom?

So many people are quick to be critical of people on pensions, the 'bludgers'. But what we are seeing here is that a lot of those being critical have there hands out too, and are just jaded that their wants are not being serviced as readily. Since when did this become a nation of whingers, expectantly waiting for handouts. We all know the deal, you pay taxes, it gets divied up, and if your lucky, some of it gets back to you through infrastructure, services and the occasional bonus. If you have a real complaint about the system, where were your voices beforehand?

You know the baby bonus is for actual children right, not just people who cry?
Better keep your kids out of my schools and hospitals, cos thats my bloody money. Piss off to Dubai, you can keep all your bloody money there.

Thats one more figure than most. Did someone force your hand at the auction, or in the bedroom?

So many people are quick to be critical of people on pensions, the 'bludgers'. But what we are seeing here is that a lot of those being critical have there hands out too, and are just jaded that their wants are not being serviced as readily. Since when did this become a nation of whingers, expectantly waiting for handouts. We all know the deal, you pay taxes, it gets divied up, and if your lucky, some of it gets back to you through infrastructure, services and the occasional bonus. If you have a real complaint about the system, where were your voices beforehand?

You know the baby bonus is for actual children right, not just people who cry?

I was unaware that one person paying tax was better than another person paying tax just because they might earn different incomes? next you'll be saying he can't send his kids to read books in a public library because he earns above minimum wage.

I got on a bus yesterday, seen a lovely old pensioner get on, say 'hello driver' and 'thankyou', she shuffled onto the bus. Then came a drunken ~30 year old, looking rather disheveled and delirious (probably on drugs), get on the bus and say "HEY, PENSIONER TICKET" and produce a pension card. Now I have no qualms at all about real people using pensioners discounts, but this guy was clearly just a drug addict. He'll probably get this huge bonanza of free cash and where is it going ? straight up his arm in a flurry of smack. Pretty much like most of the single mothers pushing out kids just for the baby bonus, that also cry when they have to go for intensive job search training instead of sitting at home playing PlayStation and smoking bongs. I fail to see how someone earning more money but obviously paying more tax than you doesn't deserve to have his kids in a public school, library, swimming pool or anywhere else that is labelled PUBLIC.
I was unaware that one person paying tax was better than another person paying tax just because they might earn different incomes? next you'll be saying he can't send his kids to read books in a public library because he earns above minimum wage.

I got on a bus yesterday, seen a lovely old pensioner get on, say 'hello driver' and 'thankyou', she shuffled onto the bus. Then came a drunken ~30 year old, looking rather disheveled and delirious (probably on drugs), get on the bus and say "HEY, PENSIONER TICKET" and produce a pension card. Now I have no qualms at all about real people using pensioners discounts, but this guy was clearly just a drug addict. He'll probably get this huge bonanza of free cash and where is it going ? straight up his arm in a flurry of smack. Pretty much like most of the single mothers pushing out kids just for the baby bonus, that also cry when they have to go for intensive job search training instead of sitting at home playing PlayStation and smoking bongs. I fail to see how someone earning more money but obviously paying more tax than you doesn't deserve to have his kids in a public school, library, swimming pool or anywhere else that is labelled PUBLIC.

sorry quantocks, obviously didn't make myself clear enough. was just trying to make the point that we all pay tax for things that we dont gain immediate benefits from, as in his three kids education will be in part subsidised by my taxes, which i have no problem with. if you read again, then you will note that i did not make comment on the level of tax paid in relation to income.

theres a lot of assumptions in there;
was the guy on the bus "drunken", "probably on drugs" or "clearly a drug addict", quantocks?
what percentage of australias single mothers do you know? and what proportion of them are "pushing out kids just for the baby bonus"? my guess is <0.01% and 0%. but thats just a guess.
how much tax do i pay? actually this would be really helpful, cos i havent got my tax return in yet and i'd really like to know.

Even if parents go out and buy a flat tv they have always wanted... It's probably due to the fact they put there children first. I really need a fridge to put my fermenters in but it has to wait due to the fact I pay child care, dancing lessons, swimming lessons, school fees, clothes, food etc which I provide for my daughter way before I satisfy myself with brew gear or televisions.

I really do think (or would like to) that 98% of parents would do exactly the same thing for their kids, unfortuantly again its the 2% that ruin it for the rest of youse.
theres a lot of assumptions in there;
was the guy on the bus "drunken", "probably on drugs" or "clearly a drug addict", quantocks?
what percentage of australias single mothers do you know? and what proportion of them are "pushing out kids just for the baby bonus"? my guess is <0.01% and 0%. but thats just a guess.
how much tax do i pay? actually this would be really helpful, cos i havent got my tax return in yet and i'd really like to know.

guy on the bus was drunk, seemingly on drugs (huge dialated pupils), scabs allover him (obvious sign of being a smack addict).

I worked in Minto for 6 months, the amount of single mothers you see there is out of this world.

In my household we get absolutely NOTHING, I'm not bitter about that, but I don't see it fair to give money to pensioners when they clearly aren't. You should get back what you give, if these people give nothing to society, they should rot.
just don`t go stirring a certain person up or you`ll be threatened with legal action, reported to police , and all the ******** that goes with it :lol:

but I don't see it fair to give money to pensioners when they clearly aren't. You should get back what you give, if these people give nothing to society, they should rot.

What about what they gave? :blink:
Didn't the last generation pay taxes?
What about what they gave? :blink:
Didn't the last generation pay taxes?

if you read anything I wrote you'd see that I am all for old-age pensioners receiving everything they need, I don't care if they gave the lot to the old age pensioners. They worked hard, fought hard and deserve every cent of it. I am up in arms about the 20-40 year old 'pensioners' that are either on the pension because they've scammed it and are drug addicts or have just spat out a few kids with different fathers.

they do NOT deserve a pension or my tax dollars, they just deserve a slap up the side of the head.
if you read anything I wrote you'd see that I am all for old-age pensioners receiving everything they need, I don't care if they gave the lot to the old age pensioners. They worked hard, fought hard and deserve every cent of it. I am up in arms about the 20-40 year old 'pensioners' that are either on the pension because they've scammed it and are drug addicts or have just spat out a few kids with different fathers.

they do NOT deserve a pension or my tax dollars, they just deserve a slap up the side of the head.

If I argued with that I'd be a pinko. :ph34r:
If I ever met a bloke with a mug like that I would just kiss him and hug him the poor ugly little bugger..... :wub:

Im not that way inclined razz........ unless you have ****ies, and not man ****ies like mine :)

Im flattered though

Even if parents go out and buy a flat tv they have always wanted... It's probably due to the fact they put there children first. I really need a fridge to put my fermenters in but it has to wait due to the fact I pay child care, dancing lessons, swimming lessons, school fees, clothes, food etc which I provide for my daughter way before I satisfy myself with brew gear or televisions.

Katie i thought you were staying out of this!

a big +1 on your post!

You should get back what you give, if these people give nothing to society, they should rot.

There are loopholes in that comment but af far as the unemployed that have never had or really looked for a job.... another +1

When are working singles going to get anything? We'll stimulate the economy since we live a life of material excess to fill the emptiness of our lives ;)