I've not even had a beer yet
There's your problem right there!
I've not even had a beer yet
Thanks, I've fixed that one too, several times now.There's your problem right there!
Oh nice! No use for me as I've already got about 20Kg of Percarbonate but good to see you doing some nice specials.We have just started a promo so if you purchase a StellarSan and also the Sodium Percarbonate Jar you get another pair of these free.
That's manufacture defect. Not handling... Can probably massage back to shape, that's not the point though.Mine looks exactly the same
Depends on supplier relationships and how much stock costs every Sunday at the Shenzen market... Cheap Chinese suppliers have a very flexible lead time in regards to volume. Not bagging cheap stuff but it's cheap for reasons beyond the manufacturing process.Hi Null, yep I agree with you completely and to be honest it's been a mystery to me why they haven't implemented such functionality as technically it's not hard to do, possibly a funding issue (but they could require pre-payment to get around that) or a staffing issue? web admin can be expensive, who knows what the reason is, and it would be unreasonable of us to expect KL to explain their business decisions, after all we aren't shareholders in the company (although I would like to be lol). My feeling is that as the company matures and they gain market share they will offer such a service along with the inevitable rise in prices "sad face", but in the meantime I'm getting everything that previously was just too costly and couldn't be justified to the minister for finance and warfare, or was a "cor I'd like one of those" and upgrading my existing stock. As frustrating as it may be, make hay while the sun shines brewers, cos winter will come eventually. Cheers G
Look up 12/24v gear motors on eBay. Can get mounting brackets to suit, pick your rpm, looking at about $50 plus a coupling (-$5) and some fasteners if you're the diy type. Can run off a cheap laptop power supply brick or switch mode. You can diy this with enough Google Kung Fu for under $50, or just buy a cheap Ikea / ozito / Maos Dollarama drill, cordless or otherwise.Any chance of a grain mill motor?
Any chance you can make some Better Bottle clones?
Just wondering what category on the site the cleaning products come under?
Are these already sold out? The homepage says in stock but the item's page says out of stock.
Thanks for the reply. I did end up finding it. Just not looking hard enough haha. Thanks for the quick response.We have just changed the way all our categories worked and now we have cleaning and sanitising under Kegging here:
I hope this was not to hard to find. I guess the category might possibly be better under brew year so maybe we might change this at some stage.
If you check out our facebook page:
We have a promo code for the sanitiser and sodium percarbonate at the moment.
We also just released this product that is awesome:
There has been a lot of the in stock/out of stock discrepancies, surely the two pieces of text can be linked so there is no confusion?
Look up 12/24v gear motors on eBay. Can get mounting brackets to suit, pick your rpm, looking at about $50 plus a coupling (-$5) and some fasteners if you're the diy type. Can run off a cheap laptop power supply brick or switch mode. You can diy this with enough Google Kung Fu for under $50, or just buy a cheap Ikea / ozito / Maos Dollarama drill, cordless or otherwise.
Oh nice! No use for me as I've already got about 20Kg of Percarbonate but good to see you doing some nice specials.
You might want to hold of a little. We are going to release a new grain mill with integrated motor soon and its awesome. In fact do you mind if we get some feedback from you guys:
https://www.kegland.com.au/media/images/KegLand Grain Mill Image.PNG
Please see image attached.
As you can see from the image we have two large detented adjustable roller knobs on either side. We also have a large integrated motor on the mill body.
I would like to get some feedback on the hopper. can you guys please let me know if you would prefer:
1. An folded aluminium hopper. (like all the other hoppers you see on the market). This would cost about $10-20 extra for an aluminium hopper.
2. Alternatively if you would prefer us to make the mill with a coupling that would accept any large plastic bottle that would fit onto one of those water tower coolers. These bottles are really easy to come by, make great hoppers, would reduce the cost a bit and at the same time its nice to recycle where possible.
The other thing is that it makes the mill smaller and easier to ship to custoers. The only thing is that we would need a custom made plastic coupling for optons 2, but option 1 we would not have this additonal tooling cost.
Option 1 would probably hold about 10 liters like most of the other hoppers you see out there already but optoin 2 you can easily find plastic bottles that are 20liters in size.
So it would be nice to get your feedback on this one guys as we are just tooling up for this now and this product will be released soon but this was one of the last things that we are tossing up.