@KegLand-com-au when will long shanks be in stock again?
Have a think further about thermal mass in fridge, door openings etc and there is no meaningful way to get anything accurate. Quote the max and work backwards.There was tha helpful? More than the BS peddled as accurate info.Firstly you are right. Unless it's the middle of summer it never gets above 22 in our house. Well done!
Secondly, have you got anything helpful to add? I myself can think of two things you could say to be helpful. Now I'm not going to lead the witness so will keep these to myself.
You have my attention and the floor.
Have a think further about thermal mass in fridge, door openings etc and there is no meaningful way to get anything accurate. Quote the max and work backwards.There was tha helpful? More than the BS peddled as accurate info.
Maybe you start by thinking about what thermal mass you have in there on an average basis and what sort of energy you are removing each time you put a warm keg in there you can put your noggin to use to come up with something. $50 a year is probably way of the mark as it is highly likely to be substantially more than that especially if your are opening the door and putting in kegs that need to have a lot of heat removed. Its going to cost a lot more than $0.13 per day. If you stick a warm keg in there then its going to cost a few dollars to chill it down. I would suggest you can buy a cheap power plug from places like reduction revolution which will meter the costs for you and you will be in for a rude shock. Argumentative only when I see people peddling bollocks to the gullible. Logical always.See, that wasn't that hard was it?
It's a hard question to answer, especially when you have a partner like mine that scrutinises everything to do with anything I spend money on.
Whilst you answer here is more helpful the 200kw/year was the important bit of the answer I needed as I can go to my power bill and work out a rough cost to build into my argument. I realise thermal mass and doors opening etc play a big part of it (are you my partner?) but if the rough cost per year is $50 (which is more than my cost of electricity) then that's better than I was thinking of hundreds of dollars. Make sense?
Now you seem like a pretty argumentative and logical guy/gal, so if you can think of anything else that I could use to present in my favour in the pending battle that would be just swell!
Maybe you start by thinking about what thermal mass you have in there on an average basis and what sort of energy you are removing each time you put a warm keg in there you can put your noggin to use to come up with something. $50 a year is probably way of the mark as it is highly likely to be substantially more than that especially if your are opening the door and putting in kegs that need to have a lot of heat removed. Its going to cost a lot more than $0.13 per day. If you stick a warm keg in there then its going to cost a few dollars to chill it down. I would suggest you can buy a cheap power plug from places like reduction revolution which will meter the costs for you and you will be in for a rude shock. Argumentative only when I see people peddling bollocks to the gullible. Logical always.
Always sensible and honest unlike some of the acts on here. Just cannot stand those who peddle bollocks to the gullible as I said. You can fool many people some of the time but you cannot fool all of them all the time. Just give it time and you will see I have never posted anything that was untrue. Wonderful times in brewing are ahead.Thank you, that's probably the most sensible post you have written on here.
Some good advice there, I have already been looking up power plugs but will look at reduction revolution.
I was wondering if your mini keg ball lock tapping heads fit on the ikegger mini kegs?
Well that just answered my question, placing an order for one tomorrow.Yes they do, I have The Beer Can version (so the same thing) and have bought one. Works a treat and a **** load cheaper than iKegger.
Thanks that's great to know! Can't wait to use mini kegs at BBQs etcYes they do, I have The Beer Can version (so the same thing) and have bought one. Works a treat and a **** load cheaper than iKegger.
@KegLand-com-au when will long shanks be in stock again?
Are the stated volumes of the new Fermentasauri a sensible batch size with some head space or the total volume, filled to the rim?
@KegLand-com-au Loving the new website menu / interface!
Thanks for reminding us of this. We will get onto that right away.Will buy a beersmith licence through you, once available (and avoid AUD -> USD conv. too)![]()
Dreams? lucky bugger we can't afford those.
edit: sorry - on topic. When is this half price cleaner/sanitizer promo going to hit?