Well-Known Member
Haha can't get there til saturday sorry! (but if you're going...)
I'll be going tomorrow or Friday......PM me somewhere and we can try and figure something out
Haha can't get there til saturday sorry! (but if you're going...)
Personally I’m getting sick of all this he said she stuff
Let’s get back to comment/ asking about existing products or upcoming products
Any chance of making something like this, but that can also be used to purge kegs?
This thing looks good, but after I clean a keg I like to empty the star san with co2 to purge the oxygen, which this obviously wouldn't do.
I don't know how it would work, but maybe something between this and a counter pressure bottle filler?
That pump doesn't look nearly big enough, ok for a light starsan rinse maybe but not enough grunt for a PBW pressure wash.
@KegLand-com-au Are the 55Ltr zilla's suffering the same dent issue as the 27's?
I have a suggestion, how about any post on this thread that isn't a question or an answer to a question be deleted. Would make it a whole lot easier to find stuff, and should get us down to about 15 pages of relevant comment.
I have asked on facebook and I will ask here. I have a 65L BrewZilla and a 35L DigiBoil. I just received shipping notice on 2 ) 27LFermZilla. I have the high pressure kit and the spunding kit. When will the Temp Twister and thermo probe be available for US orders? Also the 55L fermenters with all their goodies?
Thank you,
The SS Brewtech Keg Wassher works very well IMO. i have one, and use it for all kegs and also for cleaning/rinsing/sanitising my fermentasaurus. the pump is the 12v SS FTSs pump, run at 24v. not sure how this will affect its life, however it is always cool to the touch as it is submerged.The CIP head doesnt have a ball bearing. i trust it's quality being SS Brewtech gear, they arent the sort of company to release something half baked.Any chance of making something like this, but that can also be used to purge kegs?
This thing looks good, but after I clean a keg I like to empty the star san with co2 to purge the oxygen, which this obviously wouldn't do.
I don't know how it would work, but maybe something between this and a counter pressure bottle filler?
Thank you for the quick answer.The Temp Twister and Thermo Probe will be available very soon. We wanted to make some very minor improvements to these so we have a slight delay on these accessories. I think these changes will be completed in about 3-4 weeks and then orders overseas can start to get fulfilled.
The FermZilla 55L FermZilla units are already being ordered to the US so they will probably start to arrive in a number of weeks.
are you guys still planning to offer an option for refillable N2 cylinders?
The SS Brewtech Keg Wassher works very well IMO. i have one, and use it for all kegs and also for cleaning/rinsing/sanitising my fermentasaurus. the pump is the 12v SS FTSs pump, run at 24v. not sure how this will affect its life, however it is always cool to the touch as it is submerged.The CIP head doesnt have a ball bearing. i trust it's quality being SS Brewtech gear, they arent the sort of company to release something half baked.
It sprays with a significant force, and if for example you are using it to clean a fermentasaurus and theoretically it happens to fall off, it will spray sanitiser a few metres in every direction!!
I can take some photos or a video in a couple of weeks when i use it next if you like (of it in use, not spraying over my backyard and pergola, theoretically)
Kegland, i am looking at getting a couple of 5L mini kegs. from memory a while back there were some issues with rust in the minikegs, and most brands were all similar. can you confirm these issues have been fixed with the kegland minikegs? thanks!
If you can let us know the flow rate, wattage and head pressure specification on the pump we would be interested to compare. It does look quite small on the photo so it's difficult to tell.
The least you could do is buy an SS brewtech one before you rip off their R&D. More hide than a Rhino
Then I guess the specs of their pump would be quite irrelevant to youHahaha. SS Brewtech dont have anything to worry about. Our unit will be made quite differently unit so they have nothing to worry about.
Is there any chance you're designing yours to also purge o2?
Seems to be the next big thing everyone is trying to sort out - so if it could do it reliably, it'd be a game changer
Then I guess the specs of their pump would be quite irrelevant to you![]()
Is there any chance you're designing yours to also purge o2?
Seems to be the next big thing everyone is trying to sort out - so if it could do it reliably, it'd be a game changer