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Love these rumours so we had better get busy I suppose.

Want to say a big thank you to all of those who have sent me supportive messages after my encounter with a surgeon last month who insisted on replacing most of my aorta with something that I reckon could have come from a Ford Falcon. Had suggested larger beer line but deferred to greater knowledge. Will still need a couple of weeks before I can handle the stairs again at Keg King but already working on some nice new gear from home.

One thing this episode has taught me is that one can feel fine and walk around with something which can kill you in minutes totally unaware of the danger. I went for a scan on my liver (which was totally fine) but they found the aorta had ballooned out big time in a couple of places and was ready to blow at any moment. Us men are often slow to go to the doc but after this my reluctance has gone. Because we like our beer etc livers can get a bit fatty and I would urge those of you in middle to later life to go and get at least a blood test. Hopefully you end up with no problems but there is no harm in knowing that which keeps us alive can keep on doing it. I was shocked at how one can walk around and have no symptoms at all but one over exertion could have easily been the end.
Fwiw, this came up on the Robobrew group
It seems history is repeating itself, Kee Doery is again involved in a legal dispute with a shareholder and the case is before the court this morning. This shareholder held a 50% share in Keg Land woke up one morning and his share was reduced to 10%!
The shareholder was offered restitution for his investment and was allegedly told Keg Land has no value.
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It seems history is repeating itself, Kee Doery is again involved in a legal dispute with a shareholder and the case is before the court this morning. This shareholder held a 50% share in Keg Land woke up one morning and his share was reduced to 10%!
The shareholder was offered restitution for his investment and was allegedly told Keg Land has no value.
Wow! Not been on for a while just ordered a bit of stuff from KL. Sounds serious. any updates?
Wow! Not been on for a while just ordered a bit of stuff from KL. Sounds serious. any updates?
Well the share changes are legal, known as the Dilution of shares. The problem here is, that it seems to have been instigated by two employees of Keg Land and not the shareholders who I believe are the only ones who can dilute shares.
Now it gets interesting, the defendants claim they are shareholders and the shares were being held in trust by the current shareholders, something the plaintiff disputes.
Seems to me plaintiff's barrister in this case has exposed non-conforming to a duty of disclosure, an affidavit that one defendant admitted wasn't true and correct, and dishonestly backdating a document.
Best to get some popcorn and watch the live broadcast, 2.5 days to go I believe.
Well the share changes are legal, known as the Dilution of shares. The problem here is, that it seems to have been instigated by two employees of Keg Land and not the shareholders who I believe are the only ones who can dilute shares.
Now it gets interesting, the defendants claim they are shareholders and the shares were being held in trust by the current shareholders, something the plaintiff disputes.
Seems to me plaintiff's barrister in this case has exposed non-conforming to a duty of disclosure, an affidavit that one defendant admitted wasn't true and correct, and dishonestly backdating a document.
Best to get some popcorn and watch the live broadcast, 2.5 days to go I believe.
Geez what a couple of interesting days watching the live stream from the Supreme Court
The guy in the witness box was advised by the justice that there were some questions that maybe he shouldn’t answer as he might incriminate himself
The justice even adjourned the proceedings so that the witness could confide with his legal team
The witness then proceeded to answer all questions admitting to the submission and falsifying documents, not recording important meetings and decisions, changing timelines and the withholding of and other relevant information, (also for another Supreme Court case heard about 6 years ago (which they lost). Not to mention a list of other activities to make it hard for the plaintiff in the previous case
The findings are going to be really interesting
Geez what a couple of interesting days watching the live stream from the Supreme Court
The guy in the witness box was advised by the justice that there were some questions that maybe he shouldn’t answer as he might incriminate himself
The justice even adjourned the proceedings so that the witness could confide with his legal team
The witness then proceeded to answer all questions admitting to the submission and falsifying documents, not recording important meetings and decisions, changing timelines and the withholding of and other relevant information, (also for another Supreme Court case heard about 6 years ago (which they lost). Not to mention a list of other activities to make it hard for the plaintiff in the previous case
The findings are going to be really interesting
I wouldn't be surprised if a couple of perjury charges are laid when the dust settles, if not from this case from the previous case.
Greed makes some people do foolish things.
I wouldn't be surprised if a couple of perjury charges are laid when the dust settles, if not from this case from the previous case.
Greed makes some people do foolish things.
I don’t know if you watched it but there was one person in the gallery who was having a big laugh later in the day
I’m really surprised how the witness fell on his sword and replied to all those questions especially after being told that he could plead the “5th” ( to coin a yanky phrase)
I don’t know if you watched it but there was one person in the gallery who was having a big laugh later in the day
I’m really surprised how the witness fell on his sword and replied to all those questions especially after being told that he could plead the “5th” ( to coin a yanky phrase)
Yes I have noticed him, he has hardly stopped smiling since the cross-examination of the defendants started. It seemed to me he had to restrain himself once going to pump his fist into the air.
Will Fowler maybe? Kee made reference to him in the audience when mentioning the profitability of the business due to an ongoing price war. Court drama today with Sam going down in the dock, interesting to see what happens given they were discussing the limited time left in the trial prior to it putting a delay on everything...
There is no way I would perjure myself for someone else, no wonder he fainted. I hope they can find another day from somewhere. I don't want to wait another year.
Thats true, that accountant didn't want to get to much involved by the sounds of it. It goes back a long way, but I don't think I would be happy to get up 1 day and be told my 50 shares were now 10, and then find out how it was done.
The final witness didn't help matters any, at least he didn't shit himself and keel over. It was more entertaining (though monotonous) watching him talk himself into trouble.
I think any barroom barristers could probably be excused for thinking that Sam has to relinquish his duty as a director because of discrepancies in the financials and for breaking the company's constitution rules. Could Kee, Sam and Ari face perjury charges and perverting the course of justice? I would say they have rescinded the right to become directors based on the evidence.
Next question is will the MCH case be reopened?
All valid points. The last one sounds like a possibility.
Monotonous, that for true.
Without stating what I have seen from the two court cases, it is mounting up in Hongs favour.

Closing Arguments 30-7-2024.
May travel into town that day, can you eat popcorn at the Supreme court.
I didn’t see ari’s testimony but saw all of kee’s
I told my daughter about his testimony and the MCH/ kegland backstory
Her reaction was “oh my god he’s going to gaol”
(She spent about 3 years as senior legal advisor to the Supreme Court of Victoria)
What was puzzling was Sam claimed Kee and Ari were his friends and he trusted them, so why the indemnity clause in his contract?
Plus a clear disregard for the $825,000 he is owed under that contract! It will be interesting to see if the CPS is made aware of the two court cases.
Can anyone summarise what’s going on? Who’s being sued over what?
No one is being sued, the plaintiff, the one who held 50% shares in Keg Land woke up one morning and found he only held 10% so, to say the least he was pretty pissed off.
Seems two employees, Kee and Ari, with lots of subterfuge had wangled illegally 40% of the shares each! Now to defend their case against the plaintiff they have foolishly admitted to perjury and perverting the course of justice in an earlier case brought by MCH, Keg King. Now they are in a serious position, the judge can report the two cases to the CPS or failing that a civil case can be brought against the three defendants for, under their own admission lying under oath, falsifying legal documents. 'It was just a game' doesn't cut it as one of the witnesses said. Just a game to **** someone over, really.

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