A pic tells a thousand words so I hope you can see what I've done here?!?
Andale flooded font with floryte taps (ebay) mounted on the the deck. Directly under the deck I placed an old fridge. (460ltr I think)
Fridge holds 4 x Cornelius kegs.
Freezer holds 20 ltr jerry on its side with an in and outlet plumbed into it. Running from the jerry the glycol/water runs through a copper heat exchanger (from an instantaneous gas hot water system) then out the side of the freezer and down to a continuous flow 240v pump (non self priming) (self priming was to noisy). Where I mounted it allows it to self prime should the power cut off. The out side of the pump carrying the chilled water runs directly up to the inlet side of the font. Where the beer lines exit the fridge I wrapped them (and zippy tied) around the chilled line from the pump. That way the beer is cooled in the fridge then as soon as it exits it remains chilled by the chilled line running from the pump to the font. When I plumbed it I insulated everything. The hotter water exiting the font (still chilled) comes back down to the freezer via its own insulated line through the side of the freezer and into the the keg. Then the whole things starts it journey again!
Works very well, only advise I can give is originally I only had the jerry in the freezer as the resevoir/ heat exchange and it worked well, however the addition of the copper heat exchanger made it much more efficient ie 7deg pour down to abou
Also originally I only had a small drip tray under the taps and not the font as well. Big mistake as I vastly underestimated the amount of condensation it produced and fiqure did id replacing deck boards in a couple years (about 1-2ltrs a day ! / constantly wet!)
Insulation is reasonably cheap so I used plenty to keep the load on the fridge as low as possible (as low as you can when you bolt a giant heat sink into it aka the font!)
On tap at the moment is an IPA, Rauchbier, Knappstien lager clone and Soda water.