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William Warne investors getting very nervous
This is the most funniest ****** thing I've seen on a brewing forum for a while. It's like a how-to on the shittiest brewing practices of all time, complete with photos :lol: :lol:
I think we'd all feel bad, except the blatant ignorance to advice on this thread to the point some are unsure if he's trolling or not.

I still want a video of the first lager opening though :D
Now, I'm no internet sleuth but it didn't take much digging for me to be confident this is no troll thread. Confident enough to also feel that a bit of harmless humiliation probably isn't warranted in this case. Good advice is certainly needed though.
Now I'm Agreed camo6,

We've got an emerging Brewer here.
ImageUploadedByAussie Home Brewer1470312381.154914.jpg
could i just open one lager in the first week of bottling.or wait the 2 weeks then it's 5 day's in the fermenter and 1 week in the bottle .or 5 day's fermenter 2 weeks bottle or both one 1 week then one 2 week ?
think i might through one in the fridge anyway from 1 week bottled
the cold from the fridge might make it explode because it's not 2 weeks yet.
Hey Kerrplease,

Where are you based? Where is home?
The link video man fermented his in 7 day and bottled it.so i am not shore now when.
Please listen mate. The guy in the video was conducting a controlled experiment with a couple of a bottles in a batch. He left the rest of his brew in the fermenter to fully ferment for another week or more. Two weeks in the fermenter is regarded as best practise by most experienced brewers. You bottled way too early both in terms of days in the fermenter and the hydrometer readings. If you don't believe me just try and squeeze on one of your lager bottles. My guess is that they will be rock hard already as they are still fermenting in the bottle. They will be full of pressure which will continue to swell as they continue to ferment in the bottle.
looks good kerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry
did you do a diacetyl rest? somewhere in those 5 days?
sorry that was a silly question. It was a 5 day diacetyl rest wasnt it.
Though you may be oblivious to it there's some advice in this thread you should follow. I'll keep it simple for a new brewer.

1. Keep the beer warm when fermenting, about 18-20°C is ideal If it gets too cool it will slow down the ferment and you will need to leave it longer.
2. Allow at least 1 week, preferably 2 weeks, for the beer to fully ferment BEFORE bottling.
3. If you bottle too early the beer will continue to ferment in the bottle, and will cause bad flavours and potentially explode the bottles.
4. Your FG for a kit brew should be around the 1.010 mark. It will change slightly depending on the sugar you used. 1.021 is too high and needed longer to ferment fully.

There are lots of videos, ways to brew, things to add, temps, yeast types etc. that will change a lot of things but for a simple kit brew like yours follow the above points. As it stands the the beer you've bottled will likely be a fizzy mess or may lead to exploding bottles. We've almost all been there.
Open one up tonight, no harm in learning how a 'young' beer tastes. Please video it too :ph34r:
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