I have been told that the Northbridge Micro Brewery that is planned has had objections from the WA Police and Heath departments against it getting a liquor license. PCC has approved the planning application.
Surely a Micro will promote a better drinking culture and attract a different sort of person to Northbridge
same old story all the time... I hardly frequent the city (work only) occasional drink at Durty's, or sixpence!
It seems they were worried with issues involving the concentration/density of licensed venues in the West End of Murray Street (perhaps the Northbridge Micro Brewery is having similar issues) notwithstanding that these are 'entertainment' districts. Of more concern are the concentration/density of idiots in our state that cause the problems in the first place...
Surely a wider variety of venues and more up market venues would change the makeup of the people frequenting Perth and Northbridge. Possibly less 'free to enter' and 'drink til you spew' :icon_vomit: nightclubs would be a better solution than to knock back places like Micro breweries. :blink:
and hate Northbridge for that reason! Putting another place to go in the CBD would be great. Maybe more people would frequent the city if that was the case! I love the Lucky Shag as a location... But have to drink Trummer from the bottle (not that thats a bad thing)...
Lucky to live in Freo area I guess! Norfolk, S&A, Mad Monk, Clancy's and Little Creatures. Cant complain about that I guess!