Its on....a new leader ALP?

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Actually, for what it's worth it was the labour government that produced the white paper on homelessness, The Road Home in 2008 which has shaped a number of government and department policies since it's release.

Granted it was K Rudd's government, but many of the recommendations in that paper are current policy and the current Labour government has brought in a lot of their own initiatives focused on social and economic participation.

Despite them being "not worth any votes"

It's not popular with tax payers for the points you raise however.
well no not redundant at all jlm, its exactly what im
talking about, yes she has family of course, but different to the majority.
the leader of this country should be the best on
offer, i feel this is not the case. we have an
unmarried barren woman, living with a hairdresser, who lost her job at a major
legal firm due to illegal activity. why do you
think wyatt roy (youngest polly ever) got in.. because hes great.. i think not.
I need to block this thread somehow.
It needs work. The baseless misogyny is only dialed up to "chauvinist" you really need to work on it a little to get it up to "lunatic" like the_new_alawishus.
dougsbrew said:
well no not redundant at all jlm, its exactly what im
talking about, yes she has family of course, but different to the majority.
the leader of this country should be the best on
offer, i feel this is not the case. we have an
unmarried barren woman, living with a hairdresser, who lost her job at a major
legal firm due to illegal activity. why do you
think wyatt roy (youngest polly ever) got in.. because hes great.. i think not.
do you work for news limited? souds like a verbatim regurgitation of the bile they spew forth on a regular basis.
Personaly i think its good that we are able to have a female PM. Won't get that in a lot of countries .
bum said:
It needs work. The baseless misogyny is only dialed up to "chauvinist" you really need to work on it a little to get it up to "lunatic" like the_new_alawishus.

for those who question my leadership... you better speak up now.....
Ducatiboy stu said:
Personaly i think its good that we are able to have a female PM. Won't get that in a lot of countries .
I would prefer a good PM, regardless of sex and you don't get that in many countries either!
The trouble with matter who you vote for, you still get a Politician!!!!!!!!!!!
Screwtop said:
The trouble with matter who you vote for, you still get a Politician!!!!!!!!!!!
I know! Last time I voted for myself and we still got a bloody politician!
DB must be right, that's why all Doctors who work in Oncolgy must have had cancer. How else can the claim to know what's good for cancer sufferers?
Being unmarried disqualifies someone from being in public office?

I shouldn't get drawn on this but that really is the biggest pile of piffle I've read on here for a while (non brewing related piffle anyway).

Castigate her for her policies and for performing badly in the job that she's employed to do, not her relationships or personal life.

Is the fact that she's an atheist of concern to you too? Maybe she drives the wrong kind of car.
dougsbrew said:
no, it her gender that really offends me..
Misogyny (pron.: /mɪˈsɒɪni/) is the hatred or dislike of women or girls. Misogyny can be manifested in numerous ways, including sexual discrimination, denigration of women, violence against women, and sexual objectification of women.
tony abbott - married a woman, raised three daughters.. clearly a perfect match.
So its her marital status that offends you then....or the fact she hasn't had kids? 'Cause you keep bringing those points up. Don't get me wrong, I think she's been a pretty **** PM, largely caused by the situation in which she chose to govern, but you constantly bring up her marital/parental status as if thats a key factor in her political woes.
Also, people have been accusing YOU of being misogynist......Not big Tone. I think you may have missed the point there.
And, I'm getting that you think the manifestations you listed above cannot apply to a dude who clearly digs banging women as big Tone clearly does (I mean ****, he had a kid out of wedlock, didn't wait for catholic jesus's blessing to get all up inside that ****.). So does that mean only gay blokes are capable of misogyny? Does the fact you may have had kids.....or just are really into chicks preclude you from being a misogynist?
GuyQLD said:
I know! Last time I voted for myself and we still got a bloody politician!
At least when politicians accuse each other of lying.................. then, they tell the truth!!!!!