Imperial/ or Australia stout advice

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mattymcfatty said:
Hey Bribie, out of curiosity would dark malt work for this recipe instead of the light?
It would work ok, but could possibly end up a bit "muddy" -

Anyone is welcome to the recipe, but drink responsibly and consult doctor if pain persists :p
dave doran said:
On another note;
Stout at the beach?? Cant get my head round that one. Everone to their own but to me stout is an indoor drink in winter. Could be just an Irish thing though.
Foriegn Extra/Export Stouts were, and are, designed for Tropical markets since 1800. The largest, production wise, Guinness brewery is in Nigeria and you will find stouts all through Africa and Asia - so I guess it's not an Irish thing
Well it was an Irish thing untill somebody at the Guinness factory convinced the then owner to start exporting to Africa, he had some links to Nigeria I believe.

Anyway it took off in Africa and from there grew the need to brew it on the continent.
If you can get your hands on it, a really interesting read is "Guinness, the 250 year quest for the perfect pint" by Bill Yenne. Tells the whole story, including England (where all GB Guinness was brewed in London from 1938 to 2004), Nigeria, the Caribbean, the USA, the convoluted story of Guinness in Australia etc etc.

It's out of stock at Book Depository but if you are a stout lover it should go on your shelf alongside Palmer, Yeast, Brewing Classic Styles etc. It's probably available to buy as an e book, Brisbane members note there's a copy in the BABBs library.

Edit: preview in Google Books
NewtownClown said:
Foriegn Extra/Export Stouts were, and are, designed for Tropical markets since 1800. The largest, production wise, Guinness brewery is in Nigeria and you will find stouts all through Africa and Asia - so I guess it's not an Irish thing
Ya mate Extra and export stouts are brewed in Nigeria. Down to a preference thing I personally prefer the lower alc traditional recipe. Again from a preference thing I prefer to drink stout in a pub in winter.
Who am I to say where or when to drink it?

Will keep an eye out for that book Bribie. Arthur was born in the town I grew up in. Its about all the town is famous for.
Just an update,

Yesterday I put down the following brew:


[SIZE=12pt]Coopers Stout[/SIZE]: 1.7kg
[SIZE=12pt]Coopers Stout[/SIZE]: 1.7kg
[SIZE=12pt]Light Dry Malt[/SIZE]: 1kg
[SIZE=12pt]Chocolate Malt 600[/SIZE]: 100g
[SIZE=12pt]Roasted Barley: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]100g[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Raw Sugar: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]100g[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Fuggles (Dry Hop)[/SIZE]: 20g

SG: 1.078
FG Est: 1.014
ABV Est: 8.5%
IBU: 77

It is basically Bribie's recipe (Thankyou Bribie), however I switched the dextrose to raw sugar, just to give it a slight molasses background while still thinning the body out a little bit. Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to order any cafara spec 3 or medium crystal, so I just went with a stout mix from the LHBS which was 100g Roasted Barley and 100g Choc Malt. Hopefully that will add some nice flavours! Next time, I'll experiment a bit more with the grains.

Went to check on it today afterwork and found it had blown through the airlock.... I had a suspicion that was going to happen. :unsure: Ohwell, I cleaned it up and it's going again which is good (The krausen smelt really good though! Although I stupidly tasted it - so so bad!) . Next time, definitely using either the 60L drum or a blowoff tub!

Thanks for your advice everyone, especially Bribie! Lets hope it turns out well!
hwall95 said:
Just an update,

Yesterday I put down the following brew:


Coopers Stout: 1.7kg
Coopers Stout: 1.7kg
Light Dry Malt: 1kg
Chocolate Malt 600: 100g
Roasted Barley: 100g
Raw Sugar: 100g
Fuggles (Dry Hop): 20g

SG: 1.078
FG Est: 1.014
ABV Est: 8.5%
IBU: 77

It is basically Bribie's recipe (Thankyou Bribie), however I switched the dextrose to raw sugar, just to give it a slight molasses background while still thinning the body out a little bit. Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to order any cafara spec 3 or medium crystal, so I just went with a stout mix from the LHBS which was 100g Roasted Barley and 100g Choc Malt. Hopefully that will add some nice flavours! Next time, I'll experiment a bit more with the grains.

Went to check on it today afterwork and found it had blown through the airlock.... I had a suspicion that was going to happen. :unsure: Ohwell, I cleaned it up and it's going again which is good (The krausen smelt really good though! Although I stupidly tasted it - so so bad!) . Next time, definitely using either the 60L drum or a blowoff tub!

Thanks for your advice everyone, especially Bribie! Lets hope it turns out well!
what yeast did you use ???
Damn, I was in Big W yesterday and found myself looking longingly at the Coopers Stout cans.

Noooo.... I'm trying to get sober :blink: :blink: :blink:
Bribie G said:
Damn, I was in Big W yesterday and found myself looking longingly at the Coopers Stout cans.

Noooo.... I'm trying to get sober :blink: :blink: :blink:
Do it Bribie!!! Grab some and let us know your recipe !!
jkhlt1210 said:
what yeast did you use ???
Well my mate didn't grab yeast on saturday so we were stuck with the kit yeast... Both were rehydrated and the wort was aerated a fair bit and seems that the yeast is having a great time! Also it was topped to 23L.
Took a hydro reading today and it's at 1.020, so hopefully will drop slightly more. Also had a quick taste, and it taste awesome! Will dry hop the fuggles soon.
I done a brew last month
1x cooper irish stout
1x c/dark ale
1x coopers heritage lager
1 kg dark dme
1 kg dex
all coopers yeast packs plus 1 US.05 mixed and rehydrated
SG 1.112@ 22C
FG 1.032 @22C

I Have done b4 minus the dark dme 9.5%

21 litre brew
hwall95 said:
Took a hydro reading today and it's at 1.020, so hopefully will drop slightly more. Also had a quick taste, and it taste awesome! Will dry hop the fuggles soon.
Sounds great! Keep us posted I'd like to try the recipe
Bottled this one today, after leaving it in primary for two and a bit weeks (Including dry hopping it for 5 days with Fuggles and cold crashed for two days to ensure the hops had dropped). Tasted quite nice, but I can't wait to taste it in 3ish months and see how it develops.

I also adjusted the SG & FG for temp, and they read approximately 1.08 & 1.018, which puts it at 8.2%. Should be nice and ready for the bucks party and some earlier testing during winter.
I done a brew last month
1x cooper irish stout
1x c/dark ale
1x coopers heritage lager
1 kg dark dme
1 kg dex
all coopers yeast packs plus 1 US.05 mixed and rehydrated
SG 1.112@ 22C
FG 1.032 @22C
i'm tasting this as I type as I type after 2 months after 2 months in the bottle now seriously i't pretty morish as a nightcap
it will do me till something bigger comes along
I Have done b4 minus the dark dme 9.5%

21 litre brew

I tried the stout today and it quite a nice flavour too it. Although defintely needs to smooth out a bit.
Just tried another bottle tonight and it's turning out pretty well! I feel it still hasn't completely combined together, but definitely fits the genre of a cross between an Australian and Imperial Stout. Also has the nicest aftertaste!
This beer's is amazing! I have to stop myself from drinking many of them as I know they'll just get better. But yeah definitely recommend it. If I were to change it I would throw in some more choc malt, use notto, and definitely ferment in a cool area or in a fermenting chamber. Will have to try again in my fridge, have a feeling it would have far less fusels.
hwall95 said:
This beer's is amazing! I have to stop myself from drinking many of them as I know they'll just get better. But yeah definitely recommend it. If I were to change it I would throw in some more choc malt, use notto, and definitely ferment in a cool area or in a fermenting chamber. Will have to try again in my fridge, have a feeling it would have far less fusels.
Was looking at your recipe and feedback I'll have to try it out I reckon ! Is it nice and roasty?? I love a good roasty burnt stout

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