I Got Called A Beer Snob...WTF?

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Hey guys

I didn't take too kindly to being called a beer snob, so I write an article about it after taking a look in the mirror!




A beer snob is someone who considers themselves to be superior to non-craft and quite a few craft drinkerS due to the beers they choose to consume. He or she also loves to flaunt his or her knowledge of the beverage despite evidence otherwise

FTFY for consideration only mate ;).

Nice article.Thanks for posting.

I really enjoyed the trait, verdict approach. I too feel like the Elephant man on such an occasion... (and others).

Edit: old grandma fail
I would have said thanks, drunk the beer, then grabbed one of mine (and offered one back).

That said, I agree. I like to know about what I'm drinking and enjoy the science of beer but I also enjoy context, culture and cold ones with mates. There's a few I'll decline because I think they're disgusting (tun bitter being one) but most mainstreams, be they TED, xxxx or CD will get drunk, ice cold, straight from the package if the occasion is right.

Not really into 'enlightening' people though. I'll talk in as much or as little detail as people are interested in. Pretty much the same with music these days.

I know my records aren't for everyone (they even make dave70 want to use razor blades for something other than shaving) and theirs may not be for me but it takes all types.

I do object to shit radio being played in public places though: Melbourne underground train stations for example (although now they have shit tv screens which is more intrusive)
I've very rarely knocked back a beer, and the "main stream lagers" you refer to are supremely brewed, but aimed at offending as few as possible. They are the steak and three veg of the beer industry, and note my missus can ruin a good steak at 50 paces, so sometimes doing the inoffensive has it's challenges. Life would be a little boring if all restaurants would serve was steak and 3 veg.

Tonight's dinner you; guess it steak and veg (I'm cooking the steaks)
In our society at least, being offered a beer is a show of mateship - I know I sure as hell wouldn't offer one of my hard-earned cold ones to that douchenozzle who talks over everyone and tells shit jokes.

I disagree with the trait; He or she also loves to flaunt his or her knowledge of the beverage despite evidence otherwise
I think a true beer snob is one who has the knowledge, and expects non-brewers to think them better for it / want to hear said knowledge; there's a reason not everyone makes their own beer, and that is that some just can't be arsed & don't care how it's made.
Hey guys...just gotta say I am loving the conversation taking place here.

That's why i spend countless unpaid hours working on posts and videos, cos I just wanna talk beer with like minded people.

You have made me smile today!

cool article mate, well done it made me chuckle! I'm probably a bit of a beer snob but it's better than those dicks who crap on about beer but know hardly anything. I was in Newfarm in Brisbane last year and this try hard hipster guy behind the bar was telling me about this new beer with this brand new hop variety out of Victoria ...called Centennial (it was one of the well known American hops can't remember which one). I have no time for those dicks. In my opinion if you have never brewed a beer there is only so much you can know about beer. I'm a beer snob in the sense that I can walk into a bar and think, oh, they only have 4 Pines, Little Creatures and James Squires beers here... how boring... not knocking any of those beers but if I'm going to spend $10 on a schooner I want it to be new and interesting.
i have been to functions and knocked back megaswill beer,does that make a snob too..i prefer something with a bit of class regardless who makes it.i have taste
To me the defining line would be choosing to drink nothing instead of mega-swill (dependent on the situation a bit I guess). I struggle to believe there is anyone as arrogant to possess all of those traits (they would truly be a beer snob), but maybe I just haven't been out in the right places!

I'm pretty sure, most people would consider most of us beer snobs, but I like to think of myself more as a beer enthusiast!
manticle said:
I would have said thanks, drunk the beer, then grabbed one of mine (and offered one back).

Thats the best move because it makes you look benevolent and puts him on the spot. Now he just looks like a ******* asshole with a big mouth. A real life Homer Simpson.

I know my records aren't for everyone (they even make dave70 want to use razor blades for something other than shaving) and theirs may not be for me but it takes all types.

Yeah, but, I put that Methdrinker LP up that you quite enjoyed.
You see?

I draw the line at Carlton Draught, I think its the worst beer I've ever drunk and I'm a pom so I've drank some shite!! Hence I will turn it down even when its free.

I can tolerate VB as long as its cold, XXXX I have never drank so cant comment.
So what do you call someone that will refuse to drink anything except XXXX and think less of anyone who doesnt?
Closed minded, likely ignorant
The idea that someone who isn't into Gold/Dry/New is a beer snob baffles me when the said 'staple drinkers' refuse to drink anything else. However, a snob is specifically "a person who believes that their tastes in a particular area are superior to those of other people." I don't believe my tastes are superior, I just prefer variety. Whatever, call me a snob - I'm as happy as the next person who only drinks one beer and hardly think that makes me superior to them. I wish I only liked one beer because that would make brewing easy.
It was funny, but my BIL who only ever drank full strength (lite is for pussies), then switched to fourex gold and would accept nothing else, was keen to dry a few of the different beers I took with me at Christmas time. Amongst others, a Belgian pale, a Gose, a Berlinner Weisse, an IPA, and a couple other bog standard pale Ales. He could only take to the Pales, but to his credit kept coming back for more after each of the others.

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