I Conquered Nail Biting

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Bribie G

Adjunct Professor
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I have bitten my nails down to the quick since I got teeth.

One year ago I stopped biting my nails. I have waited a year before posting because, obviously, these things can fall in a heap after a couple of weeks or months.


I said "I now choose never to bite my nails again, and NOTHING will make me change my mind." And said this every day on waking.

There is hope, nail biting brothers and sisters, hope.

Not the most beautiful of hands but I'm not ashamed to show them off anymore:

Begging for a good photoshopping, that is.

Congrats, on beating it. Might seem like not much of a big deal to many but you point out quite vividly beating that is the same as beating almost anything else - you have to want to. Well done.
Im in your boat. I can't remember a time when I havent bitten my nails. Worse during movies, football etc. Trying to kick cigarettes at the moment. One thing at a time though. Well done mate.
Gave up the finger nails 'cold turkey' about five years ago. Hardly touched them since. Gave up tearing off my toenails for about two months a while ago, but have just had my partner slapping my hands away from them... this post caught my eye cause of that!
Did the same about 5 years ago... found the best thing was cutting a clean edge as soon as you're able (means you need to make a conscious effort to bite them)
Last few months have seen me be able to actually use my nails for things for the first time ever, although why I'm talking about this on a beer forum is beyond me.

Maybe we should start nails anonymous?
There was a man who couldn't seem to stop biting his nails, so he went to see a psychiatrist for some help. After explaining his problem, the doctor told him that nail biting was a common complaint, but it really didn't cause any harm.

"Yeah but I'm a carpenter"
Dude. Stop it.
There was a man who couldn't seem to stop biting his nails, so he went to see a psychiatrist for some help. After explaining his problem, the doctor told him that nail biting was a common complaint, but it really didn't cause any harm.

"Yeah but I'm a carpenter"
Not totally worthy of the open mouth laugh, but that still gets a :D
I have bitten my nails down to the quick since I got teeth.

One year ago I stopped biting my nails. I have waited a year before posting because, obviously, these things can fall in a heap after a couple of weeks or months.


I said "I now choose never to bite my nails again, and NOTHING will make me change my mind." And said this every day on waking.

There is hope, nail biting brothers and sisters, hope

View attachment 40217

And a cry rang out from the people, "HUZZAH"
I actually buggered up my front teeth on the right side because of nail biting. Stopped about 15 years ago when I realized how badly I had worn my teeth down. It was a tough habit to break. Congrats, BribieG.