How to get mates to pay

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as i'm still fairly new to brewing, i try to give them to my mates as much as possible to get feedback. i'll give them to anyone who can offer some feedback to be honest. i'd only ever consider asking for money if i was being taken advantage of with my generosity and i don't have mates like that so not worried.
I expect $7.20 per glass, ok pot. It is the top notch stuff.

Whilst I wouldn't mind my mates making a donation, I haven't asked, nor will I ever.

I'll feed, clothe and water my mates.

Now, if it was organised and the boys wanted me to brew something up for an event, I'd split the costs of the brew and get them over on the day to help me brew it. Whatever doesn't get drunk, we can chuck in bottles. Not a bad ******* idea.
That's how I was paid on Friday night but I made sure to take pre payment so I didn't end up on my ass, as the saying goes...
My mates have never paid (don't even entertain the idea) for beer or booze at my place.

That being so, I threw a party and they turned up with a full bar worth of spirits to make cocktails for everyone. Didn't have to ask. If you got freeloading mates that never reciprocate, that's maybe a different problem. Charging for house beer is really ****. IMO. Can't remember a beer shared not coming back so far.
practicalfool said:
My mates have never paid (don't even entertain the idea) for beer or booze at my place.

That being so, I threw a party and they turned up with a full bar worth of spirits to make cocktails for everyone. Didn't have to ask. If you got freeloading mates that never reciprocate, that's maybe a different problem. Charging for house beer is really ****. IMO. Can't remember a beer shared not coming back so far.
100% this

before i started brewing, whoever was having pre-drinks would have everyone call him saying "what beer am i bringing?". i'd never continually let someone take the piss (literally). mates should be mates
Next time he phones asking to come around, tell him that you're all out of beer and to bring a six-pack for each of you. See what happens then.
Print out this forum in its entirety and stick it on your fridge.
That might make the tight bastard stop and think before he drinks your stash, if not get new mates.
I think that the problem is that your mates are just taking you for a bit of a ride?

make sure they realise the effort, of making beer, and cost?

they should return the favour not necissarily payment wise just friend wise :)
I think the problem is people think homebrew is cheap, and because most of my mates are still megaswill drinkers (slowly coming around) they can't tell that I take the time and effort to make decent beer. Well I think it is decent anyway.

People have the perception that homebrew is going to be **** because...well a lot of it is, unless the brewer is an AHB member of course.

Of course I want mates around and I don't give a **** about the money, I just don't want to be taken advantage of. I'm not saying I am at this stage, I can just see a pattern from one or two mates and I wanted to see what everyone else thought. Very polarising topic and some interesting posts.

Keep the stingy stories coming...
You could set an example,

Go round their place and drink the whole fridge,

when asked why - oh i thought this was the agreement?
Invite them round for a brew day. Every time you brew. Get them to do all the grain milling, the mashing and the boiling and the cubing and the cleaning.

Watch them while drinking. Occasionally berate them (like when they burn themselves) in a loud tourette-like fashion. HA! ****** DICKWAD COCK!!

You just pitch the yeast - that way you're the brewer.

With 20 mates, you could never have to brew again. Cycle through them once a year.
Wait, I got lots of these.

How about "having a problem with your kegerator" so that only two taps work ... the ones with the K&K in them that you never drink. Throw away the kit yeast and use a lambic blend for that extra-vomity Kraft Parmesan taste.

Drink your beer out of a mug so they can't see it's a different colour.
A few years back i had a constant stream of mates draining my kegs. All good I enjoy their company. The girlfriend at the time thought that they should pay for the beer cos it was me doing the work making the beer. She descided to put a "tip" jar on the keg fridge with Gold coin for beer" written on it.

After a week I did a count: gold coin= 0, Ciggy butts = 50+ turned out to be a great ashtray.

Come share my beer thats why I make it!!
I usually just give them one of my 78IBU 7% stouts straight off the bat...6 packs come around pretty quick after that :lol:
ok so I will brew up a kit beer and add a kilo of regular sugar, let it swing between 10 and 30 during ferment, bottle it with half the sugar it should have and serve it hot?

I could send them to the pub for that...
I have a policy of when you come to my place you dont need to bring beer. Some still do and often end up drinkin mine cause im corrupting them on home brewed hoppy beers

The last few time when going to other peoples places they've told me not to bring beer and they're buying speciality beers for me to try.
Things are finally turning around.... and it only took a few hundred litres of free beer too :beerbang: Score
Moad said:
I am all for shouting my mates a drop of a new brew and have an open door policy in my bar but at some point I feel I need to recover some of the cost. I think people believe homebrew is cheap as chips but all grain brewing and keg dispensing has been far from a financial windfall.

Do people ask mates for a little donation when they drop in for a beer? How do you go about it if you do?

Am I being a tight arse?
Put an empty fermenter on the bar and write TIPS on the side.
If they don't get the hint, they're either to mentally dull or stingy to bother giving free beer to, that's for sure.
Only time i ever got paid for my beer was when my sister drank my last stockpiled 2-3 kegs when i was overseas...
Ended up leaving around $80 in a cup for me - Unfortunately they were all 7% IPA's with nearly a pound of hops per keg.

Probably just broke even.
If he keeps asking for more beer and not paying, then next time he asks for another glassfull


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