How Much Beer Do You Drink?

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How many glasses of beer do you drink per night?

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  • 9 or more. (can you even read this)

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I have one 330 a night maybe 2-3 on a friday or Sat night........and try and have 1 alc free day a week...........on the other hand , my missus has 3 schooners every second night and reckons i'm soft!!
Can go weeks with out a drink and find at night i might have 1-2 tallies if i do. As for the weekends it depends if i really want to give it a nudge ill have 6 tallies and thats my normal limit. i like the odd wiskey or cocktail but very seldom do indulge in that.

I believe every thing in moderation, if you feel like a drink have one, if your behaviour changes after one or feel you can't stop you might need to talk to some one. Life is short, you never know when you'll drop dead you may as well enjoy it.

Smoking on the other hand for the AHBer whose grandfather lived to 80 smoking the pipe congrates mate you certainly are in the minority, i have lost too many people in my life directly linked to smoking and to those trying to stop all the best.
Truman, back onto the subject of your OP, I infiltrated the enemy lines this morning. My missus says that far more annoying than the drinking itself is talking/listening about beer/brewing/brewery - pretty much described it as brutal. :lol:

Haha. Well I'm lucky there my missus doesn't mind all that and shows a lot of interest.
I usually don't drink on week nights (trying to lose the beer gut)
usually have a beer when i get home from work on a friday night, and maybe 6 or so on a saturday night with mates
I'm a little bit upset by the suggestion that you can't crack one until the boil.

Get into it. If you can have all manner of **** go wrong with your mash and still sort it out at the end of the day, you are doing well.

You're not a real brewer unless you can have six pints before mash out.
preach it brother! preach it! :icon_drunk:
I'm a little bit upset by the suggestion that you can't crack one until the boil.

Get into it. If you can have all manner of **** go wrong with your mash and still sort it out at the end of the day, you are doing well.

You're not a real brewer unless you can have six pints before mash out.

Often I mash in at 6am.

Truman, back onto the subject of your OP, I infiltrated the enemy lines this morning. My missus says that far more annoying than the drinking itself is talking/listening about beer/brewing/brewery - pretty much described it as brutal. :lol:
i love that glazed look they get when brewing is mentioned...must be how i look when they speak to me lol

I'm a little bit upset by the suggestion that you can't crack one until the boil.

Get into it. If you can have all manner of **** go wrong with your mash and still sort it out at the end of the day, you are doing well.

You're not a real brewer unless you can have six pints before mash out.
i'm saying that i don't because i have no self can all do whatever the fk you want

but manticle, you have laid down a challenge that i fully accept!
I'm a little bit upset by the suggestion that you can't crack one until the boil.

Get into it. If you can have all manner of **** go wrong with your mash and still sort it out at the end of the day, you are doing well.

You're not a real brewer unless you can have six pints before mash out.


Sounds like a normal brewday for me. If you cant enjoy some beer while you're making more beer.......
How else are you gonna free up those kegs/bottles
This thread is gay. I've decided to start a new thread "what's your bowel transit time" with a poll.
Basically you have a nice USA style dinner with crumbed chicken, mashed potato and sweet corn then do a corn count over the next couple of days.
Far more interesting :icon_cheers:

I'll post a pic of the dinner tomorrow and results can start rolling in over the next few days B)
I'm not sure if we should be posting pics of the results however - probably have to take those on trust.

edit: should we do the corn at lunch or dinner?
This thread is gay. I've decided to start a new thread "what's your bowel transit time" with a poll.
Basically you have a nice USA style dinner with crumbed chicken, mashed potato and sweet corn then do a corn count over the next couple of days.
Far more interesting :icon_cheers:

I'll post a pic of the dinner tomorrow and results can start rolling in over the next few days B)
I'm not sure if we should be posting pics of the results however - probably have to take those on trust.

edit: should we do the corn at lunch or dinner?
next thread - how to unwrinkle your glad wrap.
I've found that with almost all Brits I've met, (and I've met a few) maybe it's a defensive thing because they're mostly twats.
None today.. so far. Christmas party tonight so that ain't staying that way.
This thread is gay. I've decided to start a new thread "what's your bowel transit time" with a poll.
Basically you have a nice USA style dinner with crumbed chicken, mashed potato and sweet corn then do a corn count over the next couple of days.
Far more interesting :icon_cheers:

I'll post a pic of the dinner tomorrow and results can start rolling in over the next few days B)
I'm not sure if we should be posting pics of the results however - probably have to take those on trust.

edit: should we do the corn at lunch or dinner?

Or we can start one "Why has BribieG become so grumpy?"

It seems of late you are not a happy chappy. Not having a crack but just noticed your posts are not as jovial and helpful as usual.

.....Now, tell me about your mother! :p
If you or someone else thinks you drink too much then chances are you do

I drink far less now that I do 2-4 hours of hard exercise on Saturday mornings. I don't drink during the week, not on Friday nights because I exercise and then on Saturday nights I'm generally too tired to drink much anyhow, so generally a couple on Saturday then a couple on Sunday.

So now I brew quality over quantity as one keg lasts about 2 months.

BTW I like the idea of the corn pics though!
So now I brew quality over quantity...

Yeah. We all do....

and just 'cause someone tells me i drink too much doesnt mean i drink too much. That just ********.

If we beleived everything other people said without using our own brains the world would be a fucken dive....

Rant over.

EDIT: when someone says they drink 1-2 a night but have 3 or so days off beer and they get 'buzzed' by that quantity, i find that hard to believe. Opening a can of worms i know, but thats my opinion.
In the same way that those that say that, also probably find it impossible to believe that big guys like me can honestly put away large amounts of beer without getting buzzed. Sometimes those people arent trying to be macho, they are teling the truth. I am deliberately leaving 'other' health problems generated by over consumption out of this.
IMO, any drug that affects the relationships in your life or threatens to significantly shorten it is worth worrying about. A few beers to relax in the evenings? Meh.

Some people's lives fall apart at the drop of a hat. Health authorities set guidelines like traffic authorities set speed limits - they're coddling those who are screw-ups and can't handle things. Just as I could easily sit on 180kph on the motorway safely (but don't) I appreciate that others are stopped from doing this. For most people, the sheer cost of alcohol is a deterrent to their drinking levels. With homebrewers, we don't have this - and that can open floodgates.

People who let substances rule them are going to do it regardless. If they didn't have booze or drugs they'd be spinning around in the back yard.

I knew a guy back in highschool who did an exchange thing with a kid in America. When they'd go to a party all the American kids would take a sixpack of 3% Bud; he'd arrive with a dozen full-strength and get mashed.

His billet's parents sent him to AA! :D They called his Dad and told him and his Dad went, "Huh? WTF? AA? He's been doing that since 15!"

But yeah, as homebrewers with access to massive amounts of beer for $15c a schooner - we have to be either constitutionally stable, or willful. Sometimes I'm glad alcohol gives hangovers; they're wakeup calls. Since I've been back into regular homebrewing I don't binge drink, and that's good for my health. Moderation is the best, but whether 2L of beer a night is moderate, that's anyone's guess.
Yes, I'd been missing my bag. But now I'm back to the good old sheet o voile I'll be a lot happier :icon_cheers:
Yes, I'd been missing my bag. But now I'm back to the good old sheet o voile I'll be a lot happier :icon_cheers:

45 mins into the mash of my first Biab bribie!
2-3 pints, sometimes more on days off and brew days.

I'm comfortable with it. It doesn't impact much on my/family life, except my waistline. I guess it could impact on my health down the track? I could also walk under a bus tomorrow.
I've got a drinking problem.

I have two hands but only one mouth
My missus seems to think Im becoming an alcoholic because I drink 1-3 glasses of beer a night. Ive tried telling her thats normal for a lot of guys I know and often they drink more but shes not buying it. So I decided to do a poll so I can prove it to her.
Please don't fudge your figures just so I can prove a point. I am really interested to know how much beer you drink per night.

Edit: To change poll choices slightly.

Edit: Again to change stubbies to glasses. We will assume a glass is 330ml worth so equal to one stubbie..
hey Tru..if that is her in your avatar...I would do whatever she says.

I'm a 1-4/night guy and i get pretty pissed on weekends.

The big deal is when you start hiding your drinking and try to drink away hangovers.

I thought it was a rule to have one from the last batch to toast the next.

Cheers...I think I will

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