crackers said:
thanks GMK,
thats the info i was after,
how many grams do you add for dry hopping to impart the hop flavour thru?
I only dry hop with pellets - not plugs.
depending upon the beer style, i dry hop with usually 25 gms for Pilsners, lagers, amber ales.
The heavier beers 35 gms and sometimes 50 gms for the big heavy stouts, IPA and APA.
I have found taht i need more hops and have to leave it CC longer to the same amount of flavour and aroma. Could be the latest batch of hops - might also be a bit older the hops, also noted that lately th epellets float more and dont settle as well as they used to. Hence, my pre keg filter contraprtion.
Hence, why i CC for closer to 3-4 weeks now.
I also taste every week and sometimes add more.
The longer the hops are in contact with the wort = the more hop flavourand aroma.
The hop flavour aroma decreases as the beer ages/conditions - while the malt flavour/profile increases. Due to the hop volatiles decaying.
The aim is to drink the beer when the 2 are in balance. This also accounts for you can over dry hop because the hop flavour will diminish -
this is here for the people who think ou can have too much hop flavour.