Hop Dealz Australia

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Excellent, will be placing an order then.

Thanks yob, you don't have to answer all these minor questions (or anything else for that matter), much appreciate letting us know.
Yo Yob,

Any update on the CTZ? You posted a couple of weeks ago that they were coming soon. I need some. I need it like a drug. I've got the CTZ shakes. :blink:
Should be coming through with the Cascade.. I assume it's not today as Ive not had a phone call, fingers crossed for tmoz..
Thanks Yob, ordered hops on Tuesday received hops safe and sound today!

Awesome service and will definitely be buying again! Look forward to giving mosaic or victoria a go this weekend.

7 New Cultivars added to the Store page >HERE< ...not an endless supply so first in best dressed on these Dealz :)

Will be listed later this evening when I can get a mo to add to the site..

Quick update,

T-58 Now stocked and have just got in Calypso Hops, there was a bit of a discussion >HERE< I could see.

Impressions from packing some up was a Piney / Spicey kind of Simcoe x Centennial kind of thing... It's effing torture that I cant brew ATM :(​ .. maybe I can do a MidnightBrew on the weekend :unsure:

Just when you're back in stock of Cascade pounds you're out of centennial pounds! Aaargh!

Expecting more Centennial any time soon Yob?
Not sure if it's my browser, but I just reloaded the page 3 times and shut and opened browser and there's still no 450 gram Centennial. Ok to PM with order??
yeah sure, no probs.. will have another look at it.

Ed: Ive just been in and re-organised into alphabetical order, let me know if this helps and you can now see it... I didnt realise that I had so many starting with "C"

:beerbang: Got my Styrians today mate! Sealed so beautifully, I couldn't smell anything on the outside of the packaging. Can't wait to rip it open on the weekend! :beerbang:

Not true all those things they say about you, Yob! :lol: Mega-huge awesome thanks!!!
I finally got around to brewing with the Sylva - man, that is one great hop smell wise.

I know all the hops you have are great, but I really really really like this one. Made a cross between a Munich Lager and Vienna Lager, sort of any way.

And cheap as chips.


You k ow, the one that surprised the **** outa me was the Helga, not at all what I expected and can't wait to use them in something… problem (such that it is) is that I'm now starting to have a few around that I've no experience with so makes it hard to comment ON a personal level as to my thoughts on them.. Sylva is another of those in that boat..

So much to brew, so little time… lol
I see what you did there haha

Yob said:
Impressions from packing some up was a Piney / Spicey kind of Simcoe x Centennial kind of thing... It's effing torture that I cant brew ATM :(​ .. maybe I can do a MidnightBrew on the weekend :unsure:
hey Yob,

for those of us not too intelligent, how do I pick the fastway courier as the mail option ?