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Yob said:
Packing right now... damn its sticky stuff man.. doesnt show too well in the photo but I think you can see it clear enough.. that resin on my hand is from packing a single 450g bag... by the time I finish the rest of them I'll not be able to touch anything without sticking to it :lol:

Sticky Icky.JPG
Might be time to invest in some disposable gloves.
Protect the hops from your oils, as well as protecting your fingers from the hop oils.
Yob said:
I can source 189 but only in bricks, as Ive already stated I dont trust that I can split in a perfect environment (or close to) so I wont do so.

Yob, I know you're busy with new baby, but when you have more time you could try and fabricate a cheap and simple inert atmosphere chamber. As long as it seals well you can flush it out with a burst of CO2 (or Nitrogen preferably).

Put the yeast brick inside, along with scales, vacuum sealer and mylar bags. Flush with gas and open up the brick, split into smaller quantities and start repackaging.

(Probably overkill, but also think about the need to put a heap of something like silica gel inside to dehumidify the interal environment. Because when opended the dry yeast will draw in moisture from the environment and partially rehydrate - not sure how dry the CO2 we get in gas bottles is).

Thats a large volume of CO2 you'd have inside, so would need to ensure new baby is not playing on the floor when you open it up afterwards and the gas drops to the floor.

(Come to think of it, a chamber like this would be ideal when the baby first goes on to solid food, and the nappies are full of that nasty stinky mustard poop. Put baby inside and hook up an extracter fan to outside :) )

You'd build a separate chamber for the baby poop or just bung it in with the yeast?
@ Feldon, I have thought through what Id need to do it, but the dry yeast supply is a service Im looking at is a 'by request' service and not intended as a revenue stream as such.. I feel getting into splitting yeast is just simply too complicated and to risky for the services I currently offer.. pre packaged yeast I can pass on with faith and assurance that any resultant issues with someone's beer will not be directed back at me... I feel that the overall risks are too great especially as Im still developing the business and a string of "You infected my beer with ya dodgy bloody yeast" I can do without. ;)

Hay, maybe things will change down the line, who knows, but ATM I wont look much further into it than pre packaged.

Appreciate the thoughts though man, Cheers

A quick note to make you aware that Ive now listed several dry yeasts on the site, Ive listed them at the price Ive paid over the counter for them as a temporary gap filler until my order of Safale Yeasts (as discussed) comes in.

Im not ruling out continuing to get the Danstar products over the counter and passing them along at cost until alternate supply can be gained.

Anywhoo, dry yeast, now listed and I will continue to expand range over the coming weeks.

Craftbrewer started out selling a few hops, I heard.

So within a few years you'll be selling everything and running a small micro brewery and driving a Ferrari like Ross.

I expect you'll also lose most of your hair. :D
erm.. having a look now, will have to sort something out for a yeast only thing.. Im in the final stages of re organising all the postage and rates (and service), ATM it will fall under the $2.60 shipping bracket.

I may as well take this opportunity to post an update on that Service.

It looks as though I might have to do away with it, there have been a few disgruntled (and rightly so) customers who have opted for a couple of 110g bags and they have taken anywhere up to a week and a half to arrive, Its bloody deplorable, especially to and from melbourne :blink:

I havnt yet lost one of those packs but it has come close. The only option I can see is that every package has tracking, this will clearly have an impact on the postage cost of those smaller purchases. ie: there will be no difference between buying 110g and 500g as far as postage goes.

It's unfortunate but overall safer for everybody.

Nick JD said:
Craftbrewer started out selling a few hops, I heard.

So within a few years you'll be selling everything and running a small micro brewery and driving a Ferrari like Ross.

I expect you'll also lose most of your hair. :D
And start wearing a dress !
hard to do currently as Im just getting them over the counter myself, (discussed a page or two back)

something I can look at when my own supply line comes in mate, but for now I cant offer that. The packs offered ATM are at cost so I'd actually be losing $$ to offer it for less.

As already stated, this is meant as a complimentary service, not a revenue stream, being done by request rather than by focus of the business.. and to be perfectly honest, Im offering the Danstar today because I got ****** with a supplier and their attitude and felt that if they didnt want to supply me.. well they couldnt STOP me either.. hence the purchase over the counter and pass on at cost.

Hope that makes sense. Im still looking at a a few days to stock the other Yeasts as mentioned earlier and can look at that once that has come in mate.

Ah ok, so you don't want to take a loss for us :p ? I use a brick of Notto and a US05. Saves a lot of money for sure but it would be nice to be able to get 1/5 of a block or something - a whole block is a lot of yeast :D
I hope you keep the snail male option for smaller quantities as it means they are still cost effective if only buying one packet/small orders.

Maybe just have a disclaimer and offer it as optional.

I would be prepared to risk delayed arrival and others may feel the same :beer:
The problem is mate, I can write all the disclaimers in the world, but if a package doesnt turn up, the client gets really ******.. how are they assured I even sent it?

Im still looking at my options for it and hopefully I can find a good middle ground.

ok yob in regards to repacking yeast and revenue stream. kill 2 birds with one stone. here's what you do.

setup a druglab. outsourcing it is fine. now you have the facilities in which is fine for repacking yeast. and you get a revenue stream to supplement the over the counter price of your danstar and you can even sell it at a small loss.

now not only does it kill 2 birds with 1 stone. it kills 3. you now have an outsourced business that operates on delivering packages around melbourne and possibly interstate (esp if you outsource it to some bikers). screw aus post have them courier around your hops etc. easy
My hops arrived yesterday safe and sound Yob. Ordered them Friday, I think, so no problems from this local buyer. Packages were still vacuum sealed, clearly labelled and could only just smell the hops through packaging. Good service mate.

Those Victoria flowers look good. The last time I had that much resin on my hands I rolled it into a ball and smoked it. :icon_drool2: But those days are long gone. Put that all behind me. Made a choice and... what dear? yes dear. Coming dear...
You may have been smelling the residue on the outside of the bags, the bags once split, are packed back into the orig. Mylar foils, then back in the orig. box, then into the freezer. as the packs are stored in the orig. packaging they can sometimes get a bit of dust etc. aroma on the packaging.

Glad everything was in order.. let me know how you get on with the flowers.. there's a few brews done with them now but not sure if anybody drinking the resultant beer yet.
