Hag Xmas Case

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where do you live loftboy.

Les or i may be able to help you out with bottles. I have shedloads of them i dont use anymore and there are about 400 to 500 bottles at my parents place that are my brothers that he has said i can have iff i want.

let me know

some are in newey, some are in lochinvar



The offer of bottles is much appreciated. I've never been able to accumulate tallies, because I don't drink that size & work never buys them either - only stubbies.

I live @ Cardiff & work in Newcastle West, so anywhere around Newcastle or suburbs would be fine for a pickup. My neighbour also homebrews with tallies (he got me started in this caper !), so if they are a few around I could give some to him.



That may create difficulty when you get 2 crates of longnecks from the swap. How will your fridge cope?
Can the bottles lie on their side, and fit in the fridge?

You see, it's not all about your fridge. It's also about my fridge, and bigfridge's fridge and (shudder) Keith the Moravian Swearing Bear's fridge, and all the other lonely beer fridges out there.

If the only issue is that you have no tallies, please feel free to arrange some from me or Tony, or Stephen (of this very forum). Any more questions? Apologies if this sounds a bit sarky. It's not, I swear. The below comments for /// are definitely on that wavelength though.


Like I said with Tony's offer, some tallies would be good to have around & I will put my Christmas brew into them if they become available in the next week.

As for space in the fridge, I'll make room for the beer for this Christmas !!.

If you have some spares to offload, anywhere around Newcastle & suburbs is fine for pickup.

Thanks for the offer,

1. Les/ Weizguy - Aventinus weizenbock-style ale. (Either that or another ale/prototype for the HAG 2008 brew).
2. Offline - Style undecided as yet
3. goatherder - Imperial Pilsner
4. David L - American IPA
5. Keith - either my fabulous APA or some wheat/alcohol/belgian/alcohol monstrosity;
6. Scotty - Ninny Lager
7. Sammus - dunno yet, probably a saison, or an american pale if the saison fails.
8. MHB - have to test the new LCBA clone on someone
9. nooch - no idea yet.
10. Tony - ESB
11 - Trent - you know I wouldn't miss it. Hopefully I will brew something drinkable
12 - Peve - Probably American Pale (Golden)
13 - Insight? - Belgian Witbier
14 - Punter- Not sure yet, something drinkable.
15 - Craig - not sure yet.
16 - Head - Not too sure, still on training wheels. Maybe Irish Red.
17 - Snagler - Not sure as yet, Beer???
18 - Shmick - Strong Danish lager??? need to think about it.
19 - Leeboy - Either a American Amber Ale, Californian steam ale or a Russian Imperial Stout (with brewers liquorice)
20. Danny Boy - 'Sugarloaf Sweet'
21. Pok - Unknown.... most probably a clone as I am still K&K with a bit of experimenting.. basically in for experience and some feedback. May put in a golden ale clone or something....suggestions welcome???
22. Loftboy - Hahn Premium Clone. Like 'pokolbinguy', I'm still K&K & want to do this for the experience & feedback.

Update 6th Oct - Many thanks to MHB for donating some longnecks for the case swap.
1. Les/ Weizguy - Aventinus weizenbock-style ale. (Either that or another ale/prototype for the HAG 2008 brew).
2. Offline - Style undecided as yet
3. goatherder - Imperial Pilsner
4. David L - American IPA
5. Keith - either my fabulous APA or some wheat/alcohol/belgian/alcohol monstrosity;
6. Scotty - Ninny Lager
7. Sammus - dunno yet, probably a saison, or an american pale if the saison fails.
8. MHB - have to test the new LCBA clone on someone
9. nooch - no idea yet.
10. Tony - ESB
11 - Trent - you know I wouldn't miss it. Hopefully I will brew something drinkable
12 - Peve - Probably American Pale (Golden)
13 - Insight? - Belgian Witbier
14 - Punter- Kolsch
15 - Craig - not sure yet.
16 - Head - Not too sure, still on training wheels. Maybe Irish Red.
17 - Snagler - Not sure as yet, Beer???
18 - Shmick - Strong Danish lager??? need to think about it.
19 - Leeboy - Either a American Amber Ale, Californian steam ale or a Russian Imperial Stout (with brewers liquorice)
20. Danny Boy - 'Sugarloaf Sweet'
21. Pok - Unknown.... most probably a clone as I am still K&K with a bit of experimenting.. basically in for experience and some feedback. May put in a golden ale clone or something....suggestions welcome???
22. Loftboy - Hahn Premium Clone. Like 'pokolbinguy', I'm still K&K & want to do this for the experience & feedback.

I brewed a nice summer drinking Kolsch today for the swap. Its a nice beer and will be great for summer.
Looked at the calender at work today and i'm working on the 15th of Dec. :angry: Will get that switched on Monday B)
Hi guys, I'm a noob here but a Newcastle local. Is it ok for another K&K to still join this party? I'm a regular shopper at MHB and I'm keen to meet some other local brewers.
hi Schooey, as far as I'm concerned anyone that enjoys a good beer, and shops at MHB should definately consider joining the crew. Might even motivate you to go AG when you taste some of the produce... i'm going to brew this Tuesday a big American Amber Ale. Should come in at about 6.8% with 60ibu's, mark tells me though that promash is a bit off, so might be more or less than that. Forget which way it goes, to high or too low. Anyway fella's its a beer I've done b4 and possibly my fav...
Im a lazy bastard and couldn'y be bothered to look through the whole post. How many bottles (800ml) is needed to participate?

And while I'm taking charge, I'd like to see a max of 28 participants/ combatants, all using 750 - 800ml bottles.
Backup positions will need to be available too, in case of unforeseen calamity.

Let the fun begin!

Les the weizenologist

great response guys

22 currently because thats how many are in the case swap at present. Will depend upon how many more people will join.
Also a big thanks to Potter's Brewery for the HAG day there recently. Even sent my father in law there last weekend while he was up at the vineyards and he doesn't have a diverse palate for beer, sticks to new/vb and he loved the place/beers.
Peace out.
hi Schooey, as far as I'm concerned anyone that enjoys a good beer, and shops at MHB should definately consider joining the crew. Might even motivate you to go AG when you taste some of the produce...

OK cool, count me in. I'll probably go with a tried and tested wheat beer recipe. This should be fun :D
welcome schooey. Copy and paste the last instance of the list into a post with your name and beer at the end.
1. Les/ Weizguy - Aventinus weizenbock-style ale. (Either that or another ale/prototype for the HAG 2008 brew).
2. Offline - Style undecided as yet
3. goatherder - Imperial Pilsner
4. David L - American IPA
5. Keith - either my fabulous APA or some wheat/alcohol/belgian/alcohol monstrosity;
6. Scotty - Ninny Lager
7. Sammus - dunno yet, probably a saison, or an american pale if the saison fails.
8. MHB - have to test the new LCBA clone on someone
9. nooch - no idea yet.
10. Tony - ESB
11 - Trent - you know I wouldn't miss it. Hopefully I will brew something drinkable
12 - Peve - Probably American Pale (Golden)
13 - Insight? - Belgian Witbier
14 - Punter- Kolsch
15 - Craig - not sure yet.
16 - Head - Not too sure, still on training wheels. Maybe Irish Red.
17 - Snagler - Not sure as yet, Beer???
18 - Shmick - Strong Danish lager??? need to think about it.
19 - Leeboy - Either a American Amber Ale, Californian steam ale or a Russian Imperial Stout (with brewers liquorice)
20. Danny Boy - 'Sugarloaf Sweet'
21. Pok - Unknown.... most probably a clone as I am still K&K with a bit of experimenting.. basically in for experience and some feedback. May put in a golden ale clone or something....suggestions welcome???
22. Loftboy - Hahn Premium Clone. Like 'pokolbinguy', I'm still K&K & want to do this for the experience & feedback.
23. Schooey - Wheat beer

Done.... ;)
This is my first swap, so I'd like to know what the go is with bottle labelling. Can I just put my number (7) on the cap?
Umm, a bit scary... Not hot, is it?

Tell us a bit more about this pale ale b4 we decide.


I was thinking something similar to the before mentioned Ninny Larger, only with Ale yeast and fermented at around 28-30C (room temp) ;)

I was thinking something similar to the before mentioned Ninny Larger, only with Ale yeast and fermented at around 28-30C (room temp) ;)


would have to be a home brand kit though
Im a lazy bastard and couldn'y be bothered to look through the whole post. How many bottles (800ml) is needed to participate?
Lazy very, very lazy.

I'd like to fix the date as Saturday 15th December, after consulting the shop owner.

And while I'm taking charge, I'd like to see a max of 28 participants/ combatants, all using 750 - 800ml bottles.
Backup positions will need to be available too, in case of unforeseen calamity.

Let the fun begin! :D

Les the weizenologist :p

I'm betting there are a few more lurkers out there who will make up the numbers, so plan on 28 bottles!

If your one of the lurkers I'm talking about, don't be shy, come on out, have some fun, enjoy some beer - weird or wonderful, or maybe even both!

Happy Brewing,
