1. Les/ Weizguy - Aventinus weizenbock-style ale. (Either that or another ale/prototype for the HAG 2008 brew).
2. Offline - Style undecided as yet
3. goatherder - Imperial Pilsner
4. David L - American IPA
5. Keith - either my fabulous APA or some wheat/alcohol/belgian/alcohol monstrosity;
6. Scotty - Ninny Lager
7. Sammus - dunno yet, probably a saison, or an american pale if the saison fails.
8. MHB - have to test the new LCBA clone on someone
9. nooch - no idea yet.
10. Tony - ESB
11 - Trent - you know I wouldn't miss it. Hopefully I will brew something drinkable
12 - Peve - Probably American Pale (Golden)
13 - Insight? - Belgian Witbier
14 - Punter- Not sure yet, something drinkable.
15 - Craig - not sure yet.
16 - Head - Not too sure, still on training wheels. Maybe Irish Red.
17 - Snagler - Not sure as yet, Beer???
18 - Shmick - Strong Danish lager??? need to think about it.
19 - Leeboy - Either a American Amber Ale, Californian steam ale or a Russian Imperial Stout (with brewers liquorice)
20. Danny Boy - 'Sugarloaf Sweet'
21. Pok - Unknown.... most probably a clone as I am still K&K with a bit of experimenting.. basically in for experience and some feedback. May put in a golden ale clone or something....suggestions welcome???
Les said ... "I'd like to fix the date as Saturday 15th December, after consulting the shop owner"....
Just to let you all know I am flying to Kuala lumpar on the 16th so the 15th may not be a good day for myself but I am hoping to have it off. If it is going to be later, or at a time I can't fit in, I will make sure I can get my beers to MHB and as a group you can sort the logistics out.
The only problem I have is bottles... I gave mine away to another AHB member.. maybe tony with his 500 bottles can help me out tongue.gif ... seeing I gave all mine away ... And anyway they will get used for something good in the end anyway.
Cheers Pok.