Hag Xmas Case

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I'd like to fix the date as Saturday 15th December, after consulting the shop owner.

Les the weizenologist :p

I will be interstate on that date. :(
I would still like to participate though.
Should be able to find someone willing to drop off, pick up and sample beer if needed.


I only bottle in stubbies (not enough room in our fridge for tallies). Do you think a swap of 2 stubbies for 1 tallie would be acceptable ?.



That may create difficulty when you get 2 crates of longnecks from the swap. How will your fridge cope?
Can the bottles lie on their side, and fit in the fridge?

You see, it's not all about your fridge. It's also about my fridge, and bigfridge's fridge and (shudder) Keith the Moravian Swearing Bear's fridge, and all the other lonely beer fridges out there.

If the only issue is that you have no tallies, please feel free to arrange some from me or Tony, or Stephen (of this very forum). Any more questions? Apologies if this sounds a bit sarky. It's not, I swear. The below comments for /// are definitely on that wavelength though.

Sotty (or is that Scotty?),

I read somewhere that Saccharomyces means sugar-yeast, so I suppose they will ferment it. Having said that, please check your final gravity to avoid bottle bombs, especially if planning to add double sugar to each bottle for carbonation and extra strength.


You can offload the beer before the swap, or someone can attend the event as your proxy. They may get sick of the beer banter and constant questions about what they most recently brewed/ all-grain recipes/ attenuation/ refractometer readings and who brewed the biggest beer this year.

You can check with Mark to see if he is willing/ has capacity or space, to nurse your share for a while until you return from another state.

Note: Good to see the case going ahead, but it was never intended as the pirate NSW Xmas case swap. So don't get paranoid about it. However Charles Manson had a cute saying that goes, "Total paranoia is total awareness".
I think there's something in that for all of us, hmmm?

Philosopher Seth :p
Sotty (or is that Scotty?),

I read somewhere that Saccharomyces means sugar-yeast, so I suppose they will ferment it. Having said that, please check your final gravity to avoid bottle bombs, especially if planning to add double sugar to each bottle for carbonation and extra strength.

Pure gold!
Just make sure to add 1.5kg of sugar to boost the alcohol, I dont want any wimpy beers in this swap. Maybe I will do a Bi-Lo draught, but with 2kg sugar. I'm pretty tough, ya know.


make sure you firment it with the packet yeast at 26 deg so its done and drinkable in a week.

I just bought some target, challenger, northdown, first gold and EKG for the ESB.

MMMMMMM im doing 46 liters of this so i have some for myself :)

Now to order the yeast...... that yummy english yeast.

1. Les/ Weizguy - Aventinus weizenbock-style ale. (Either that or another ale/prototype for the HAG 2008 brew).
2. Offline - Style undecided as yet
3. goatherder - Imperial Pilsner
4. David L - American IPA
5. Keith - either my fabulous APA or some wheat/alcohol/belgian/alcohol monstrosity;
6. Scotty - Ninny Lager
7. Sammus - dunno yet, probably a saison, or an american pale if the saison fails.
8. MHB - have to test the new LCBA clone on someone
9. nooch - no idea yet.
10. Tony - ESB
11 - Trent - you know I wouldn't miss it. Hopefully I will brew something drinkable
12 - Peve - Probably American Pale (Golden)
13 - Insight? - Belgian Witbier
14 - Punter- Not sure yet, something drinkable.
15 - Craig - not sure yet.
16 - Head - Not too sure, still on training wheels. Maybe Irish Red.
17 - Snagler - Not sure as yet, Beer???
18 - Shmick - Strong Danish lager??? need to think about it.
19 - Leeboy - Either a American Amber Ale, Californian steam ale or a Russian Imperial Stout (with brewers liquorice)
20. Danny Boy - 'Sugarloaf Sweet'
Sotty (or is that Scotty?),

I read somewhere that Saccharomyces means sugar-yeast, so I suppose they will ferment it. Having said that, please check your final gravity to avoid bottle bombs, especially if planning to add double sugar to each bottle for carbonation and extra strength.

I know - why worry about that malt stuff at all?? No use letting malt get in the way of the yeast. I know, I have a large box of nutrient and some Iso-Hop and sugar is well cheap at Aldi.... and .... and.... and...

Les, I'll make sure that the bottle has a warning label on it for the pending explosions.... maybe ship a pair of safety glasses with each bottle???

I know - why worry about that malt stuff at all?? No use letting malt get in the way of the yeast. I know, I have a large box of nutrient and some Iso-Hop and sugar is well cheap at Aldi.... and .... and.... and...

Les, I'll make sure that the bottle has a warning label on it for the pending explosions.... maybe ship a pair of safety glasses with each bottle???


That's the attitude that'll make you welcome at this HAG Case event.

You'll be able to attend an informal ceremony to swap the beers, yes?

So this Ninny lager will be a "Pure Blonde" clone? Excellent. Don't forget to post the recipe in AHB recipes, OK?
I hope all the other case beers will not be too bland for you.

Les out :p

That's the attitude that'll make you welcome at this HAG Case event.

You'll be able to attend an informal ceremony to swap the beers, yes?

So this Ninny lager will be a "Pure Blonde" clone? Excellent. Don't forget to post the recipe in AHB recipes, OK?
I hope all the other case beers will not be too bland for you.

Les out :p

Hey, don't knock Pure Blonde Les... It is Australlia's finest lager, I had the rep tell me himself! If Scotty can get anywhere near it he's onto a winner :rolleyes:

This is the funniest thread I have read in AGES. It belongs in the humour section!
Keep em coming, lads. Shawn, are you gonna see if you can attend, or is it too early to tell? Be good to have ya back for a weekend to catch up with the lads.
just did some serious research on my case beer

no ninny sugar beasts here.


edit: This actually tasted and smelt like a half version of my IIPA so those rulls apply.

I tasted it while smelling the hops (challenger, northdown and EKG and smelt the beer whill sniffing the same hops.

I recon ive got it sorted to get close.

Will be big nice ESB all the same.

BEtter than paying $7.49 for a pint :eek: <_<

bugger them... i will make it myself and youguys can taste it too. going to make a 46 liter batch so i hav e some to enjoy too.


With the bottles guys.....I just noticed in the NSW case swap post that Champaigne style bottle were not to be used. Is that the go for the HAG swap also. And if that is so, out of curiosity why?

Hi all,

I am not yet doing AG brewing but would love to be included in the swap for both constructive critisism and also a bit of education from other brewers. Can I join??? Not sure on style... mayble a clone of some type to keep everyone happy....

We are swapping in milk crates. Milk crates fit 14 longnecks quite snugly. 28 people is the maximum amount of swappers, and hence, 2 milk crates each, full of beer.
Champagne bottles are bigger, and can only fit 9 odd bottles per crate, hence 3 crates would be needed per person, and everyone would have to use champers bottle. If one or 2 people used champers bottles, they wouldnt be able to fit in the crates, and then the other 12 or 13 bottles in the crates wouldnt be fit so snugly, and could risk breakages, and th eextra hassle of a few (up to 28 or 56) extra single bottles running around.
To a person much more sober than me - its all about logistics and ease of transport/transfer.
If that doesnt make sense, PM me, and I will answer tomotrrow when I am soberer.
All the best
PS Pok - I am sure ya can enter. Just cut and paste the last post that has the names and beers of brewers, and add your name and brew as the next number. Simple. T.
Jump in Pok. You'll get some quality feedback (there's a bunch of bjcp qualified judges in the swap) and some good beers to drink.

Ken, champagne bottles weren't allowed because most brewers don't have the facilities (cappers and such) to reuse them after the swap (edit - and what Trent said about crate size). I'll put up a vote for the same rule in the Hag swap - I'm not all that interested in getting champagne bottles back. Agree/disagree anyone?
Yeah Pok, throw your hat in the ring.
Not only do we have BJCP judges in the crew but a batch of excellent judges, if I may say so.
Put your name on the list or be forever regretful.

Ken/ head, it's about all the stuff Trent and goatherder mentioned. I can provide some 780 -800 ml bottles if you want, or I'm happy with Coopers amber PET bottles unless someone else wants to complain, but Champagne bottles are mostly unworkable. Sorry, dude.

I'll second goatherder.
Any ideas for sourcing the ubiqitous milk crates????

1. Les/ Weizguy - Aventinus weizenbock-style ale. (Either that or another ale/prototype for the HAG 2008 brew).
2. Offline - Style undecided as yet
3. goatherder - Imperial Pilsner
4. David L - American IPA
5. Keith - either my fabulous APA or some wheat/alcohol/belgian/alcohol monstrosity;
6. Scotty - Ninny Lager
7. Sammus - dunno yet, probably a saison, or an american pale if the saison fails.
8. MHB - have to test the new LCBA clone on someone
9. nooch - no idea yet.
10. Tony - ESB
11 - Trent - you know I wouldn't miss it. Hopefully I will brew something drinkable
12 - Peve - Probably American Pale (Golden)
13 - Insight? - Belgian Witbier
14 - Punter- Not sure yet, something drinkable.
15 - Craig - not sure yet.
16 - Head - Not too sure, still on training wheels. Maybe Irish Red.
17 - Snagler - Not sure as yet, Beer???
18 - Shmick - Strong Danish lager??? need to think about it.
19 - Leeboy - Either a American Amber Ale, Californian steam ale or a Russian Imperial Stout (with brewers liquorice)
20. Danny Boy - 'Sugarloaf Sweet'
21. Pok - Unknown.... most probably a clone as I am still K&K with a bit of experimenting.. basically in for experience and some feedback. May put in a golden ale clone or something....suggestions welcome???

Les said ... "I'd like to fix the date as Saturday 15th December, after consulting the shop owner"....

Just to let you all know I am flying to Kuala lumpar on the 16th so the 15th may not be a good day for myself but I am hoping to have it off. If it is going to be later, or at a time I can't fit in, I will make sure I can get my beers to MHB and as a group you can sort the logistics out.

The only problem I have is bottles... I gave mine away to another AHB member.. maybe tony with his 500 bottles can help me out tongue.gif ... seeing I gave all mine away ... And anyway they will get used for something good in the end anyway.

Cheers Pok. :)