Change the way you use your chiller, I presume your immersion chiller is a SS or copper coil. Do it the other way around. Pass the wort through the chiller, immerse the chiller in something like a 20 L bucket with the ability to pass cooling water in and out. Not as efficient for sure but more convenient. Depending on temperatures, when cooling slows stop cooling water supply and ad ice to the bucket. I often cool this way to 12C. When at pitching temp if possible isolate the chiller so the pump is not restricted and really let your whirlpool spin up for a few minutes. Shut pump off and wait. I usually wait 50+ mins. You will have clear wort with a big cone of shame in the center. Position your intake about 80mm of the bottom (needs to be done before) not connected to the helix. Start transfer to fermenter at full speed. When wort level is close to the intake. Stop. Using a sanitised mash paddle push the intake down into the helix T-piece, no seal required. Restrict pump to a very slow flow, you can now get the last few liters out with no goop in your fermenter. This way the helix only has to filter a small quantity of the total wort and is unlikely to block. Latest brew, I did not bother with the T piece and just pushed the intake down between the helix and the edge. Seemed to work just as well. To get the last bit of precious wort tilt the vessel slowly, cone of shame should not get sucked in.