Glad wrap lids

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Prince Imperial said:
I guess ferm-cam™© would essentially record yeast rooting. Rooting, then gorging on sugar. Sounds like my sex life during my 20s come to think of it.
Beer Porn!?
hotmelt said:
I feel that camera should be illegal, I could only imagine what people are doing with them, being so creepy and affordable. I've caught people doing some weird arse **** at random times on my big bulky game camera I used to mount around my farm. That thing is tiny, it would for perfectly in a Curves change room Bribie, hell you could mount a few at different angles for that price :)
Bribie G said:
Might get my friend Alison to sneak one into the changing room at Curves.
You have a fatty fetish? Don't get me wrong... they're all gods creatures... just some a lot more than others.
Spiesy said:
I stumbled across them when looking for cheap helmet cams, realised they've probably got a much more likely use by some pervs...
slcmorro said:
You have a fatty fetish? Don't get me wrong... they're all gods creatures... just some a lot more than others.
We prefer to be called chubby chasers, thank you very much
hellbent said:
a huge nippleless breast and to touch it and feel the firmness!.........
This is why I like these forums. You just don't get these comparisons elsewhere!
Billowing > Bubbling.
Opaque = Mistake
See Through = Good Brew
seamad said:
Glad wrap is way cool.

Glad wrap.jpg

Black IPA pitched with wyeast scottish less than 24 hours ago
Can't do that with an airlock
End of argument.
Nice! Looking at this has anyone used the defoaming stuff?
Doe's it work?
sp0rk said:
We prefer to be called chubby chasers, thank you very much
Chinese Proverb:

Thin women for looking at
Fat women for lying on.
That looks messy, I had something similar in my last brew but perhaps not quite as vigorous.

Still sterile enough inside though I reckon...

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