Glad wrap lids

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I used glad wrap once. Got an infection. But only because I dropped a plate of biscuits and cheese on it...
A question- I put down a brew a few nights ago and realised that I was out of glad wrap. My fridge wont fit a fermenter with an airlock so I went with the next best thing- Alfoil.

So far so good but what is the consensus on using foil in place of gladwrap? No tears or anything in the foil which I imagine is the biggest concern but I would think it does the same thing.

Aim is to cover so stuff doesn't get in but yeast farts still get out.
alfoil will be just fine, don't prick or tear it.
I'd say the original lid without a hole and without the germ harbouring o-ring will do fine too. Just screw on and leave be.
I used paper towel for my first few brews, then I read about gladwrap. I ferment in cubes, so paper towel may not work where there is a big hole.
The way to think about it is you want to stop actual particles, like the dust and **** that float in the air, from getting into your beer. You shouldn't be sealing your fermentor airtight, but you need to have an "umbrella".
Have used glad and foil. Possibly prefer foil as it keeps out uv light. Again, both work - just don't leave it like that for ages once active primary has wound down.
have been looking at those stainless brew buckets from SS, and first thought was, I wonder if I need a wider roll of glad wrap? :huh:
Flash_DG said:
have been looking at those stainless brew buckets from SS, and first thought was, I wonder if I need a wider roll of glad wrap? :huh:
You know they come with a lid, right?
Rob.P said:
only down side I have noticed is I don't hear the bloop bloop any more, Since my fermenting freezer is under the house and I wouldn't be able to hear it anyway - no issue
You may miss the "Bloop Bloop" but doesn't it give you a great thrill to check your brew next morning after pitching and see the gladwrap ballooning up like a huge nippleless breast and to touch it and feel the firmness!......... Ya don't get that with a bloody airlock!
Plus the gladwrap is free!......(Providing you knock it off out of SWMBO's kitchen!)
Flash_DG said:
have been looking at those stainless brew buckets from SS, and first thought was, I wonder if I need a wider roll of glad wrap? :huh:
You can buy wider, industrial glad wrap on eBay for cheap. That's what I use. It is stronger strength than the supermarket stuff and doesn't tear as easily, too.
Flash_DG said:
have been looking at those stainless brew buckets from SS, and first thought was, I wonder if I need a wider roll of glad wrap? :huh:

Spiesy said:
You know they come with a lid, right?

Maybe they could make a lid with a perspex window and give buyers the op
Maybe a small, sanitizable ferm-cam™© that feeds to wifi and a phone app so you can check it anywhere. Could also provide a time-lapse option to facilitate further AHB pissing contests
I like it. Ferm-Cam™©, will be ordered online from the U.S. by several brewers for $700 a pop, then a clone thread will start up with detailed instructions of how to mod a Go-Pro and create your own "Krausen-Cam". Then a revolutionary movement will swell to restore order to the universe and retain the magic of the yeast, the "No Vis" movement, whereby receiving any visual stimuli of the yeast doing its work whatsoever is considered imprudent. Etc etc etc.
Flash_DG said:
oh serious!? So I'll be able to see in with the lid on?
I don't understand the need to constantly see what's going on, to be perfectly honest.
Sure, it would be nice - but I'm not going to replace the gasket fitted stainless lid with blowoff tube for a glad wrap substitute.

I take a few gravity readings to see where my brew is at.

If I need to, I can open the lid to take a peak (and/or dry hop) - it's super easy with the clasp system the buckets have.

Just my personal preference, of course.
I think when you first start brewing it is simply awesome to watch the yeast do their thing. But you get over it. Some people sooner than others.
Spiesy said:
I don't understand the need to constantly see what's going on, to be perfectly honest.
Sure, it would be nice - but I'm not going to replace the gasket fitted stainless lid with blowoff tube for a glad wrap substitute.

I take a few gravity readings to see where my brew is at.

If I need to, I can open the lid to take a peak (and/or dry hop) - it's super easy with the clasp system the buckets have.

Just my personal preference, of course.
You know my first post was meant to be a bit of tongue in cheek. :D
Forever Wort said:
Then a revolutionary movement will swell to restore order to the universe and retain the magic of the yeast, the "No Vis" movement, whereby receiving any visual stimuli of the yeast doing its work whatsoever is considered imprudent. Etc etc etc.
I guess ferm-cam™© would essentially record yeast rooting. Rooting, then gorging on sugar. Sounds like my sex life during my 20s come to think of it.

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