Fricken lasers on their heads

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I've seen rats near the size of a possum before.

Brushtail possum.

No traps for them: mines
Haven't seen it mentioned yet, unless I missed it, but non-working fridges and freezers are said to make good rodent-proof grain storage. Haven't done it myself, as I had a good ratter named Oscar, but he died a couple weeks ago so we'll see. He was awesome. One night he brought me 4 rats. Left them in a pile in the front yard.
Gelding said:
A word of caution. I lost a pooch to just one of these blocks. Its very slow acting so I only found out it had been ingested way too late. And I though I'd placed it in a safe area... :huh: .
ive got chooks and a dog they are best put outta the way from either they have a hole through them so tap a 3 inch nail in and slip one over works well
there two breeds of rats basically rattus rattus roof rat climb anywhere and rattus norvegus Norway rat bigger digs holes shorter tail
I've mainly had mice here because of chook feed all over the place
hard to combat with so much food laying around
... Told you not to move....
Get a carpet python and stick him on guard duty. Highly effective and wont cause allergies or **** behind your telly.
I have heard python **** is a good repellent.
You can buy it online and put a piece here and there.
Kingy said:
My dog caught this the other night it's unbelievable how big this thing was, I'm glad it didn't find my grain. I live 1 street away from the swamp/wetlands, it must've came in from down there. I reckon it would've ate my chickens.
ImageUploadedByAussie Home Brewer1489909723.139170.jpg
Please note: I didn't consume that beer it was only used for photographic purposes.
I'm afraid that's one of the good guys. Bandicoot.
They will eat the odd mice. Oh well, Cant exactly teach a dog the difference between a rodent and an Aussie native. Your dog must have been so proud to think he killed the King of Rats!
Can you hang the buckets/ sacks and use a metal disc as they do with tie ropes on ships so the mice/ rats can't get past?
Danscraftbeer said:
I'm afraid that's one of the good guys. Bandicoot.
They will eat the odd mice. Oh well, Cant exactly teach a dog the difference between a rodent and an Aussie native. Your dog must have been so proud to think he killed the King of Rats!
Bandicoots. can be a tick hosts and if you have a dog off to the vet to spend a couple of thousand dollars or you could contact lyme disease
tugger said:
I have heard python **** is a good repellent.
You can buy it online and put a piece here and there.
there you go- get a whole python and you can sell its turds. Can't do that with cat ****.

wynnum1 said:
Bandicoots. can be a tick hosts and if you have a dog off to the vet to spend a couple of thousand dollars or you could contact lyme disease
Umm pretty sure dogs can be tick hosts too. You are paying too much for your tick medication too.
I was constantly getting mice and big rats.

They never ate the grain or chewed through the bins. I think the smell of grain attracted them.

Switched to 220l olive barrels with gasket and screw lid. Haven't seen one in 8 months since.

Poisons to avoid are warfarin. They seem to be immune. The wax blocks have served me well.

Mice and rats don't like mint. Not sure if that's a way if masking the scent of grain.
Update: pic says it all. Little f$*ker didn't make it through the bucket with the tile on top - but he might next time.

So: trap on top. The traps were in there last night, and two had been set off, but no catch.

I've also allowed access to the cat - he previously wasn't able to get in there at night. Slightly worried he might get caught in the traps so they're now all on top of buckets.
