i recently moved house, coming from somewhere that had no issues with rodents. I quickly discovered we had mice in the new house and had to do a bit of a cleanup a few times after they chewed their way though grain bags.
Most of my grain is stored in those Bunnings buckets (pictured) - air tight, food safe, convenient etc. I moved the 25kg grain bags into some plastic bins from Bunnings - "problem solved!" said I, self-congratulatorily.
I double-checked this morning - as I had been caught out on two previous occasions by the mice finding grain that I didn't know I had (still in boxes after the move and so on).
And this is what I found.
I'm utterly stumped as to what to do next. We might have to move house.
Suggestions welcome.
Note that I put down some poison/bait a few weeks ago - but they're not going to touch that while there's grain around.